在 MDT 官方 Blog 看到了解决办法需要修改 ZTIUtility.vbs,找到下面的字段范围:  
Case Else
' Case &h800704C3 ' Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed.
' Case &h8007052E ' Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.
' There was a some kind of fatal error.
If ErrDesc <> "" then
             MapNetworkDriveEx = ErrDesc
             MapNetworkDriveEx = "Unable to map UNC Path " & sShare & " :" & "( 0x" & hex(HasError) & " ) "
End if
oLogging.CreateEntry MapNetworkDriveEx & "", iLogType
Exit function
End select
Case Else
On Error Resume Next
oNetwork.MapNetworkDrive  chr(sDrive)&":", sShare, False
HasError = err.number
ErrDesc = err.Description
On Error Goto 0
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
' There was a some kind of fatal error.
             If ErrDesc <> "" then
                                        MapNetworkDriveEx = ErrDesc
                                        MapNetworkDriveEx = "Unable to map UNC Path " & sShare & " :" & "( 0x" & hex(HasError) & " ) "
             End if
             oLogging.CreateEntry MapNetworkDriveEx & "", iLogType
                           Exit function
      MapNetworkDriveEx = chr(sDrive)&":"
      Exit Function
End If
End select
若要解决用户状态迁移问题,编辑 Ztiuserstate.wsf 文件在部署共享资源下,scripts 文件夹中的。此外,编辑 Ztiuserstate.wsf 文件 计划 Files\Microsoft 部署 Toolkit\Templates\Distribution\Scripts 文件夹中。 在 $ 记事本中打开该文件并替换下面的代码在 Main 函数中:
ElseIf oEnvironment.Item("UDShare") <> "" and oEnvironment.Item("UDDir") <> "" then
            oEnvironment.Item("StatePath") = oEnvironment.Substitute(oEnvironment.Item("UDShare") & "\" & oEnvironment.Item("UDDir"))
End if
ElseIf oEnvironment.Item("UDShare") <> "" and oEnvironment.Item("UDDir") <> "" then
            oUtility.ValidateConnection oEnvironment.Substitute(oEnvironment.Item("UDShare"))
            oEnvironment.Item("StatePath") = oEnvironment.Substitute(oEnvironment.Item("UDShare") & "\" & oEnvironment.Item("UDDir"))
End if