Disk space is low zabbix调整 disk space used_数据库


Disk space is low zabbix调整 disk space used_数据库_02

If you like to monitor disk space usage on your Windows system, then you are probably going to be rather unhappy when a noticeable chunk of disk space is suddenly and mysteriously filled. What is a good way to find out what has eaten up that disk space? Today’s SuperUser Q&A post has some helpful suggestions for a frustrated reader.

如果您想监视Windows系统上的磁盘空间使用情况,那么当突然又神秘地填充了一块明显的磁盘空间时,您可能会感到不满意。 有什么好办法找出耗尽了该磁盘空间的内容? 今天的“超级用户问答”帖子为沮丧的读者提供了一些有用的建议。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

Screenshot courtesy of HDGraph.


(The Question)

SuperUser reader Archa wants to know how to find out what types of data are slowly, but surely, consuming disk space on his computer:


For weeks and probably months, I have regularly checked to see how much disk space is still available on my Windows 8.1 system. Over the past few weeks, I have mysteriously lost almost seven GB of disk space (going from 850 GB to 843 GB).

在数周甚至数月的时间里,我定期检查Windows 8.1系统上仍然有多少磁盘空间。 在过去的几周中,我神秘地丢失了将近7 GB的磁盘空间(从850 GB变为843 GB)。

Of note, I recently stopped a computer update, which took up approximately six GB of space. This update appeared to have stalled and never completed installing. I do not download any software and only download a few pictures now and then. Yet, the amount of available disk space still appears to be slowly dropping.

值得注意的是,我最近停止了计算机更新,该更新大约占用了6 GB的空间。 此更新似乎已停止并且从未完成安装。 我不下载任何软件,仅偶尔下载一些图片。 但是,可用磁盘空间量似乎仍在缓慢下降。

How can I determine where this additional data is coming from?


How do you find out what types of data are consuming disk space on your computer?


(The Answer)

SuperUser contributor Maximillian Laumeister has the answer for us:

超级用户贡献者Maximillian Laumeister为我们提供了答案:

To figure out what is using up disk space on your computer, use a piece of software that scans the disk and shows all your directories by size.


If you like pie graphs, use HDGraph. It presents your disk usage in a circular pie chart form:

如果您喜欢饼图,请使用HDGraph 。 它以圆形饼图形式显示您的磁盘使用情况:

Disk space is low zabbix调整 disk space used_linux_03

If you like squares more, use WinDirStat (Download from Ninite). It presents your disk usage in rectangles, where each rectangle represents a folder:

如果您更喜欢正方形,请使用WinDirStat (从Ninite下载) 。 它以矩形显示您的磁盘使用情况,其中每个矩形代表一个文件夹:

Disk space is low zabbix调整 disk space used_java_04

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/223858/how-do-you-find-out-what-types-of-data-are-taking-up-disk-space/
