/// Describes how much cpu time a process has been getting
struct CpuUsage {
	/// Time that the process has executed in kernel mode in microseconds
	ulong kernelTimeUs;

	/// Time that the process has executed in user mode in microseconds
	ulong userTimeUs;

bool getCpuUsage(out CpuUsage r) {
	version(Windows) {
		void* currentProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
		FILETIME creationTime; // time that process was created
		FILETIME exitTime; // undefined if process has not exited
		FILETIME kernelTime; // ru_stime
		FILETIME userTime; // ru_utime
		if (GetProcessTimes(currentProcess, &creationTime, &exitTime, &kernelTime, &userTime) == 0) {
			return false; // GetLastError();
		ulong toMicroseconds(FILETIME ft)  {
			return (ft.dwLowDateTime | cast(ulong) ft.dwHighDateTime << 32) / 10;
		r.kernelTimeUs = toMicroseconds(kernelTime);
		r.userTimeUs = toMicroseconds(userTime);
	} else version(Posix) {
		rusage rusageStruct;
		if (getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rusageStruct) == -1) {
			return false; //errno
		auto toMicroseconds(timeval t) {
			return cast(ulong) t.tv_sec * 1_000_000 + t.tv_usec;
		r.kernelTimeUs = toMicroseconds(rusageStruct.ru_stime);
		r.userTimeUs = toMicroseconds(rusageStruct.ru_utime);
	return true;


version(Windows) {
	import core.sys.windows.windows;
	import core.sys.windows.psapi: PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS, GetProcessMemoryInfo;
} else version(Posix) {
	import core.sys.posix.sys.resource: rusage, getrusage, RUSAGE_SELF, timeval;
} else {
	static assert(0, "unsupported platform");