Configuring the Oracle Network Environment


you should be able to: Use Enterprise Manager to: 1、Create additional listeners 2、Create Oracle Net Service aliases 3、Configure connect-time failover 4、Control the Oracle Net Listener 5、Use tnsping to test Oracle Net connectivity 6、Identify when to use shared servers and when to use dedicated servers

Oracle Net configuration files : <Grid_home>/network/admin/listener.ora ./sqlnet.ora

more listener.ora
more sqlnet.ora ss -ln

windows cmd> tnsping

Tools for Configuring and Managing the Oracle Network: 1、Enterprise Manager Net Services Administration page 2、Oracle Net Manager 3、Oracle Net Configuration Assistant 4、Command line

例: $ . oraenv ORACLE_SID = [orcl] ? +ASM $ lsnrctl LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 30-JUN-2009 00:47:01 Copyright (c) 1991, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved. Welcome to LSNRCTL, type "help" for information.

LSNRCTL> help The following operations are available An asterisk () denotes a modifier or extended command: start stop status services version reload save_config trace spawn change_password quit exit set show*

$ lsnrctl <command name> $ lsnrctl start $ lsnrctl status

LSNRCTL> <command name> LSNRCTL> start LSNRCTL> status

LSNRCTL> show parameter service

LSNRCTL> change_password 设置监听密码

vim listener.ora

LSNRCTL>reload 重启才生效

Using SRVCTL to Start and Stop the Listener 使用 srvctl 起停监听 $ srvctl -h $ srvctl start listener $ srvctl stop listener $ srvctl start listener –l mylistener $ srvctl status listener $srvctl status listener
$crs_stat -t

Naming Methods 服务命名方式 Oracle Net supports several methods of resolving connection information: 1、Easy connect naming: Uses a TCP/IP connect string 2、Local naming: Uses a local configuration file 3、Directory naming: Uses a centralized LDAP-compliant directory server 4、External naming: Uses a supported non-Oracle naming service

1、 easy connect 简易连接 SQL> CONNECT hr/

2、Local naming Requires a client-side Names Resolution file Supports all Oracle Net protocols Supports advanced connection options such as: a. Connect-time failover b. Source routing c. Load balancing

SQL> CONNECT hr/hr@orcl


When Not to Use a Shared Server Certain types of database work must not be performed using shared servers: a. Database administration b. Backup and recovery operations c. Batch processing and bulk load operations d. Data warehouse operations

Configuring CommunicationBetween Databases 配置交互在DB之间 Sending data or messages between sites requires network configuration on both sites. You must configure the following: Network connectivity (for example, TNSNAMES.ora) Database links

CREATE DATABASE LINK <remote_global_name> CONNECT TO <user> IDENTIFIED BY <pwd> USING '<connect_string_for_remote_db>';

例: show con_name; alter session set contaioner=pdb; create database link ...... connect to ..... using .......; alter pluggable database pdb open;