1 #!/usr/bin/python
  2 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
  3 import string
  4 import math
  5 import time
  6 import sys
  7 import os
  8 #import pygame
  9 #eg1:有1,2,3,4的数字,可以由这几个不同的数字组成,多少组没有重复的三位数?
 10 for i in range(1,5):
 11     for j in range(1,5):
 12         for k in range(1,5):
 13             if (i != k) and (i != j) and (j != k):
 14                 print("The number is ",i,j,k)
 15 #eg2:企业按照利润佣金支付的奖金。利润总额1.5%之间7.5%的利润(I)低于或等于1000万元,奖金提供10%;利润1000万元以上,2000万元以下,1000万元以下,10%以内扣除一个百分比,从一笔钱中扣除一个百分
 16 #Solution 1
 17 percent_less10mili = 0.1
 18 percent_less20mili = 0.075
 19 percent_less40mili = 0.05
 20 percent_less60mili = 0.03
 21 percent_less100mili = 0.015
 22 percent_last = 0.01
 23 I=input("Please enter a the profit for this year :")
 24 i=int(I)
 25 if i <= 10:
 26     Sum = i*percent_less10mili 
 27 elif 10 < i and i <= 20:
 28     Sum = 1+(i-10)*percent_less20mili 
 29 elif 20 < i and i <= 40:
 30     Sum = 1+0.75+(i-20)*percent_less40mili 
 31 elif 40 < i and i <= 60:
 32     Sum = 1+0.75+1+(i-40)*percent_less60mili 
 33 elif 60 < i and i <= 100:
 34     Sum = 1+0.75+1+0.6+(i-60)*percent_less100mili 
 35 elif 100 < i:
 36     Sum = 1+0.75+1+0.6+0.6+(i-100)*percent_last
 37 else :
 38     print("Your have enter a wrong number!")
 39 print("The profit of this year for MaMiao",Sum)
 40 #Solution 2
 41 i = int(input("The profit:"))
 42 arr = [1000000,600000,400000,200000,100000,0]
 43 rat = [0.01,0.015,0.03,0.05,0.075,0.1]
 44 r = 0
 45 for idx in range(0,6):
 46     if i>arr[idx]:
 47         r+=(i-arr[idx])*rat[idx]
 48         print((i-arr[idx])*rat[idx])
 49         i=arr[idx]
 50 print(r)
 51 #eg3:一个整数,加上100和268是一个完美的平方,这个数字是多少?
 52 #Solution 1
 53 n=0
 54 m=0
 55 for K_f in range(1,12):#This algorithm has a simple mathematical pretreatment and analysis, to a certain extent, the time complexity of the algorithm is simplified.
 56     K_s = 168/K_f
 57     if (K_s == int(K_s)):
 58         m=(K_s+K_f)/2
 59         n=(K_s-K_f)/2
 60     if n == int(n) and m == int(m) and n!=0 and m!=0:
 61         print(m,n)
 62         print(m*m-268)
 63 #Solution 2
 64 for i in range(10000):
 65     x = int(math.sqrt(i + 100))
 66     y = int(math.sqrt(i + 268))
 67     if(x * x == i + 100) and (y * y == i + 268):
 68         print(i)
 69 #eg4:进入某一天,审判日是今年的头几天吗?
 71 month = int(input("Please enter the month:"))
 70year = int(input("Please enter the year:")) 
 72 day = int(input("Please enter the day:"))
73 sum = 0
 74 month_day=(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)
 75 if (year%4==0 and year%100!=0) or year%400==0 :
 76     day_plus = 1
 77     print("This year is a leap year!")
 78 else :
 79     day_plus = 0
 80     print("This year is not a leap year!") 
 81 if 2 < month :
 82     sum += day_plus 
 83 for i in range(0,month-1):
 84     sum += month_day[i]
 85 sum += day
 86 print("The sum of today is equal to:",sum)
 87 #eg5:输入三个整数x,y,z,请把三个数字的从小到大输出。
 88 #Solution 1
 89 def compare(A,B):
 90     if A>B:
 91         result = A
 92     else:
 93         result = B
 94     return result
 95 NUM1=int(input("Please enter the first number:"))
 96 NUM2=int(input("Please enter the second number:"))
 97 NUM3=int(input("Please enter the third number:"))
 98 Big1=compare(NUM1,NUM2)
 99 Big2=compare(Big1,NUM3)#caculate the biggest one
100 if NUM1 == Big2:
101     NUM1=0
102 if NUM2 == Big2:
103     NUM2=0
104 if NUM3 == Big2:
105     NUM3=0
106 middle1=compare(NUM1,NUM2)
107 middle2=compare(middle1,NUM3)#caculate the second biggest one
108 if NUM1 == middle2:
109     NUM1=0
110 if NUM2 == middle2:
111     NUM2=0
112 if NUM3 == middle2:
113     NUM3=0
114 small1=compare(NUM1,NUM2)
115 small2=compare(small1,NUM3)#caculate the second biggest one
116 print(small2,middle2,Big2)
117 #Solution 2
118 l = []
119 for i in range(3):
120     x = int(input("Please enter the first number:"))
121     l.append(x)
122 l.sort()
123 print(l)
124 #eg6:Fibonacci序列
125 #Solution 1
126 F = [0,1,1]
127 print(F[0])
128 print(F[1])
129 for i in range(1,10):
130     F[0]=F[1]
131     F[1]=F[2]
132     F[2]=F[0]+F[1]
133     print(F[2])
134 #Solution 2
135 def fib(n):
136     if n==1 or n==2:
137         return 1
138     return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
139 print(fib(10))
140 #将数据列表复制到另一个列表中。
141 #Solution 1
142 a = [1, 2, 3]
143 b = a[:]
144 print(b)
145 #Solution 2
146 c=[0,0,0]
147 for i in range(0,3):
148     c[i]=a[i]
149 print(c)
150 #eg8:9*9乘法表的输出
151 for i in range(1,10):
152     for j in range(1,10):
153         print(i,"*",j,"=",i*j)
154 #eg9:暂停1秒输出
155 #它需要导入名为time的头文件,如下所示:导入时间(import time)
156 myD = {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}
157 for key,value in dict.items(myD):
158     print(key, value)
159     print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())))
160     time.sleep(1)
161     print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())))
162 #确定101-200之间有多少素数,以及所有素数的输出。
163 h = 0
164 leap = 1
165 from math import sqrt
166 from sys import stdout
167 for m in range(101,201):
168     k = int(sqrt(m + 1))
169     for i in range(2,k + 1):
170         if m % i == 0:
171             leap = 0
172             break
173     if leap == 1:
174         print('%-4d' % m)
175         h += 1
176         if h % 10 == 0:
177             print('')
178     leap = 1
179 print('The total is %d' % h)
180 #打印出所有的“水仙花”,所谓的“水仙花”是一个三位数。所有数字立方体,等于数字本身。例如:153是“水仙花”,因为153=1^3+5^3+3^3
181 for i in range(100,1000):
182     sum = math.pow(int(i/100),3)+ math.pow(int((i%100)/10),3)+ math.pow(i%10,3)
183     if sum==i:
184         print("This number is a daffodils number equal to:",i)
185 #eg11:正整数分解例如:输入90,打印出90=2*3*3*5
186 n = int(input("input number:\n"))
187 print("n = %d" % n)
188 for i in range(2,n + 1):
189     while n != i:
190         if n % i == 0:#All the number,which is not a prime number can't appear at there,because that the number(not prime number) have ever been diverse to be the premi number ,for Example:10 have already been diverse to be 2 multiple 5
191             print(str(i))
192             print("*")
193             n = n / i
194         else:
195             break
196 print("%d"% n)
197 #eg11使用条件运算符来完成这个问题:研究结果>=90分的学生用A,60-89分之间用B,用C表示以下60分
198 Score = int(input("Please enter the score:"))#Python haven't the loop function for three member like this : A = expression ? "Q" : "P"
199 if Score < 60:
200     print("Your Grade is equal to C")
201 elif 60<= Score < 90:
202     print("Your Grade is equal to B")
203 else :
204     print("Your Grade is equal to A")
205 #eg12:输入一行字符,分别统计英文字母、空格、数字和其他字符的数字。
206 write = "Come on,Baby!"
207 write = write.encode()
208 fo = open("eg_test.txt",'wb',1000)
209 print("The filename is :",fo.name)
210 print("The Rquest_Model of files :",fo.mode)
211 print("This is the sentence which I have already written into the file named ",fo.name,write)
212 fo.write(write)
213 fo.close() 
214 fo = open("eg_test.txt","rb",1)
215 Str = fo.read(15)
216 Str = Str.decode()#You have to decode the string to count how many times the letter "C" have appear in the str! 
217 print("The string i have already read from txt file is :",Str)
218 C = Str.count('C')
219 Where = Str.find("Ba")
220 print("The latter C have appear for ",C,"times!")
221 print("The string om have appear at the address:",Where)
222 fo.close()
223 letters = 0
224 space = 0
225 digit = 0
226 others = 0
227 for c in Str:
228     if c.isalpha():#remember the function to find alpha
229         letters += 1
230     elif c.isspace():#rememeber the function to find the space
231         space += 1
232     elif c.isdigit():#remember the function to find the digit
233         digit += 1
234     else:
235         others += 1
236 print('char = %d,space = %d,digit = %d,others = %d' % (letters,space,digit,others))#输出
237 #eg13:检测键盘以控制键的大小
238 print("Please enter the keyboard values,this example is used to detect the values of top bottom right and left values of keyboard!")
239 top = input("Please enter the top key in keyboard!")
240 #bottom = input("Please enter the bottom key in keyboard!")
241 #left = input("Please enter the left key in keyboard!")
242 #right = input("Please enter the right key in keyboard!")
243 print("The top values is equal to ",top,int(top))
244 #print("The bottom values is equal to ",bottom,int(bottom))
245 #print("The left values is equal to ",left,int(left))
246 #print("The right values is equal to ",right,int(right))
247 #eg14:求s=a+aa+aaa+aaaa+aa.A,其中a是一个数字。例如,2+22+222+2222+22222(此时总共加5个数字),几个数字加一个键盘控件。
248 K = int(input("Please enter a Number to calculate:"))
249 N = int(input("Please enter a Number to define how many time you want to calculate:"))
250 #for i in range(1,10):#范围是1到10-1=9,记住了!!!
251 #    print(i)
252 #for i in range(10):#范围是0到9之间,记住了!!!
253 #    print(i)
254 sum = 0#出初始化一定要做到啊!!!!
255 for i in range(1,N+1):
256     temp = i*math.pow(10,N-i)
257     sum += temp
258     print("The precudure is :",temp,"+")
259 print(sum)
260 print("The result is calculate to be :",sum*K)
261 #eg15:如果一个数字完全等于它的因子之和,这个数字被称为“数的结束”。例如,6=123。编程以在1000内找到全部完成
262 i=1
263 while (i<=1000):
264     Buffer = i
265     for j in range(1,i):
266         if (i%j==0):
267             Buffer -= j
268     if (Buffer==0):
269         print("This number is a complete number equal to:",i)
270     i += 1
271 #eg16:支乒乓球队参加比赛,三人中各有一人。A队,B队,C3队,B队,X队,Y队,Z3队。抽签。有人问球队比赛的情况。A说他没有x比,C说他没有和Z,X比,请编程序找出三队比赛的名单
272 Heigth = int(input("Please enter a Number for Heigth:"))
273 sum = Heigth
274 Times = int(input("Please enter a Number for calculate times:"))
275 print("The Heigth of 10th bounce is equal to :",math.pow(0.5,Times)*Heigth)
276 for i in range(1,Times):
277     sum +=  2*Heigth*math.pow(0.5,i)
278 print("The total length is equal to:",sum)
279 #eg17:Two table tennis team for the game, each out of the three. A team for the A, B, C three, B team for the X, y, Z three. Draw a draw. Someone asked the team about the competition. A said he did not x than, C said he does not and Z, X than, please make up the program to find out the list of three teams race
280 for i in range(ord('x'),ord('z') + 1):
281     for j in range(ord('x'),ord('z') + 1):
282         if i != j:
283             for k in range(ord('x'),ord('z') + 1):
284                 if (i != k) and (j != k):
285                     if (i != ord('x')) and (k != ord('x')) and (k != ord('z')):
286                         print('order is a -- %s\t b -- %s\tc--%s' % (chr(i),chr(j),chr(k)))
287 #这种题目有很强的抽象性,一定要注意求解的方法
288 #eg8:打印下列图案(钻石)
289 print("   *")
290 print("  ***")
291 print(" *****")
292 print("*******")
293 print(" *****")
294 print("  ***")
295 print("   *")
296 #eg19:有一个数列:2/1,3/2,5/3,8/5,13/8,21/13,以及该系列前20项的和
297 #分析题目的基本规律:
298 #分子:2+3=5 3+5=8 5+8=13 8+13=21
299 #分母:1+2=3 2+3=5 3+5=8 5+8=13
300 Top_num1=2
301 Bot_num1=1
302 Top_num2=3
303 Bot_num2=2
304 sum=7/2
305 for i in range(18):
306     #Num = (Top_num1+Top_num2)/(Bot_num1+Bot_num2)
307     print("The number is :",Top_num1,Bot_num1)
308     Temp1=Top_num1#中间变量的申请和数据更新及存放注意啊!!
309     Temp2=Bot_num1
310     Top_num1 = Top_num2
311     Bot_num1 = Bot_num2
312     Top_num2 = (Temp1+Top_num2)
313     Bot_num2 = (Temp2+Bot_num2)
314     sum += Top_num2/Bot_num2
315 print(sum)
316 #eg20:对5使用递归方法!
317 def recursive(N):
318     result = N
319     if (N==1):
320         return 1
321     else :
322         result *= recursive(N-1)
323     return result
324 result = recursive(5)
325 print(result)
326 #eg21:通过使用递归函数调用,输入5个字符,以便打印出相反的顺序。
327 #Solution 1:
328 FIFO=['A','B','C','D','E']
329 print("Please enter five letter for FIFO!")
330 for i in range(5):
331     FIFO[i] = input("Please enter the letter:")
332 print(FIFO[0],FIFO[1],FIFO[2],FIFO[3],FIFO[4])
333 print(FIFO[4],FIFO[3],FIFO[2],FIFO[1],FIFO[0])
334 print(FIFO[4]+FIFO[3]+FIFO[2]+FIFO[1]+FIFO[0])
335 #Solution 2(采用递归算法):
336 def output(s,l):
337     if l==0:
338        return
339     print(s[l-1])
340     output(s,l-1)
341 s = FIFO[4]+FIFO[3]+FIFO[2]+FIFO[1]+FIFO[0]    
342 l = len(s)
343 output(s,l)
344 #eg22:一个5位数的数字,它不是回文判断。那12321是一个回文,一点也是一千万,几千个一样。
346 #del Num
347 Num = 12321
348 print("The number for test is :",Num)
349 if (int(Num/10000)==Num%10) and (int(Num/1000)%10==int((Num%100)/10)):
350     print("This is a palindrome number!")
351 #eg23:请输入本周的第一个字母来确定什么是一周,如果是第一个字母,则继续确定第二个字母。
352 days = ['Monday','Thuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday']
353 print("Please enter the first letter to determine the day in week:")
354 Ch1=input("Please enter the first letter:")
355 if Ch1=='M':
356     print("Today is Monday!")
357 elif Ch1=='W':
358     print("Today is Wednsday!")
359 elif Ch1=='F':
360     print("Today is Friday!")
361 elif Ch1=='T':
362     print("Please enter the second letter for determined!")
363     Ch2=input()
364     if Ch2=='h':
365         print("Today is Thuesday!")
366     else :
367         print("Today is Tursday!")
368 else:
369     print("Please enter the second letter for detemined!")
370     Ch2=input()
371     if Ch2=='a':
372         print("Today is Saturday!")
373     else :
374         print("Today is Sunday!")
375 #eg24:*逗号分隔 list按逗号分隔列表
376 L = [1,2,3,4,5]
377 s1 = ','.join(str(n) for n in L)
378 print(s1)
379 #eg25:文本颜色设置--示例35
380 class bcolors:
381     HEADER = '\033[95m'
382     OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
383     OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
384     WARNING = '\033[93m'
385     FAIL = '\033[91m'
386     ENDC = '\033[0m'
387     BOLD = '\033[1m'
388     UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
389 print(bcolors.WARNING + "Warning mesg color?" + bcolors.ENDC)

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