I'm always here 
          Open my heart to iciba as a speech. 
            i'm always here 
          Open my heart to iciba as a speech.

To iciba, 
     i am always here. 
     we are alaways here. 
     with us,you will gain an eternal and lasting life,without an end;       
     with you,our life becomes tasteful,enriched and colorful. 
     i'm so grateful to encounter you as a kind friend in my life. 
     I dare say most of friends here want to show their gratitude to you just like me. 
     Indeedly,it's a world,a family with you, with me and with all of us.       
     Here,we can gain lots of things such as knowledge,wisdom,happiness,friendship...etc..       
    iciba,you bring us so many....       
    Now, during the time of iciba's one year birthday,Please let me show my blessing to iciba! 
   Happy Birthday!       
    Best wishes for you to enjoy your happy day everyday!       
    We love you and we are always here!     
    At last,Wish our iciba,our family's future is more beautiful and perfeact!       
    Guys,all friends here,let's work together to build our common family and cherish her as much as you can.Thanks! 
       I'm always here 