在开发HTTP 连网程序的时候经常会遇到 error 10053 during TCP read之类的错误,




12. Connection to server failed: Socket Error # 10060 
Connection to server failed: Socket Error # 10061 
Connection refused. 
Please disable or uninstall all installed antivirus and firewall software and retry upgrade operation. If the error persists, please ensure, that your internet provider is not using firewall also 
13. Authentication stage error: Socket Error # 10053 
Software caused connection abort. 
General TCP/IP failture occured. Please disconnect from internet (having your modem switched off for example), wait for 5-7 minutes and connect to internet again and retry upgrade process. 
14. Authentication stage error: Socket Error # 10054 
Connection reset by peer. 
TCP/IP connection to server from your PC is unstable. Please try to connect to internet via different internet provider. If you have no such possibility, please try to perform upgrade process several times until you get positive result. 