1. #include <time.h> long start=clock(),end(0); //ToDo:process code end=clock(); long result=(end-start)/1000 2. windows 平台 #include <windows.h> double start=getticktime(),end(0); //ToDo:process code end=getticktime(); double result=end-start; 3.windows 平台 #include <windows.h> LARGE_INTEGER frequency,start,end; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&frequency); QueryPerformanceCounter(&start); //ToDO:process code QueryPerformanceCounter(&end); double d = (double)(end.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / (double)frequency.QuadPart * 1000.0; 4.根据线程而来的 CThreadTime ElapsedTime; ElapsedTime.BeginGetElapsedTime(); //TODO: Your performance code int nThreadTine = ElapsedTime.EndGetElapsedTime(); 该类的实现如下: // This class is for getting the elapsed thread time of the CPU, the unit is ms // the usage is: // // CThreadTime ElapsedTime; // ElapsedTime.BeginGetElapsedTime(); // TODO: Your performance code // int nThreadTine = ElapsedTime.EndGetElapsedTime(); // #include <Windows.h> class CThreadTime { public: void BeginGetElapsedTime(); __int64 EndGetElapsedTime(); private: __int64 FileTimeToQuadWord(PFILETIME pft); private: FILETIME ftKernelTimeStart; FILETIME ftKernelTimeEnd; FILETIME ftUserTimeStart; FILETIME ftUserTimeEnd; FILETIME ftDummy; }; // Get the time elapsed since the thread start inline void CThreadTime::BeginGetElapsedTime() { GetThreadTimes(GetCurrentThread(), &ftDummy, &ftDummy, &ftKernelTimeStart, &ftUserTimeStart); } // Calculate the time elapsed inline __int64 CThreadTime::EndGetElapsedTime() { GetThreadTimes(GetCurrentThread(), &ftDummy, &ftDummy, &ftKernelTimeEnd, &ftUserTimeEnd); __int64 qwKernelTimeElapsed = FileTimeToQuadWord(&ftKernelTimeEnd) - FileTimeToQuadWord(&ftKernelTimeStart); __int64 qwUserTimeElapsed = FileTimeToQuadWord(&ftUserTimeEnd) - FileTimeToQuadWord(&ftUserTimeStart); // Get total time duration by adding the kernel and user times. // the default is 100ns, so we convert it to ms return (qwKernelTimeElapsed + qwUserTimeElapsed) / 10000; } inline __int64 CThreadTime::FileTimeToQuadWord(PFILETIME pft) { return (Int64ShllMod32(pft->dwHighDateTime, 32) | pft->dwLowDateTime); } |