Google has done it again. It has surprised everyone who thought they could crack Google's nomenclature and versioning rules. Following the current Android Froyo 2.2 update, the next major release was rumored as Gingerbread (version 3.0). However, AndroidCentral guys spotted a reply by Android Security Engineer in Google Android Code Issues thread that stated Android 2.3 is a "major release" and this patch will be available then.

Next major Google Android released version 3.0 has been
reportedly dubbed as Gingerbread. But before that update arrives, several patch family updates succeeding Froyo 2.2 would be released by Official Android Project Developers. Google Android's "issues" repository carried a Wi-Fi related bug problem thread. In that thread, Android Project Member stated:

"Yes, Android 2.3 is a "major release", and this patch will be available then."

So it's obvious that the Android 2.3 release will be available soon but it's still not clear whether it would be called Gingerbread or something else. But the emphasis on "major release" has surely got us interested.

We did
report about Android 3.0 version in works and specific details like at least a 1GHZ CPU, 512MB RAM and a 3.5-inch or larger display (1280x760) were listed too. The Gingerbread update was rumored to be released by the end of this year or early next year.

As of now, it's unclear whether Android 2.3 is Gingerbread update. Google Developers write their own rules to name any update. Watch the official Android Developer video that shows the arrival of Gingerbread Effigy at Google office.

谷歌已经做了一遍。谁能想到他们能破解谷歌的名称和版本控制规则,这令谁都感到惊讶。随着当前的Android Froyo 2.2升级更新后,下一个主要版本有传言其也是华而不实的(版本3.0)。然而,AndroidCentral这家伙发现了一个由谷歌Android安全工程师在Android 2.3的代码问题线程的答复说是一个“重要版本”,这将提供修补程序,然后,谷歌Android发布的下一个重要版本3.0已报道属不实。但在此更新到来之前,一些家庭更新补丁成功升级Froyo 2.2将正式发布的Android项目开发。谷歌Android的“问题”信息库进行了Wi - Fi的线程相关的错误问题。在该线程,Android项目成员指出:


所以很显然,Android 2.3版本很快将推出,虽然目前仍不清楚是否会被称为不实。但是,对“重要版本”这观点肯定引起我们感兴趣。

我们没有关于Android 3.0版本的作品,像至少1GHz的CPU,512MB的RAM的标配和一个3.5英寸或更大的显示器(1280x760)上市过于报告。姜饼更新传闻中,今年年底或明年年初发布。

截至目前,还不清楚是否更新Android 2.3。谷歌开发者编写自己的规则来命名任何更新。官方Android开发者观看视频,显示的虚而不实在信息已经传到谷歌办公室。