



对应参数描述: instr('源字符串' , '目标字符串' ,'开始位置','第几次出现'),返回目标字符串在源字符串中的位置。后面两个参数可要可不要。



select instr('zhangsan', 'h') as idx from dual; --2


android模糊查询like 模糊查询不用like用什么_like


select instr('zhangsan','an') idx from dual; --3


android模糊查询like 模糊查询不用like用什么_android模糊查询like_02


select instr('zhangsan','a',1,'2') idx from dual; --7


android模糊查询like 模糊查询不用like用什么_like_03


select instr('zhangsan','a',-1,1) idx from dual;  --7


android模糊查询like 模糊查询不用like用什么_字符串_04


select instr('zhangsan','a',-1,2) idx from dual;   --3


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a. instr(字段,'关键字') > 0    相当于 字段like '%关键字%':        表示在字符串中包含‘关键字’
b. instr(字段,'关键字') = 1    相当于 字段like '关键字%'            表示以‘关键字’开头的字符串
c. instr(字段,'关键字') = 0    相当于 字段not like '%关键字%'  表示在字符串中不包含‘关键字’

下面通过一个示例说明like 与 instr()的使用比较:


with temp1 as (
select 'zhangsan' as name from dual),
temp2 as (
select 'zhangsi' as name from dual),
temp3 as (
select 'xiaoming' as name from dual),
temp4 as (
select 'xiaohong' as name from dual),
temp5 as (
select 'zhaoliu' as name from dual)

select * from (select * from temp1 
union all
select * from temp2
union all
select * from temp3
union all
select * from temp4
union all

select * from temp5) res where res.name like '%zhang%'


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(1) 查询字符串中包含‘zhang’的结果:

with temp1 as (
select 'zhangsan' as name from dual),
temp2 as (
select 'zhangsi' as name from dual),
temp3 as (
select 'xiaoming' as name from dual),
temp4 as (
select 'xiaohong' as name from dual),
temp5 as (
select 'zhaoliu' as name from dual)

select * from (select * from temp1 
union all
select * from temp2
union all
select * from temp3
union all
select * from temp4
union all

select * from temp5) res where instr(res.name,'zhang') > 0;

android模糊查询like 模糊查询不用like用什么_like_07

(2) 查询字符串中不包含‘zhang’的结果:

with temp1 as (
select 'zhangsan' as name from dual),
temp2 as (
select 'zhangsi' as name from dual),
temp3 as (
select 'xiaoming' as name from dual),
temp4 as (
select 'xiaohong' as name from dual),
temp5 as (
select 'zhaoliu' as name from dual)

select * from (select * from temp1 
union all
select * from temp2
union all
select * from temp3
union all
select * from temp4
union all

select * from temp5) res where instr(res.name,'zhang') = 0;

android模糊查询like 模糊查询不用like用什么_instr_08

(3) 查询以‘zhang’开头的字符串:

with temp1 as (
select 'zhangsan' as name from dual),
temp2 as (
select 'zhangsi' as name from dual),
temp3 as (
select 'sizhangsan' as name from dual),
temp4 as (
select 'xiaohong' as name from dual),
temp5 as (
select 'zhaoliu' as name from dual)

select * from (select * from temp1 
union all
select * from temp2
union all
select * from temp3
union all
select * from temp4
union all

select * from temp5) res where instr(res.name,'zhang') = 1;

android模糊查询like 模糊查询不用like用什么_like_09


select id, name from users where instr('a, b', id) > 0;
select id, name
  from users
 where id = a
    or id = b;
select id, name from users where id in (a, b);



create table test_instr_like as 
select rownum as id,'zhangsan' as name 
from dual
connect by level <= 100000;

create index idx_tb_name on test_instr_like(name);


select * from TEST_INSTR_LIKE t where t.name like '%zhang%'

总耗时: 60秒

android模糊查询like 模糊查询不用like用什么_android模糊查询like_10


select * from TEST_INSTR_LIKE t where instr(t.name, 'zhang') > 0;


android模糊查询like 模糊查询不用like用什么_oracle_11


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