Have you ever wondered what a dashboard is? In the observability world, this term is frequently used, but what exactly does it mean? The concept is borrowed from automobiles, where a dashboard gives drivers access to the controls necessary to operate a vehicle. Similarly, digital dashboards help us comprehend and manage systems. This topic explains how Grafana dashboards function, enabling you to create your own with greater ease.

The following image illustrates a sample Grafana dashboard:

A Grafana dashboard consists of panels displaying data in beautiful graphs, charts, and other visualizations. These panels are created using components that transform raw data from a data source into visualizations. The process involves passing data through three gates: a plugin, a query, and an optional transformation.

Grafana仪表板由面板组成,以漂亮的图形、图表和其他可视化方式显示数据。这些面板是使用将原始数据从数据源转换为可视化的组件创建的。这个过程包括通过三个门传递数据:a plugin, a query, and an optional transformation。

The image below displays all the gates, followed by detailed explanations of their purpose, usage, and significance.
Data sources
A data source refers to any entity that consists of data. It can be an SQL database, Grafana Loki, Grafana Mimir, or a JSON-based API. It can even be a basic CSV file. The first step in creating a dashboard visualization is selecting the data source that contains the data you need.
It can be difficult to understand the distinctions between different data sources as each possesses its own structure and requires different query methods. However, in dashboards, you can see different data sources visualized in one single view, making it easier to understand your data overall.

数据源是指由数据组成的任何实体。它可以是SQL数据库、Grafana-Loki、Grafana Mimir或基于JSON的API。它甚至可以是一个基本的CSV文件。创建仪表板可视化的第一步是选择包含所需数据的数据源。

A Grafana plugin is software that adds new capabilities to Grafana. They come in many types, but right now we’ll address data source plugins. The job of a Grafana data source plugin is to take a query you want answered, retrieve the data from the data source, and reconcile the differences between the data model of the data source and the data model of Grafana dashboards. It does this using a unified data structure called a data frame.
The data coming into the plugin from the data source might be in many different formats (such as JSON, rows and columns, or CSV), but when it leaves the plugin and moves through the rest of the gates toward a visualization, it’s always in data frames.
Currently, Grafana offers a diverse range of 155 data sources that you can use. The most commonly used options are already pre-installed and accessible. Before exploring other options, look for an existing data source that matches your requirements. Grafana constantly updates the list, but if you don’t find a suitable data source, you can browse through the plugin catalog or create a plugin.

Grafana插件是为Grafana添加新功能的软件。它们有多种类型,但现在我们将讨论数据源插件。Grafana数据源插件的工作是接受您想要回答的查询,从数据源检索数据,并调和数据源的数据模型和Grafana仪表板的数据模型之间的差异。它使用一种称为data frame的统一数据结构来实现这一点。
从数据源进入插件的数据可能有许多不同的格式(如JSON、行和列或CSV),但当它离开插件并通过其他门进入可视化时,是data frame。

Queries allow you to reduce the entirety of your data to a specific dataset, providing a more manageable visualization. They help answer questions you have about system and operational processes. For instance, a company with an online store might want to determine the number of customers who add products to their shopping carts. This can be achieved through a query that aggregates access metrics for the shopping cart service, revealing the number of users accessing the service per second.
When working with data sources, it’s crucial to recognize that each one has its own distinct query language. For example, Prometheus data sources utilize PromQL, while LogQL is used for logs, and particular databases employ SQL. A query is the foundation of every visualization in Grafana, and a dashboard might use a range of query languages.
The following image shows the Query Editor associated with the Prometheus data source. The node_cpu_seconds_total query is written in PromQL and requests just one metric:


The following image shows the Query Editor associated with the Prometheus data source. The node_cpu_seconds_total query is written in PromQL and requests just one metric:

When the data format in a visualization doesn’t meet your requirements, you can apply a transformation that manipulates the data returned by a query. You might not need to transform data when you’re first starting out, but they’re powerful and worth mentioning.
Transforming data is useful in the following kinds of situations:
You want to combine two fields together, for example, concatenating Given Name and Family Name into a Full Name field.
You have CSV data (all text), and you want to convert a field type (such as parsing a date or a number out of a string).
You want to filter, join, merge, or perform other SQL-like operations that might not be supported by the underlying data source or query language.


  • 要将两个字段组合在一起,例如,将“给定名称”和“族名称”连接到“全名”字段中。
  • 您有CSV数据(全部为文本),并且希望转换字段类型(例如从字符串中解析日期或数字)。
  • 您希望筛选、联接、合并或执行基础数据源或查询语言可能不支持的其他类似SQL的操作。
Transformations are located in the Transform tab in the edit dialog for a panel. Select the transformation you want, and define the transformation. The following image shows that you can have as many transformations as you want, just like queries. For example, you can chain together a series of transformations that make a change to a data type, filter results, organize columns, and sort the result into one data pipeline. Every time the dashboard is refreshed, the transformation applies to the latest data from the data source.


After the data is sourced, queried, and transformed, it passes to a panel, which is the final gate in the journey to a Grafana visualization. A panel is a container that displays the visualization and provides you with various controls to manipulate it. The panel configuration is where you specify how you want to see the data. For example, you use a drop-down menu in the top-right of the panel to specify the type of visualization you want to see, such as a bar chart, pie chart, or histogram.
