iOS 跳转邮件 ios邮件怎么退出登录_java

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If you use Mail on your iPhone or iPad, then you’ve probably noticed it’s considerably difficult to delete messages — by default, there’s only an Archive button. There is a way, however, to move messages to the trash. It just isn’t very intuitive.

如果您在iPhone或iPad上使用邮件,则可能已经注意到删除邮件非常困难-默认情况下,只有“存档”按钮。 但是,有一种方法可以将邮件移到垃圾箱。 只是不是很直观。

Simply put, most of us don’t want to archive every single email message. In fact, a lot of email messages have no business in our inboxes. But if you go to your mail through “Mailboxes”, Apple has hidden that Delete button away, replacing it with a lonely Archive option:

简而言之,我们大多数人都不想存档每一封电子邮件。 实际上,很多电子邮件在我们的收件箱中都没有关系。 但是,如果您通过“邮箱”访问邮件,Apple会将“删除”按钮隐藏起来,而将其替换为一个孤独的“存档”选项:

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As you can see, there’s no option to delete the message from a mailbox. You can mark, move, or archive it. Deleting a message is just not an option.

如您所见,没有选项可以从邮箱中删除邮件。 您可以标记,移动或存档它。 删除消息只是一种选择。

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The key to deleting mail messages is to go in through the “Accounts” section. From here you can delete messages, but only if you do so from the “All Mail” folder.

删除邮件的关键是进入“帐户”部分。 您可以从此处删除邮件,但前提是您必须从“所有邮件”文件夹中删除邮件。

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Deleting mail must be performed from the Accounts view, and only within the All Mail folder. 删除邮件必须在“帐户”视图中执行,并且只能在“所有邮件”文件夹中执行。

Again, you have to access this folder from the Accounts view. You cannot delete messages from a single inbox or folder. It has to be done from All Mail.

同样,您必须从“帐户”视图访问此文件夹。 您不能从单个收件箱或文件夹中删除邮件。 必须从“所有邮件”中完成。

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Note, now in the All Mail view, when you tap the “Edit” button and select mail messages, the option to trash them will now be shown at the bottom-right corner of the screen.


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Unlike other folders, the All Mail folder will reveal the much-coveted Trash option when you tap the “Edit” button and select one or more messages. 与其他文件夹不同,当您点击“编辑”按钮并选择一个或多个邮件时,“所有邮件”文件夹将显示令人垂涎的“垃圾箱”选项。

You can also swipe messages left and quickly trash them that way. In any other view or mailbox, if you try to do this, it will simply archive the message.

您还可以向左滑动消息,并以这种方式快速将其丢弃。 在任何其他视图或邮箱中,如果尝试执行此操作,它将仅将邮件存档。

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If you tap the “Edit” button but don’t select any messages, the option shown in the bottom-right corner will be to “Trash All”. This is kind of like the nuclear option and should be handled cautiously. After all, you may want to delete some messages, but not necessarily all of them.

如果您点击“编辑”按钮但未选择任何消息,则右下角显示的选项将为“全部删除”。 这有点像核选择,应谨慎处理。 毕竟,您可能要删除一些消息,但不一定要全部删除。

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Deleting messages in Mail on your iPhone or iPad is as easy as that, but Apple sure doesn’t make it obvious. You can’t even change the default behavior from the settings.

在iPhone或iPad上的“邮件”中删除邮件就这么简单,但是Apple肯定不会使其变得显而易见。 您甚至无法从设置中更改默认行为。

(Turning on Delete in the Settings)

If you just want to enable delete and not jump through all the hoops, then you change the default swipe behavior in the Mail settings. Normally, when you swipe a message left, it will archive messages. By changing one small setting, it will delete them instead.

如果您只想启用删除功能,而不是跳过所有步骤,则可以在“邮件”设置中更改默认的划动行为。 通常,当您向左滑动消息时,它将存档消息。 通过更改一个小设置,它将删除它们。

First, tap open “Mail, Contacts, Calendars” in Settings and choose the account(s) you want to affect.


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In that account’s settings, tap on “Account”.


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Below Outgoing Mail Server, you will see an “Advanced” option, tap on that.


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Now, simply check “Deleted Mailbox” under the Move Discarded Message Into heading.


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Finally, make sure you go back to the account settings screen and tap “Done” in the upper-right corner so the new changes stick.


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That’s it, now the default swipe behavior will be to delete messages rather than archive them.


We hope you now enjoy your newfound mail deleting powers. You can finally start cleaning out those unwanted messages clogging up your inbox(es) without fear of keeping them archived where you’ll never look at or read them again.

我们希望您现在喜欢新发现的邮件删除功能。 您最终可以开始清除那些垃圾邮件,这些垃圾邮件会堵塞您的收件箱,而不必担心将其存档,以备以后查看或阅读之用。


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