1. Appium




Appium支持Android和IOS自动化测试。 Appium支持Selenium
WebDriver的Api。 新手容易入门,但至少要熟悉java等一门语言。


可以参考的系统性资料较少 文本框输入速度慢,且不支持中文输入 仅仅支持UI测试,不支持单元测试等

2. Calabash
Calabash是一款用于移动应用程序的自动验收测试框架,可媲美Selenium WebDriver。需要注意的是,桌面的网络应用程序的交互和触屏的本机应用程序交互是完全不同的。Calabash仅为在触屏设备上运行的应用程序提供API。可在iOS和Android上使用。

3. Monkey Talk
MonkeyTalk软件测试工具由两部分构成:MonkeyTalk IDE 和 MonkeyTalk Agents。

MonkeyTalk IDE是Eclipse平台的工具,工能是:对iOS、Android程序进行录制、播放、编辑和管理功 能测试,测试的目标可以是模拟器,也可以是硬件设备;

MonkeyTalk Agents是测试IOS与Android的库文件,测试时必须放到程序中作为代理使用,测试时的所有动作都由这个代理向IDE传递;(说明: MonkeyTalk IDE与MonkeyTalk Agents是分开安装的,只有程序中安装了MonkeyTalk Agents,MonkeyTalk IDE才能发现这个程序并记录他的操作)

4. UI Automator

5. Frank

6. Robotium

7. Keynote Mobile Testing
说起Keynote大家一定会以为这是Apple Mac Pro中的一个应用,就像PowerPoint一样。

Keynote by Dynatrace is the leader in helping some of the world’s best
known brands make every mobile interaction count.

Keynote provides powerful cloud-based solutions for mobile app quality
and performance, enabling companies to reduce complexity, speed time
to market, integrate with agile development, and deliver flawless
mobile experiences that delight and amaze customers.

SIGOS is the leading provider for quality of service and quality of
experience testing, fraud detection and revenue assurance, serving
over 50% of the mobile network operators around the world.

SIGOS recently acquired Keynote’s Mobile Testing and Mobile App
Monitoring solutions, and will accelerate product innovations in
real-device testing, featuring powerful automation functionality that
integrates seamlessly with agile development tools.

它是一个移动测试工具,有助于确保移动应用在真实设备上的质量。 它是一个商业工具,提供移动应用程序的基于云计算的自动化,回归和功能测试。

8. TestObject

TestObject is now a part of Sauce Labs

On December 6, 2016 Sauce Labs acquired TestObject for their advanced mobile testing platform. Sauce Labs is the leader in automated testing for web and mobile applications with more than 4,000 customers running more than 1.3 million tests per day on its cloud-based platform. With the acquisition of TestObject, Sauce Labs has expanded its mobile offering and emerged as the only vendor providing automated and manual testing coverage across desktops, emulators, simulators and real devices for web, mobile, hybrid and native apps. The company is privately held with headquarters in San Francisco, California and has approximately 150 employees worldwide.

9. Selendroid

Selendroid 是一个 Android 原生应用的 UI 自动化测试框架。测试使用 Selenium 2 客户端 API 编写。

Selendroid 可以在模拟器和实际设备上使用,也可以集成网格节点作为缩放和并行测试。

10. Ranorex

Ranorex is a GUI test automation framework for testing of desktop, web-based and mobile applications. Ranorex is provided by Ranorex GmbH, a software development company for innovative software test automation solutions. Ranorex does not have a scripting language of its own, instead using standard programming languages such as C# and VB.NET as a base.


Automate the testing of desktop, web and mobile apps with Ranorex test automation software and manage your test cases with ease.

Ranorex Studio provides an all-in-one environment for developing Ranorex test automation software projects. In addition to common IDE features like a code editor, code completion and debugging. Ranorex Studio also integrates all of the Ranorex tools and the powerful Ranorex Library in one professional environment.

Ranorex Studio supports test implementation with C# and VB.NET. Regardless which language you use, the integrated Ranorex Recorder and Ranorex Object Repository automatically generate the right source code for your selected language.