有两种不同情景都被称为栈溢出,一种是栈中的数据被越界覆盖,wiki中称这种情况为stack buffer overflow。一种常用的黑客攻击手段--栈溢出攻击,就是通过栈越界访问,用事先设计好的数据覆盖正常栈里的内容。比如把保存函数返回地址的栈内存用某段黑客代码的地址覆盖,函数结束时不能正确返回,而是顺着被篡改的地址跳到黑客代码处,攻击者从而获得系统控制权,执行一些非法操作。这属于一种有意识的越界访问,但并没有真正溢出栈的存储空间的边界,只是破坏了栈内的数据。
而嵌入式软件需要注意另一种真正的栈溢出:所有栈空间都被填满,即真正的stack overflow。因为栈空间说到底就是一块固定大小的内存,当程序不断压栈,以至超出了系统预留的栈空间,压栈操作就可能越界覆盖其它内存功能模块,这就是真的栈溢出。
a. 递归函数调用
b. 过大的局部变量
Stack overflow mean:
Stack overflow, when too much memory is used on the call stack
Stack buffer overflow, when a program writes to a memory address on the program's call stack outside of the intended data structure, usually a fixed length buffer.
A stack overflow occurs when too muchmemory is used on the call stack. The call stack contains a limited amount of memory. The size of the call stack depends on many factors, including the programming language, machine architecture, multi-threading, and amount of available memory. When too much memory is used on the call stack the stack is said to overflow。This is usually caused by one of two types of programming errors.
a. Infinite recursion
The most common cause of stack overflows is excessively deep or infinite recursion.
An example of infinite recursion inC language: main() { main(); } .The main function calls itself until the stack overflows resulting in a segmentation fault.
b. Very large stack variables
The other major cause of a stack overflow results from an attempt to allocate more memory on the stack than will fit. This is usually the result of creating local array variables that are far too large. For this reason arrays larger than a few kilobytes should be allocated dynamically instead of as a local variable.
Stack overflows are made worse by anything that reduces the effective stack size of a given program. For example, the same program being run without multiple threads might work fine, but as soon as multi-threading is enabled the program will crash. This is because most programs with threads have less stack space per thread than a program with no threading support.