20.23 告警系统邮件引擎(上)



log=$1 t_s=date +%s t_s2=date -d "2 hours ago" +%s if [ ! -f /tmp/$log ] then echo $t_s2 > /tmp/$log fi t_s2=tail -1 /tmp/$log|awk '{print $1}' echo $t_s>>/tmp/$log v=$[$t_s-$t_s2] echo $v if [ $v -gt 3600 ] then ./mail.py $1 $2 $3 echo "0" > /tmp/$log.txt else if [ ! -f /tmp/$log.txt ] then echo "0" > /tmp/$log.txt fi nu=cat /tmp/$log.txt nu2=$[$nu+1] echo $nu2>/tmp/$log.txt if [ $nu2 -gt 10 ] then ./mail.py $1 "trouble continue 10 min $2" "$3" echo "0" > /tmp/$log.txt fi fi  


[root@linux-01 mon]# cp /usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts/mail.py mail/mail.py [root@linux-01 mon]# cat mail/mail.py

#!/usr/bin/env python #-- coding: UTF-8 -- import os,sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') import getopt import smtplib from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from subprocess import * def sendqqmail(username,password,mailfrom,mailto,subject,content): gserver = 'smtp.163.com' gport = 25 try: msg = MIMEText(unicode(content).encode('utf-8')) msg['from'] = mailfrom msg['to'] = mailto msg['Reply-To'] = mailfrom msg['Subject'] = subject smtp = smtplib.SMTP(gserver, gport) smtp.set_debuglevel(0) smtp.ehlo() smtp.login(username,password) smtp.sendmail(mailfrom, mailto, msg.as_string()) smtp.close() except Exception,err: print "Send mail failed. Error: %s" % err def main(): to=sys.argv[1] subject=sys.argv[2] content=sys.argv[3] ##定义QQ邮箱的账号和密码,你需要修改成你自己的账号和密码(请不要把真实的用户名和密码放到网上公开,否则你会死的很惨) sendqqmail('mike_linux66@163.com','aaaaa','mike_linux66@163.com',to,subject,content) if name == "main": main()

#####脚本使用说明###### #1. 首先定义好脚本中的邮箱账号和密码 #2. 脚本执行命令为:python mail.py 目标邮箱 "邮件主题" "邮件内容"

[root@linux-01 mon]# vim mail/mail.sh 写入上面 mail.sh内容

20.26 运行告警系统

[root@linux-01 bin]# sh -x main.sh

  • export send=1
  • send=1 ++ grep -A1 'ens33: ' ++ awk '/inet/ {print $2}' ++ /sbin/ifconfig
  • export addr=
  • addr= ++ pwd
  • dir=/usr/local/sbin/mon/bin ++ echo /usr/local/sbin/mon/bin ++ awk -F/ '{print $NF}'
  • last_dir=bin
  • '[' bin == bin ']'
  • conf_file=../conf/mon.conf
  • exec

[root@linux-01 mon]# cat log/err.log main.sh: line 23: /bin/bash  ../shares/502.sh: No such file or directory ++ date '+%F %T'

  • echo '2018-06-06 20:52:58 load average'
  • /bin/bash ../shares/load.sh
  • grep -q to_mon_502=1 ../conf/mon.conf ++ grep logfile= ../conf/mon.conf ++ awk -F = '{print $2}' ++ sed 's/ //g'
  • export log=/data/log/xxx.xxx.com/access.log
  • log=/data/log/xxx.xxx.com/access.log
  • /bin/bash  ../shares/502.sh main.sh: line 23: /bin/bash  ../shares/502.sh: No such file or directory

[root@linux-01 bin]# vim ../conf/mon.conf

to config the options if to monitor


to_mon_cdb=0   ##0 or 1, default 0,0 not monitor, 1 monitor db_ip= db_port=3315 db_user=username db_pass=passwd

httpd   如果是1则监控,为0不监控


php 如果是1则监控,为0不监控


http_code_502  需要定义访问日志的路径

to_mon_502=0 logfile=/data/log/xxx.xxx.com/access.log

request_count   定义日志路径以及域名

to_mon_request_count=0 req_log=/data/log/www.discuz.net/access.log domainname=www.discuz.net

[root@linux-01 mon]# vim bin/main.sh

#!/bin/bash #Written by aming.


export send=1


export addr=/sbin/ifconfig |grep -A1 "ens33: "|awk '/inet/ {print $2}' dir=pwd


last_dir=echo $dir|awk -F'/' '{print $NF}'


if [ $last_dir == "bin" ] || [ $last_dir == "bin/" ]; then conf_file="../conf/mon.conf" else echo "you shoud cd bin dir" exit fi #exec 1>>../log/mon.log 2>>../log/err.log echo "date +"%F %T" load average" /bin/bash ../shares/load.sh #先检查配置文件中是否需要监控502 if grep -q 'to_mon_502=1' $conf_file; then export log=grep 'logfile=' $conf_file |awk -F '=' '{print $2}' |sed 's/ //g' /bin/bash  ../shares/502.sh fi

[root@linux-01 bin]# sh -x main.sh

  • export send=1
  • send=1 ++ grep -A1 'ens33: ' ++ awk '/inet/ {print $2}' ++ /sbin/ifconfig
  • export addr=
  • addr= ++ pwd
  • dir=/usr/local/sbin/mon/bin ++ echo /usr/local/sbin/mon/bin ++ awk -F/ '{print $NF}'
  • last_dir=bin
  • '[' bin == bin ']'
  • conf_file=../conf/mon.conf ++ date '+%F %T'
  • echo '2018-06-06 21:14:06 load average' 2018-06-06 21:14:06 load average
  • /bin/bash ../shares/load.sh 21:14:06 load is 0
  • grep -q to_mon_502=1 ../conf/mon.conf

[root@linux-01 shares]# sh load.sh 21:14:58 load is 0

[root@linux-01 mail]# vim ../shares/load.sh

#!/bin/bash ##Writen by aming## load=uptime |awk -F 'average:' '{print $2}'|cut -d',' -f1|sed 's/ //g' |cut -d. -f1 if [ $load -gt 10 ] && [ $send -eq "1" ] then echo "$addr date +%T load is $load" >../log/load.tmp /bin/bash ../mail/mail.sh mike_linux666@163.com "$addr_load:$load" cat ../log/load.tmp fi echo "date +%T load is $load"