If you need to get a product price in Excel, you can use VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH to get the price from a lookup table, based on a product code. But what if you have two pieces of information, such as a product name, and a size, and you want to find the price based on that information? How can you do an Excel lookup with two criteria?

如果需要在Excel中获得产品价格,则可以使用VLOOKUPINDEX / MATCH根据产品代码从查找表中获得价格。 但是,如果您有两条信息(例如产品名称和尺寸),并希望根据该信息找到价格,该怎么办? 如何使用两个条件进行Excel查找?


A few years ago, I posted an example that shows how to check multiple criteria with INDEX and MATCH. There is a lookup table with columns for product code, item name, item size and the price.

几年前,我发布了一个示例,展示了如何使用INDEX和MATCH检查多个条件 。 有一个查找表,其中包含产品代码,商品名称,商品尺寸和价格的列。

Below the table, I entered "Jacket" as the item name and "Large" as the size. In cell E13, I need to find the price for that item and size.

在表格下方,我输入了“夹克”作为商品名称,并输入了“大”作为尺寸。 在单元格E13中,我需要找到该商品和尺寸的价格。

两个范围查找 如何设计索引_机器学习

(Find the Row That Matches)

To find the price, you have to check each row, with two tests:


  • Is the item name the same as the item in cell C13? (TRUE or FALSE)
  • Is the item size the same as the size in cell D13? (TRUE or FALSE)

If you multiply the result of those two tests in each row, the result is a 1 or a 0. The row with 2 TRUE results has a 1, and all other rows, with one or two FALSE results, show a zero.


With those formulas on the worksheet, you could use the MATCH function to find the 1 in column H, and return the price from that row.


两个范围查找 如何设计索引_两个范围查找 如何设计索引_02

(Do the Tests in a Formula)

Instead of adding extra columns to the worksheet, you can use an array-entered formula to do the tests, and the multiplication.


Here is the INDEX/MATCH formula that for this example.

这是此示例的INDEX / MATCH公式。


= INDEX(E2:E10,MATCH(1,(C13 = C2:C10)*(D13 = D2:D10),0))

NOTE: This is an array-entered formula, so press Ctrl + Shift + Enter, instead of just pressing the Enter key.

注意:这是一个输入数组的公式,因此请按Ctrl + Shift + Enter ,而不仅仅是按Enter键。

The MATCH function will find the 1 in that array of results, and the formula returns the price in that row.


(Video: Excel Lookup With Two Criteria)

First, this video shows how a simple INDEX / MATCH formula works. Then, the formula is changed, to work with multiple criteria. Simple formulas on the worksheet show why the MATCH function can find the correct row.

首先,该视频显示了简单的INDEX / MATCH公式的工作原理。 然后,更改公式,以使用多个条件。 工作表上的简单公式说明了为什么MATCH函数可以找到正确的行。

The timeline is below the video, and you can download the sample file to follow along.



0:00 Introduction


0:26 Lookup with One Criterion


1:52 Test Each Criterion


2:22 Test With a Formula


3:26 Multiply the Results


4:03 INDEX / MATCH Formula

4:03 INDEX / MATCH公式

5:20 Check the Formula


5:57 Get the Sample File


(Get the Excel Lookup With Two Criteria Sample File)

Visit the INDEX/MATCH page on my website to get the Excel Lookup With Two Criteria sample file. This is Example 4 in the sample file.

访问我网站上的INDEX / MATCH页面 ,以获取带有两个条件的Excel查找示例文件。 这是示例文件中的示例4。

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2016/05/26/excel-lookup-with-two-criteria/