Docker is out of disk space

Docker is a popular platform that allows developers to package their applications into containers. These containers are lightweight and portable, making it easy to deploy applications across different environments. However, one common issue that developers may encounter is running out of disk space on their Docker host.

Understanding the Problem

When you run Docker containers, they consume disk space on your Docker host. Each container consists of several layers, which are stored as files on the host. These layers are used to build an image, and each layer represents a change or addition to the previous layer.

Over time, as you create and run more containers, these layers can accumulate and take up a significant amount of disk space. If the available disk space on the Docker host becomes full, you may encounter errors such as "Docker is out of disk space."

Checking Disk Space Usage

To determine the current disk space usage on your Docker host, you can use the following command:

docker system df

This command will display a summary of the disk space usage by Docker, including the total disk space, the amount used by images, and the amount used by containers.

Managing Disk Space

To reclaim disk space on your Docker host, you can take the following steps:

  1. Remove unused containers: Use the docker container prune command to remove all stopped containers. These containers are no longer needed and can be safely deleted.

    docker container prune
  2. Remove unused images: Use the docker image prune command to remove all unused images. Unused images are those that are not associated with any containers.

    docker image prune
  3. Clear the Docker cache: Docker keeps a cache of pulled images and build layers. You can clear this cache using the docker builder prune command.

    docker builder prune

Preventing Disk Space Issues

To prevent running out of disk space in the future, you can take the following precautions:

  1. Regularly clean up unused containers and images as described above.

  2. Use multi-stage builds: Multi-stage builds allow you to build your application in multiple stages, reducing the size of the final image.

  3. Monitor disk space usage: Set up monitoring tools or alerts to notify you when disk space usage reaches a certain threshold.


Running out of disk space on your Docker host can be a frustrating issue that affects the stability and performance of your applications. By regularly cleaning up unused containers and images, and taking preventative measures, you can ensure that your Docker environment remains efficient and reliable.

    class DockerHost {
        - totalDiskSpace: int
        - usedDiskSpace: int
        + getDiskSpaceUsage(): int
    class DockerContainer {
        - id: string
        + start(): void
        + stop(): void
    class DockerImage {
        - id: string
        + build(): void
        + remove(): void
    DockerHost --> DockerContainer
    DockerHost --> DockerImage
    participant User
    participant DockerClient
    participant DockerHost
    User ->> DockerClient: docker system df
    DockerClient ->> DockerHost: getDiskSpaceUsage()
    DockerHost ->> DockerClient: Disk space usage
    DockerClient ->> User: Display disk space usage

In this article, we discussed the issue of running out of disk space on a Docker host. We explained the reasons behind this problem and provided some practical solutions, including code examples, to help you manage and prevent disk space issues. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your Docker environment remains efficient and free from disk space constraints.