星巴克 销售数据分析


(Project Overview)

The data for this case simulates how people make purchasing decisions and how those decisions are influenced by promotional offers.


Each person in the simulation has some hidden traits that influence their purchasing patterns and are associated with their observable traits.


People produce various events, including receiving offers, opening offers, and making purchases.


As a simplification, there are no explicit products to track. Only the amounts of each transaction or offer are recorded.

为简化起见,没有明确的产品可追踪。 仅记录每笔交易或要约的金额。

There are three types of offers that can be sent: buy-one-get-one (BOGO), discount, and informational.


  1. BOGO: a user needs to spend a certain amount to get a reward equal to that threshold amount.
  2. Discount: a user gains a reward equal to a fraction of the amount spent.
  3. Informational: there is no reward, but neither is there a requisite amount that the user is expected to spend.

Offers can be delivered via multiple channels: Email, Mobile, Social, Web


(Problem Statement)

We will use the data to find a better promotion strategy by trying to answer the following questions:


a) Identify which groups of people are most responsive to each type of offer.


b) How best to present each type of offer?


c) How many people across different categories actually completed the transaction in the offer window?


d) Which individual attributes contributed the most during the offer window?


We will also try to train a model to predict the amount that can be spent by an individual given the individual’s traits and offer details. This will help us decide which promotional offer best suits the individual and respond to the target audience with better accuracy.

我们还将尝试训练模型,以根据个人的特征预测个人可以花费的金额并提供详细信息。 这将有助于我们确定最适合个人的促销优惠,并以更高的准确性响应目标受众。


In order to try to answer the four questions mentioned above, we need to focus on the offer window, i.e., the time between beginning of an offer rollout and it’s expiry. Some key definitions before we continue:

为了尝试回答上面提到的四个问题,我们需要关注“ 报价”窗口 ,即从报价推出到到期之间的时间。 我们继续之前的一些关键定义:

Let t_receipt denote the time of receipt for an offer, t_view denote the time when user first views the offer, t_completion denote the time at which the user pays for an item with promotion applied and, t_expiry denote the time when the offer expires.

t_receipt表示收到商品的时间, t_view表示用户首次查看商品的时间, t_completion表示用户为应用了促销的商品付款的时间, t_expiry表示商品过期的时间。

  1. We have an offer window if t_receipt ≤ t_view ≤ t_expiry.
  2. An offer window is considered as open if t_viewt_receipt and t_completion is null
    要约窗口被视为开放的 ,如果t_view≥t_receipt 并且t_completion为null
  3. A transaction is said to be done in the offer window if t_view ≥ t_receipt and t_completion ≥ t_receipt.
  4. SUCCESSFUL OFFER: An offer is considered successful if t_receipt ≤ t_view, t_viewt_completion and t_completiont_expiry [PAID].
    成功要约:报价被认为是成功的 ,如果t_receipt≤t_view,t_view≤t_completiont_completion≤t_expiry [付费。
  5. TRIED OFFER: An offer is considered to have been tried if t_receipt t_view, t_view t_expiry and t_completion > t_expiry [PURCHASED AFTER OFFER EXPIRED]
    受审要约:提供被认为已经尝试过 ,如果t_receipt≤t_view,t_view≤t_expiryt_completion> t_expiry [AFTER购买的OFFER过期]
  6. FAILED OFFER: An offer is considered to have been failed if it is neither successful nor tried.

The metric we will use to analyze the performance of the model to predict amount spent by each individual is R2 score.


R-squared is a statistical measure of how close the data are to the fitted regression line.



(Data Exploration)

Portfolio data


There are 10 types of offers available.


Profile data


Transcript data


(Missing data)

There are 2175 records in profile data, where income and gender are missing.


In the same 2175 records, age was set to be 118, which clearly seems to be a placeholder for the null value as shown to the left.


Plot of missing values and their correlation in Persons 缺失值图及其与人的相关性

This became clear by setting all the 118 ages to null and visualizing the heat map as shown below:


(Data Preprocessing)

We created a Python class to preprocess the data, store the preprocessed data, create models, train models and save models, along with few helper methods to help with one-hot encoding.



  1. Renamed column id to offer_id 将列id重命名为offer_id
  2. Modified values in column offer_id to contain values of the format <offer_type>/C<difficulty>/R<reward>/T<duration . The reason behind doing this is readability.
    offer_id列中的修改后的值包含格式为<offer_type>/C<difficulty>/R<reward>/T<duration 。 这样做的原因是可读性。
    Modified values in column offer_id to contain values of the format <offer_type>/C<difficulty>/R<reward>/T<duration . The reason behind doing this is readability.{‘ae264e3637204a6fb9bb56bc8210ddfd’: ‘BOGO/C10/R10/T7’, ‘4d5c57ea9a6940dd891ad53e9dbe8da0’: ‘BOGO/C10/R10/T5’, ‘3f207df678b143eea3cee63160fa8bed’: ‘INFORMATIONAL/C0/R0/T4’, ‘9b98b8c7a33c4b65b9aebfe6a799e6d9’: ‘BOGO/C5/R5/T7’, ‘0b1e1539f2cc45b7b9fa7c272da2e1d7’: ‘DISCOUNT/C20/R5/T10’, ‘2298d6c36e964ae4a3e7e9706d1fb8c2’: ‘DISCOUNT/C7/R3/T7’, ‘fafdcd668e3743c1bb461111dcafc2a4’: ‘DISCOUNT/C10/R2/T10’, ‘5a8bc65990b245e5a138643cd4eb9837’: ‘INFORMATIONAL/C0/R0/T3’, ‘f19421c1d4aa40978ebb69ca19b0e20d’: ‘BOGO/C5/R5/T5’, ‘2906b810c7d4411798c6938adc9daaa5’: ‘DISCOUNT/C10/R2/T7’}offer_id列中的修改后的值包含格式为<offer_type>/C<difficulty>/R<reward>/T<duration 。 这样做的原因是可读性。 {'ae264e3637204a6fb9bb56bc8210ddfd': 'BOGO/C10/R10/T7', '4d5c57ea9a6940dd891ad53e9dbe8da0': 'BOGO/C10/R10/T5', '3f207df678b143eea3cee63160fa8bed': 'INFORMATIONAL/C0/R0/T4', '9b98b8c7a33c4b65b9aebfe6a799e6d9': 'BOGO/C5/R5/T7', '0b1e1539f2cc45b7b9fa7c272da2e1d7': 'DISCOUNT/C20/R5/T10', '2298d6c36e964ae4a3e7e9706d1fb8c2': 'DISCOUNT/C7/R3/T7', 'fafdcd668e3743c1bb461111dcafc2a4': 'DISCOUNT/C10/R2/T10', '5a8bc65990b245e5a138643cd4eb9837': 'INFORMATIONAL/C0/R0/T3', 'f19421c1d4aa40978ebb69ca19b0e20d': 'BOGO/C5/R5/T5', '2906b810c7d4411798c6938adc9daaa5': 'DISCOUNT/C10/R2/T7'}


1. Created a new column member_year from the column became_member_on to contain the year representing the beginning of a user’s membership

1.从became_member_on列中创建一个新列member_year ,以包含代表用户成员资格开始的年份

2. Calculate number of days since the membership began and store it in the column member_since_days


3. Created age groups — 1, 2, 3, and 4 representing age ≤ 38, 39 ≤ age ≤ 54, 55 ≤ age ≤ 73 and 74 ≤ age ≤ 101 respectively.


4. Renamed the id column to person to keep in consistent with the transcript data frame


5. Replace age 118 with NaN as it is a placeholder for null values and appeared consistently in records where income and gender are unavailable.


6. Removed the records with null values as there were only three important attributes for each person — income, age and gender, and in 2175 out of 17000 records, all of the three were missing.


7. Created a column income_group based on income ranges 45000 ≤ income < 60000, 60000 ≤ income < 75000, 75000 ≤ income < 90000, 90000 ≤ income < 105000, and 105000 ≤ income < 120000 respectively.

7. income_group基于收入范围income_group 收入< income_group 收入< income_group 收入< income_group 收入<105000105000≤收入<120000 创建了一个收入组列。


  1. The transcript’s value column contained data in the following format:
    笔录的“ value列包含以下格式的数据:
    For events of type ‘offer viewed’:
    {‘offer id’: ‘f19421c1d4aa40978ebb69ca19b0e20d’} {'offer id': 'f19421c1d4aa40978ebb69ca19b0e20d'}
    For events of type ‘offer received’:
    {‘offer id’: ‘9b98b8c7a33c4b65b9aebfe6a799e6d9’}
    {'offer id': '9b98b8c7a33c4b65b9aebfe6a799e6d9'}
    For events of type ‘offer completed’:
    {‘offer_id’: ‘2906b810c7d4411798c6938adc9daaa5’, ‘reward’: 2} {'offer_id': '2906b810c7d4411798c6938adc9daaa5', 'reward': 2}
    For events of type ‘transaction’:
    {‘amount’: 0.8300000000000001}
    {'amount': 0.8300000000000001}
    {‘amount’: 0.8300000000000001} To keep it simple, a new column called type with two values: offer_id or amount was created.
    {'amount': 0.8300000000000001} 为简单 {'amount': 0.8300000000000001} ,创建了一个名为type的新列,它具有两个值: offer_idamount

2. Created a new column offer_id containing the offer id as mentioned in point 2 under the Portfolio section or NoPromotionApplied if the event is of type transaction.


(Finding records with transaction done within the offer window)

3. Filtered out transcripts with type of offer_id and merge with the profile and portfolio data frames:


4. Find out true success and tried records. To do this, we filtered out records based on event type: offer received , offer viewed , and offer completed into separate data frames, each with a new column for time denoting time of receipt, time of view and time of completion. Then we merge them back.

4.找出真正的成功和尝试过的记录。 为此,我们基于事件类型过滤了记录: offer received offer viewedoffer completed到单独的数据框中,每个数据框中都有一个新列,用于表示接收时间,查看时间和完成时间。 然后我们将它们合并。

5. Next we filter out data that fall in the offer time window (refer definition under the Metrics section in the beginning of this article) as shown below:

5.接下来,我们过滤掉落在要约时间窗口中的数据 ( 请参阅本文开头“指标”部分下的定义) ,如下所示:

6. Calculate the time left for the offer to expire as shown below:


7. Create columns denoting if a record represents successful, tried or failed offer as shown below:


8. Then we clean the data frame as it might have introduced duplicate records and null values because of the merge operation performed in point number 4.


9. Finally we identify if the amount spent by the individual is during the offer period or outside the offer period.


To do this we calculate the amount spent from the original transcript data set and the time taken to spend the money from the beginning of the pro. Then we get all the data related to the non-failed offer, i.e., records dealing with either success or tried offers and merge it with the transaction data. Finally, we check if transaction is done within the offer period or not and create a new column to indicate this information as shown below:

为此,我们从原始成绩单数据集中计算花费的金额,以及从专业人士开始花费的时间。 然后,我们获得与未失败报价有关的所有数据,即处理成功报价或尝试报价的记录,并将其与交易数据合并。 最后,我们检查交易是否在报价期内完成,并创建一个新列以指示此信息,如下所示:

Let t_spent denote the time spent till transaction.


There might be some data where information is presented incorrectly. To deal with this, we check if t_spent ≥ t_receipt and (t_spent ≤ t_completed | t_spent ≤ t_expiry), then the transaction is done within the offer time frame else it is not part of the offer window.

可能有些数据显示的信息不正确。 为了解决这个问题,我们检查t_spent≥t_receipt(t_spent≤t_completed | t_spent≤t_expiry),然后在报价时间范围内完成交易,否则不属于报价窗口。

(Data Visualization)

Distribution of successful offers across membership 在会员之间分配成功的报价

Distribution of successful offers vs. beginning year of membership across all genders 各个性别的成功录取与会员资格开始年的分布

Distribution of successful offers vs. days spent with being a member 成功报价的分配与成为会员所花费的天数

Distribution of successful offers vs. days spent with being a member across all genders 成功报价的分布与在所有性别中成为会员所花费的天数

Distribution of successful offers across different age groups 不同年龄段的成功报价分布

Distribution of successful offers across different age groups separated by genders 按性别划分的不同年龄段的成功报价分布

Distribution of successful offers by income group 按收入组分配成功报价

Distribution of successful offers by income group and gender 按收入组和性别分列的成功报价分布

Reward associated with each offer 与每个优惠相关的奖励


(Model Evaluation and Validation)

I tried to build a model to predict the amount spent based on individual attributes and offer type. Since, this is a regression task, we went ahead with R2 score as the metric for evaluation.

我试图建立一个模型来根据各个属性和商品类型预测花费的金额。 由于这是一项回归任务,因此我们继续使用R2评分作为评估指标。

The model and hyper parameters used are as follows:


  1. SVR with polynomial kernel and a degree of 7 — the base model
    具有多项式内核和7度的SVR 基本模型

2. RandomForestRegressor with the following hyper parameters:


3. Grid search for the RandomForestRegressor in the following hyper parameter space:


We then used the RandomForestRegressor with the best model parameters to train the model again.


Final results on the different trained models are:


The final R2 score is better than that obtained with a SVM and with the default Random Forest.

最终的R2分数要好于使用SVM和默认的Random Forest所获得的分数。


Q1. Identify which groups of people are most responsive to each type of offer.

Q1。 确定哪些人群对每种类型的报价最敏感。

Members who joined one to two years back relative to 2018, seem to be equally responsive to each offer while the trend decreases with new members (1 year or less than 1 year) and old members (more than two years).


Males in age groups 1 (< 38 years) and 3 (between 55 years and 73 years) dominated across almost all the offers while females showed domination in group 3 (between 55 years and 73 years).

年龄组1(<38 年)(岁之间的55和73年)3 在几乎所有优惠为主,而女性表现在统治集团3( 在55年和73年)。

Males in income groups 2 (45000 <= income < 60000) and 3 (60000 <= income < 75000) showed domination for informational discounts.

收入组2 (45000 <=收入<60000)3 (60000 <=收入<75000)的 男性显示出信息折扣优势。

Q2. How best to present each type of offer?

Q2。 如何最好地呈现每种类型的报价?

Mobile and Email seem to be the channels from where most of the individual transactions came in on average.

平均而言, 移动电子邮件似乎是大多数独立交易的渠道。

Q3. How many people across different categories actually completed the transaction in the offer window?

Q3。 在报价窗口中,实际上有多少人属于不同类别?

Approximately 12.8% of the total population for offer type BOGO completed the transaction in the offer window; 12% for offer type discount and 18% for informational type respectively.

12.8% 要约类型BOGO的总人口中有多少人在要约窗口中完成了交易; 优惠类型的折扣分别为12%和信息类型的18%

Q4. Which individual attributes contributed the most during the offer window?

Q4。 哪些个人属性在“报价”窗口中贡献最大?

The top three individual attributes that contributed the most are as follows:


1. Income


2. Age


3. Start year of membership



We found out that


  1. Buy-one-get-one offers brought in higher revenue compared to the others
  2. Income, age and membership period have the highest impact in the amount spent during an offer period
  3. Mobile and email channels are the best in promoting an offer.


As part of an improvement task, we can try out PCA to find out newer dimenstions leading to exploring different customer segments based on the amount spent across each offer category. Comparing these distributions with the distributions we performed earlier, might give use much more information about which individuals to send different offer codes.

作为改进任务的一部分,我们可以尝试PCA来发现更新的维度,从而根据每个优惠类别上花费的金额来探索不同的客户群。 将这些分布与我们之前执行的分布进行比较,可能会提供更多有关哪些人发送不同报价代码的信息。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/starbucks-promotion-strategy-capstone-project-for-udacitys-data-scientist-nanodegree-12031f8e8d29

星巴克 销售数据分析