iOS去除ipad选项 ipad如何关闭删除应用_java

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If you’re anything like me, you’ve downloaded dozens of iOS apps, tried them, and then never used them again. Instead of leaving them to clutter up your home screen, you should get rid of them.

如果您像我一样,则已经下载了数十个iOS应用程序,进行了尝试,然后再也没有使用它们。 您应该摆脱它们,而不是让它们杂乱您的主屏幕。

Deleting apps is pretty straightforward, but it’s not actually explained anywhere in iOS. Leaving unused apps sitting around can make your home screen, and they also take up unnecessary space. You can always download an app again from the store, so why not just delete them and get them out of your way. You can also remove iOS’s built in apps that you don’t use. When you delete an app, the app and its data are removed from your device. If you want to remove the app, but keep its data, you can offload the app instead. Here’s how to do both.

删除应用程序非常简单,但实际上在iOS中的任何地方都没有说明。 将闲置的应用程序闲置无事可以使您进入主屏幕,并且它们还会占用不必要的空间。 您始终可以从商店再次下载应用程序,所以为什么不删除它们并将它们移开。 您还可以删除不使用的iOS内置应用。 删除应用程序时,该应用程序及其数据将从您的设备中删除。 如果要删除该应用程序,但保留其数据,则可以卸载该应用程序。 这是两者的方法。

(Delete an App and Its Data)

Tap and hold the app icon on the home screen until the icons start to jiggle. Be careful not to press too hard, or you’ll activate 3D Touch.

点击并按住主屏幕上的应用程序图标,直到图标开始抖动。 注意不要用力按压,否则您将激活3D Touch。

Update: Starting with iOS 13, you must long-press and tap “Rearrange Apps” or long-press and hold until the context menu disappears and the icons start jiggling.

更新:从iOS 13开始,您必须长按并点按“重新排列应用程序”,或者长按并按住直到上下文菜单消失并且图标开始抖动。

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When the icons start their little dance, tap the “X” that appears at the top left of the app icon.

图标开始小舞时,点击出现在应用程序图标左上方的“ X”。

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Next, tap “Delete” in the confirmation window. The app and all its data is deleted and the app icon vanishes from your home screen.

接下来,在确认窗口中点击“删除”。 该应用程序及其所有数据被删除,并且该应用程序图标从主屏幕上消失。

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You can also delete apps by going to Settings > General > iPhone Storage (or iPad Storage).

您还可以通过转到设置>常规> iPhone存储(或iPad存储)删除应用。

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Here, you’ll see a list of all the apps on your iOS device, as well as the amount of space they take up.


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Tap an app on the list. On the app’s page, tap the “Delete App” option, and then confirm the deletion.

在列表上点击一个应用。 在应用程序页面上,点击“删除应用程序”选项,然后确认删除。

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Once again, the app and all its data is removed from your device.


(Offload an App, but Keep Its Data)

If you want to delete an app but don’t want to delete all its data, you can choose to offload it instead. This deletes the app, but keep all the data it has created on your iOS device.

如果您想删除某个应用程序但不想删除其所有数据,则可以选择卸载它。 这将删除该应用程序,但保留它在iOS设备上创建的所有数据。

To offload an app, go to Settings > General > iPhone Storage (or iPad Storage).

要卸载应用程序,请转到设置>常规> iPhone存储(或iPad存储)。

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To set your iOS device to automatically offload unused apps when you start to run out of space, tap Enable next to Offload Unused Apps.


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To offload an individual app, tap the app on the list a bit lower down on that page. On the app’s page, tap the “Offload App” option, and then confirm your action.

要卸载单个应用程序,请在该页面上点击列表下方的应用程序。 在应用程序页面上,点击“卸载应用程序”选项,然后确认您的操作。

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This remove the app, but keep its data. And, of course, you can reinstall the app any time from the App Store.

这将删除该应用程序,但保留其数据。 而且,当然,您可以随时从App Store重新安装该应用程序。


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