
(How to remove whitespaces in a string in python)

  • str.lstrip()
  • str.rstrip()
  • str.strip()
  • str.replace()
  • str.split()
  • re.sub()

By using the above-mentioned methods, let's see how to remove whitespaces in a string.


Topic covered in this story


Photo by Author 作者照片

(1. Removing leading whitespaces in a string)

python 删除空白行 python怎么删掉空行_python 删除空白行

1. str.lstrip()Return a copy of the string with leading whitespaces removed.

1. str.lstrip()返回删除前导空格的字符串副本。

s="   Hello   Python  "print (s.lstrip())#Output:Hello   Python

2. re.sub()Using re.sub(), we can remove leading whitespaces.

2. re.sub()使用re.sub(),我们可以删除前导空格。



re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0)

re. sub ( pattern , repl , string , count=0 , flags=0 )

pattern - specify the pattern to be replacedrepl - replacing the leftmost non-overlapping occurrences of pattern in string by the replacement repl. count - The optional argument count is the maximum number of pattern occurrences to be replaced. If omitted or zero, all occurrences will be replaced.

图案 -指定图案被替换REPL -由替换REPL替换模式的最左边的非重叠出现在字符串count-可选参数count是要替换的最大模式出现次数。 如果省略或为零,将替换所有出现的事件。

pattern= r”^\s+”

pattern= r”^\s+”

r Python’s raw string notation for regular expression\s matches whitespace characters.+ It will match one or more repetitions of whitespace character.^(Caret.) Matches the start of the string

r Python的正则表达式\s的原始字符串表示法与空格字符匹配。 +它将匹配一个或多个空白字符的重复。 ^ (Caret。)匹配字符串的开头

pattern mentioned is whitespace at the beginning of the string.s1=re.sub(pattern,””,s)

提到的模式是字符串开头的空格。 s1=re.sub(pattern, ”” ,s)

re.sub() will replace the pattern (whitespaces at the beginning of string) to empty string.


s="   Hello   Python  "
import re
pattern= r"^\s+"s1=re.sub(pattern,"",s)
print (s1)#Output:Hello   Python

(2. Removing trailing whitespace in a string)

python 删除空白行 python怎么删掉空行_python_02

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Return a copy of the string with trailing whitespaces removed.


s="   Hello   Python  "print (s.rstrip())#Output:   Hello   Python

re.sub()Using re.sub(), we can remove trailing whitespaces.


pattern= r"\s+$"

r-Python’s raw string notation for regular expression\s — matches whitespace characters.+ It will match one or more repetitions of whitespace character.$ Matches the end of the string

r正则表达式\s Python原始字符串表示法-匹配空白字符。 +它将匹配一个或多个空白字符的重复。 $匹配字符串的结尾

pattern mentioned are whitespaces at the end of the string.s1=re.sub(pattern,””,s)

提到的模式是字符串末尾的空格。 s1=re.sub(pattern, ”” ,s)

re.sub() will replace the pattern (whitespaces at the end of the string) to empty string.


s="   Hello   Python  "
import re
pattern= r"\s+$"s1=re.sub(pattern,"",s)
print (s1)#Output:Hello   Python

3.删除字符串中的前导和尾随空格 (3. Removing leading and trailing whitespace in a string)

python 删除空白行 python怎么删掉空行_python_03

Photo by Author 作者照片



Return the copy of the string with leading whitespaces and trailing whitespaces removed.


s="   Hello   Python  "print(s.strip())#Output:Hello   Python



Using re.sub(), we can remove leading whitespaces and trailing whitespaces.pattern="^\s+|\s+$"

使用re.sub(),我们可以删除前导空格和尾随空格。 pattern= "^\s+|\s+$"

^\s+ Matches one or more whitespaces at the beginning of the string


\s+$ Matches one or more whitespaces at the end of the string.


| x|y matches either x or y

| x | y匹配x或y

s="   Hello   Python  "
import re
pattern="^\s+|\s+$"s1 = re.sub(pattern, "",s)
print(s1)#Output:Hello   Python

(4. Remove all whitespaces in a string.)

python 删除空白行 python怎么删掉空行_Python_04

Photo by Author 作者照片

str.replace()Return a copy of the string with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new.





print (s.replace(" ",""))

It will replace all whitespace characters into an empty string.


s="   Hello   Python   "print (s.replace(" ",""))#Output:HelloPython

re.sub()Using re.sub(), we can remove all whitespaces in the string.


pattern=r"\s+"s1 = re.sub(pattern, "", s)

pattern matches all whitespaces in the string. Then re.sub(), replacing pattern(whitespaces ) to empty string.

pattern匹配字符串中的所有空格。 然后re.sub(),将pattern(whitespaces)替换为空字符串。

s="   Hello   Python   "
import re
pattern=r"\s+"s1 = re.sub(pattern, "", s)
print (s1)#Output:HelloPython

str.split() Returns list of all words in the string separated using delimiter string. If the delimiter is not mentioned, by default whitespace is the delimiter.

str.split()返回使用定界符字符串分隔的字符串中所有单词的列表。 如果未提及定界符,则默认情况下空白为定界符。

join() — join () method takes all items in the iterable and combines them into a string using a separator

join() — join()方法将所有可迭代项都包含在内,并使用分隔符将它们组合成字符串


Splitting the string and joining the elements using an empty string


s="   Hello   Python   "print (s.split())#Output:['Hello', 'Python']
#joining the elements in the string using empty string.s1="".join(s.split())
print (s1)#Output:HelloPython

(5. Removing duplicate whitespaces in the string)

python 删除空白行 python怎么删掉空行_Python_05

  • str.split() Returns list of all words in the string separated using delimiter string. If the delimiter is not mentioned, by default whitespace is the delimiter.
    str.split()返回使用定界符字符串分隔的字符串中所有单词的列表。 如果未提及定界符,则默认情况下空白为定界符。

join() — join () method takes all items in the iterable and combines them into a string using a separator

join() — join()方法将所有可迭代项都包含在内,并使用分隔符将它们组合成字符串

s1=" ".join(s.split())

Splitting the string and joining the elements using a single whitespace string


s="Hello      Python"print (s.split())#Output:['Hello', 'Python']
#joining the elements in the string using single whitespace string.s1=" ".join(s.split())
print (s1)#Output:Hello Python
