




C:\Users\HU>pip search smtplib
pycopy-smtplib (0.0.1)       - Dummy smtplib module for Pycopy
micropython-smtplib (0.0.1)  - Dummy smtplib module for MicroPython
secure-smtplib (0.1.1)       - Secure SMTP subclasses for Python 2
smtplibaio (2.1.2.post1)     - An async version of smtplib
easyemail (0.4.0)            - Simple lib abstracting email sending with smtplib.
mailclient (0.2.0)           - Simplified use of smtplib for Python. Easy email sending.
xsmtplib (1.0.1.dev0)        - An extension of standard smtplib, which supports proxy tunneling
PyEmail (0.0.1)              - Python library to send emails using SMTPLIB library
  INSTALLED: 0.0.1 (latest)
personal (0.1.1)             - Easy, secure self notification via email and sms, using smtplib and twilio
py-emails (1.1.0)            - Simple wrapper around email and smtplib for composing and sending email messages in an
                               intuitive, simple interface.
drymail (0.0.6)              - Drymail is a minimalist wrapper over Python’s existing smtplib and email
                               libraries, designed to be friendly but unrestrictive.
ld-smtp (1.0.2)              - Este modulo ira realizar o envio de e-mail utilizando o smtplib.


C:\Users\HU>pip install py-emails