iTunes导歌曲到Foobar2000 itunes音乐导入mp3_大数据


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There are a lot of sketchy “audio converters” out there trying to get you to pay $20 for something you can do for free with this hidden feature in iTunes. It’s simple to use and works with your pre-existing library.

有许多粗略的“音频转换器”试图让您支付20美元,以使用iTunes中的此隐藏功能免费进行某些操作。 它易于使用,并且可以与您现有的库一起使用。

Open up the iTunes preferences (iTunes > Preferences, or Command+Comma) and navigate to the “General” tab. Click the “Import Settings” button at the bottom.

打开iTunes首选项(iTunes>首选项或Command +逗号),然后导航到“常规”选项卡。 点击底部的“导入设置”按钮。

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This window lets change the format in which new songs are added to your library. You can choose from any of the options here, but we’ll use MP3.

通过此窗口,可以更改将新歌曲添加到库中的格式。 您可以从此处的任何选项中进行选择,但是我们将使用MP3。

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By default, the bitrate is quite low, but you can turn it up:


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The bitrate directly controls the quality of the audio. 320kbps is as high as most MP3s go and is very good quality. However, if the file you’re converting isn’t the same quality, it won’t make a difference.

比特率直接控制音频的质量。 320kbps与大多数MP3一样高,并且质量非常好。 但是,如果您要转换的文件质量不同,则不会有任何区别。

Now that we’ve changed the import settings, we can use the built in “Create a Copy” function to duplicate a song. Since we’ve chosen MP3 as our file format of choice, the encoder will use that when copying the song. You can find this option under File > Create MP3 Version.

现在,我们已经更改了导入设置,我们可以使用内置的“创建副本”功能来复制歌曲。 由于我们已选择MP3作为我们选择的文件格式,因此编码器将在复制歌曲时使用它。 您可以在“文件”>“创建MP3版本”下找到此选项。

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This will duplicate the file, so you’ll have two files with the same name in your library after this. You can right click either one of them and choose “Show in Finder” from the drop-down menu to gain access to the actual MP3 file.

这将复制文件,因此此后在库中将有两个具有相同名称的文件。 您可以右键单击其中任何一个,然后从下拉菜单中选择“在Finder中显示”以访问实际的MP3文件。

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You can convert as many songs at a time as you’d like. iTunes saves the copies under the same album folder, so you can sort by “Date Modified” or “Date Added” in Finder to pick out the new songs. Look for files created all at the same time.

您可以一次转换任意数量的歌曲。 iTunes将副本保存在同一专辑文件夹下,因此您可以在Finder中按“修改日期”或“添加日期”进行排序,以挑选新歌曲。 查找所有同时创建的文件。

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From here you can move them somewhere else or delete the old files.


If you need something better than using iTunes, or don’t want to add your files to iTunes just to convert them, you can try XLD, a free and open source audio converter.

如果您需要比使用iTunes更好的东西,或者不想将文件添加到iTunes只是为了转换它们,可以尝试XLD ,这是一个免费的开源音频转换器。

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Just download the DMG, open the program and select the output format, and then choose “Open” from the file menu. It will automatically convert the files and save them in the same directory.

只需下载DMG,打开程序并选择输出格式,然后从文件菜单中选择“打开”。 它将自动转换文件并将它们保存在同一目录中。

Image Credits: flatvector/Shutterstock

图片来源: flatvector / Shutterstock

