
2010-11-27 星期六 晴朗


$find . -name 'core' -type f -exec rm {} /;

时,find -exec 命令会对每个匹配的文件执行一个单独的rm操作(execute a separate rm for each one), 正如你手动敲入下面命令:

rm ./bin/core
rm ./source/shopping_cart/core
rm ./backups/core


rm ./bin/core
rm ./source/shopping_cart/core
rm ./backups/core


rm ./bin/core ./source/shopping_cart/core ./backups/core

xargs,顾名思义,是对参数进行处理的命令。它的任务就是将输入行转换成下一个命令的参数列表。因此上面的find -exec命令可以改写成:

find . -name 'core' -type f -print | xargs rm

With this approach, xargs bundles together as many filename arguments as possible for submission to each invocation of rm that's needed, in compliance with the OS's maximum allowed size for an argument list. This means xargs is guaranteed not only to handle all the arguments, but also to use the smallest possible number of processes in doing so. For example, if each command can handle 100 arguments, and there are 110 filenames to process, there will be two invocations of the command, respectively handling 100 and 10 arguments.


forrest@ubuntu:~$ getconf ARG_MAX

这意味着xargs保证不会因为参数过多而挂掉。所以目前看来唯一需要保证的就是后面的命令支持多参数。比如前面说过的unzip,就不支持多参数,如果你使用xargs xxx.jar

forrest@ubuntu:~/work/intl-standalone/searchaddbuild/deploy/WORLDS-INF/lib$ unzip -l alibaba-intl-biz-account-api-1.0-Dev.jar
Archive: alibaba-intl-biz-account-api-1.0-Dev.jar
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
0 2010-11-24 19:43 META-INF/
147 2010-11-24 19:42 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
0 2010-11-24 19:42 com/
0 2010-11-24 19:42 com/alibaba/
0 2010-11-24 19:42 com/alibaba/intl/
0 2010-11-24 19:42 com/alibaba/intl/biz/
0 2010-11-24 19:42 com/alibaba/intl/biz/company/
931 2010-11-24 19:42 com/alibaba/intl/biz/member/api/exception/IllegalRegistInfoException.class
1055 2010-11-24 19:42 com/alibaba/intl/biz/member/api/AccountCoreInfoRemoteServiceContainer.class
2030 2010-11-24 19:42 com/alibaba/intl/biz/AccountCenterServicesLocator.class
467 2010-11-24 19:42 META-INF/INDEX.LIST
--------- -------
43764 51 files

但是如果你用xargs unzip,则会得到如下输出:

forrest@ubuntu:~/work/intl-standalone/searchaddbuild/deploy/WORLDS-INF/lib$ ls | xargs unzip -l 
Archive: activation.jar
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
--------- -------
0 0 files
forrest@ubuntu:~/work/intl-standalone/searchaddbuild/deploy/WORLDS-INF/lib$ find . -name "*.jar" -type f | xargs unzip -l
Archive: ./poi-scratchpad-3.0.jar
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
--------- -------
0 0 files


forrest@ubuntu:~/work/intl-standalone/searchaddbuild/deploy/WORLDS-INF/lib$ ls -exec unzip -l {} /;
ls: invalid option -- 'e'
Try `ls --help' for more information.
forrest@ubuntu:~/work/intl-standalone/searchaddbuild/deploy/WORLDS-INF/lib$ find . -name "*.jar" -type f -exec unzip -l {} /;
3041 2008-12-16 14:58 freemarker/core/AddConcatExpression$ConcatenatedHashEx.class
1102 2008-12-16 14:58 freemarker/core/AddConcatExpression$ConcatenatedSequence.class
3937 2008-12-16 14:58 freemarker/core/AddConcatExpression.class
1500 2008-12-16 14:58 freemarker/core/AndExpression.class
2463 2008-12-16 14:58 freemarker/core/ArithmeticEngine$BigDecimalEngine.class
8050 2008-12-16 14:58 freemarker/core/ArithmeticEngine$ConservativeEngine.class

ls -exec是有问题的,因为ls会将-e作为它的一个选项解释,即:ls -e



forrest@ubuntu:~/work_back/intl-standalone/searchaddbuild/deploy/WORLDS-INF/lib$ find -name "*.jar" | xargs -l unzip -l | grep napoli.properties

404 2010-11-16 17:11 META-INF/autoconf/biz-napoli.properties.vm

666 2010-11-27 01:49 biz/napoli.properties



forrest@ubuntu:~/work_back/intl-standalone/searchaddbuild/deploy/WORLDS-INF/lib$ ls | xargs -t -I {} mv {} {}.old
mv activation.jar activation.jar.old
mv activemq-core-5.2.0.jar activemq-core-5.2.0.jar.old

这一命令序列通过在每个名字结尾添加 .old 来重命名在当前目录里的所有文件。-I 标志告诉 xargs 命令插入有{}(花括号)出现的ls目录列表的每一行。


1. SVN提交代码,如果你用-exec提交每个文件,必然被BS。所以最好是用xargs:

$svn st | grep '^[AMD]' | cut -c9- | xargs svn ci -m "merge: test using xarge"


2. 将lib下面非jar包删除

forrest@ubuntu:~/work_back/intl-standalone/searchaddbuild/deploy/WORLDS-INF/lib$ ls | sed '/.jar/ d' | xargs rm -rf

3. 查找某个文件是否在jar包中

forrest@ubuntu:~/work_back/intl-standalone/searchaddbuild/deploy/WORLDS-INF/lib$ find -name "*.jar" -exec unzip -l {} /; | grep napoli.properties
404 2010-11-16 17:11 META-INF/autoconf/biz-napoli.properties.vm
666 2010-11-27 01:49 biz/napoli.properties


forrest@ubuntu:~/work_back/intl-standalone/searchaddbuild/deploy/WORLDS-INF/lib$ find -name "*.jar" -exec sh -c 'unzip -l $1 | xargs printf "$1   %s/n"' {} {} /; | grep napoli.properties
./alibaba-intl-commons-napoli-1.0-Dev.jar META-INF/autoconf/biz-napoli.properties.vm
./alibaba-intl-commons-napoli-1.0-Dev.jar biz/napoli.properties


forrest@ubuntu:~/work/intl-standalone/searchaddbuild/deploy/WORLDS-INF/lib$ find . -name "*.jar"  | xargs grep  napoli.properties
Binary file ./alibaba-intl-commons-napoli-1.0-Dev.jar matches

第三种方式——使用单反引号(``)作命令替换command substitution


forrest@ubuntu:~/work_back/intl-standalone/searchaddbuild_trunk/deploy/WORLDS-INF/lib$ unzip -l `find . -name "*.jar"`
Archive: ./poi-scratchpad-3.0.jar
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
--------- -------
0 0 files
forrest@ubuntu:~/work_back/intl-standalone/searchaddbuild_trunk/deploy/WORLDS-INF/lib$ for i in `find . -name "*.jar"`; do unzip -l $i | grep napoli.properties; done
404 2010-11-16 17:11 META-INF/autoconf/biz-napoli.properties.vm
705 2010-11-26 20:21 biz/napoli.properties