

这项拟议的规则制定通知指出,“BCI 提供了增强型或有线大脑与外部设备之间的直接通信途径,具有双向信息流。” BCI 可能涉及一个过程,在这个过程中,大脑信号被获取、分析,然后被转换成以下命令:(1)用于控制机器; (2) 可能转移给其他人; (3) 用于人工评估或增强。 BCI 技术有医疗应用,也有在多媒体、娱乐等领域的潜在应用。该通知指出,这项技术还有可能用于“在军事上用于提高人类士兵的能力,包括协作以改进决策、辅助人类行动以及先进的有人和无人军事行动。”

该通知列出了 BIS 正在征求公众意见的 12个问题。如果在任何回复中讨论了特定的 BCI 系统,BIS 要求评论者说明此类系统的有效性(例如,关于验证、评估、错误检测和按预期操作的能力,适用于所有类型的个人)。 BIS 还征求意见以帮助其确定:(1) BCI 技术的哪些方面更有可能需要美国政府进行监控; (2) 在该技术广泛用于商业应用之前,是否需要制定具体的美国政府政策和法规以及行业标准。最后,BIS 欢迎就 BCI 技术的出口管制是否应以多边(而不是单边)实施的意见,以提高其有效性并尽量减少对美国工业的影响。



(1) What specific uniform standards for BCItechnology would need to be adopted to ensure their application on a globalbasis (i.e., as international standards for BCI technology)?


(2) Where does the development of BCI inthe United States stand with respect to other countries (e.g., is the UnitedStates on the forefront of BCI technology development)?


(3) Is BCI technology currently availablefor commercial use in certain foreign countries and, if so, where and for whatspecific purposes (e.g., have foreign companies already developed devices orchips for specific commercial applications)?

(3) BCI 技术目前是否可以在某些国家/地区用于商业用途,如果是,在哪里以及用于什么特定目的(例如,外国公司是否已经开发出用于特定商业应用的设备或芯片)?

(4) Has the current stage of developmentwith respect to invasive and/or non-invasive BCI technology reached the pointat which such technology is ready for commercial production and use?

(4) 侵入性和/或非侵入性 BCI 技术的当前发展阶段是否已达到该技术可用于商业生产和使用的地步?

(5) Is the main progress with respect tonon-invasive brain signal sensors being made in terms of real-time algorithmsdesigned to transform neural signals into commands (i.e., what is developingfaster: ‘‘software’’ (algorithms) or hardware (sensors))?


(6) What impact would the establishment ofexport controls on BCI technology have on U.S. technological leadership (i.e.,not only in the field of BCI technology, but overall) and would this impact bedistinctly different if controls were placed primarily on ‘‘software’’ asopposed to hardware, or vice versa?


(7) How is the future development ofartificial intelligence (AI) technology or other emerging technologies likelyto impact the development of BCI technology, or vice versa?


(8) What types of ethical or policy issuesare likely to arise from the use of BCI technology (e.g., for medical ormilitary purposes)?


(9) What kinds of risks and benefitscurrently exist, or are likely to arise, as a result of the application of BCItechnology?

(9) BCI技术的应用目前存在或可能产生哪些风险和效益?

(10) What are the potential advantages ordisadvantages of using invasive and non-invasive BCI chips/sensors and related‘‘software’’ (e.g., algorithms for signal processing) for specificapplications? To what extent would these advantages or disadvantages correspond(or differ) based upon whether invasive or non-invasive BCI chips/sensors and related‘‘software’’ were being used?


(11) Are there any BCI technologies thatare significantly more vulnerable than others to cybersecurity threats (e.g.,military systems employing BCI technologies that could adversely impact U.S.biodefense)?


(12) What is the potential for transmittedBCI data to be hacked or manipulated to influence the user or machine? Is suchdata inherently more vulnerable to hacking or manipulation than other forms ofdata? Would the invasive or non-invasive characteristics of BCI data have anyimpact on the potential vulnerability of such data?





