使用Unity实现Voxelizer Mesh变换


unity2d网格区域 unity场景网格化_unity2d网格区域


unity2d网格区域 unity场景网格化_图形学_02



unity2d网格区域 unity场景网格化_unity2d网格区域_03


  1. 让程序自动决定如何在渲染管线中插入/移除几何体;
  2. 通过流输出阶段将顶点信息再次传递到顶点缓冲区;
  3. 改变图元类型(如输入点图元,输出三角形图元);




if (_sheet == null) _sheet = new MaterialPropertyBlock();

        var fwd = transform.forward / transform.localScale.z;
        var dist = Vector3.Dot(fwd, transform.position);
        var vector = new Vector4(fwd.x, fwd.y, fwd.z, dist);
        _sheet.SetVector("_EffectVector", vector);

        if (_linkedRenderers != null)
            foreach (var r in _linkedRenderers) r.SetPropertyBlock(_sheet);


unity2d网格区域 unity场景网格化_hlsl_04


float3 p0 = input[0].position.xyz;
    float3 p1 = input[1].position.xyz;
    float3 p2 = input[2].position.xyz;

    float3 n0 = input[0].normal;
    float3 n1 = input[1].normal;
    float3 n2 = input[2].normal;

    float2 uv0 = input[0].texcoord;
    float2 uv1 = input[1].texcoord;
    float2 uv2 = input[2].texcoord;

    float3 center = (p0 + p1 + p2) / 3;


float param = 1 - dot(_EffectVector.xyz, center) + _EffectVector.w;
    // Pass through the vertices if deformation hasn't been started yet.
    if (param < 0)
        outStream.Append(VertexOutput(p0, n0, uv0));
        outStream.Append(VertexOutput(p1, n1, uv1));
        outStream.Append(VertexOutput(p2, n2, uv2));

    // Draw nothing at the end of deformation.
    if (param >= 1) return;


float t_anim = 1 + param * 60;
        float3 t_p0 = lerp(center, p0, t_anim);
        float3 t_p1 = lerp(center, p1, t_anim);
        float3 t_p2 = lerp(center, p2, t_anim);


float ss_param = smoothstep(0, 1, param);

        // Random motion
        float3 move = RandomVector(seed + 1) * ss_param * 0.5;

        // Random rotation
        float3 rot_angles = (RandomVector01(seed + 1) - 0.5) * 100;
        float3x3 rot_m = Euler3x3(rot_angles * ss_param);

        // Simple shrink
        float scale = 1 - ss_param;

        // Apply the animation.
        float3 t_p0 = mul(rot_m, p0 - center) * scale + center + move;
        float3 t_p1 = mul(rot_m, p1 - center) * scale + center + move;
        float3 t_p2 = mul(rot_m, p2 - center) * scale + center + move;
        float3 normal = normalize(cross(t_p1 - t_p0, t_p2 - t_p0));

        // Edge color (emission power) animation
        float edge = smoothstep(0, 0.1, param); // ease-in
        edge *= 1 + 20 * smoothstep(0, 0.1, 0.1 - param); // peak -> release

        // Vertex outputs (front face)
        outStream.Append(TriangleVertex(t_p0, normal, uv0, float3(1, 0, 0), edge));
        outStream.Append(TriangleVertex(t_p1, normal, uv1, float3(0, 1, 0), edge));
        outStream.Append(TriangleVertex(t_p2, normal, uv2, float3(0, 0, 1), edge));

        // Vertex outputs (back face)
        outStream.Append(TriangleVertex(t_p0, -normal, uv0, float3(1, 0, 0), edge));
        outStream.Append(TriangleVertex(t_p2, -normal, uv2, float3(0, 0, 1), edge));
        outStream.Append(TriangleVertex(t_p1, -normal, uv1, float3(0, 1, 0), edge));


unity2d网格区域 unity场景网格化_hlsl_05

unity2d网格区域 unity场景网格化_shader_06


unity2d网格区域 unity场景网格化_hlsl_07


unity2d网格区域 unity场景网格化_hlsl_08


// Cube animation
        float rnd = Random(seed + 1); // random number, gradient noise
        float4 snoise = snoise_grad(float3(rnd * 2378.34, param * 0.8, 0));

        float move = saturate(param * 4 - 3); // stretch/move param
        move = move * move;

        float3 pos = center + snoise.xyz * 0.02; // cube position
        pos.y += move * rnd;

        float3 scale = float2(1 - move, 1 + move * 5).xyx; // cube scale anim
        scale *= 0.05 * saturate(1 + snoise.w * 2);

        float edge = saturate(param * 5); // Edge color (emission power)
        // Cube points calculation
        float morph = smoothstep(0.25, 0.5, param);
        float3 c_p0 = lerp(t_p2, pos + float3(-1, -1, -1) * scale, morph);
        float3 c_p1 = lerp(t_p2, pos + float3(+1, -1, -1) * scale, morph);
        float3 c_p2 = lerp(t_p0, pos + float3(-1, +1, -1) * scale, morph);
        float3 c_p3 = lerp(t_p1, pos + float3(+1, +1, -1) * scale, morph);
        float3 c_p4 = lerp(t_p2, pos + float3(-1, -1, +1) * scale, morph);
        float3 c_p5 = lerp(t_p2, pos + float3(+1, -1, +1) * scale, morph);
        float3 c_p6 = lerp(t_p0, pos + float3(-1, +1, +1) * scale, morph);
        float3 c_p7 = lerp(t_p1, pos + float3(+1, +1, +1) * scale, morph);

        // Vertex outputs
        float3 c_n = float3(-1, 0, 0);
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p2, n0, c_n, uv0, float3(0, 0, 1), float2(0, 0), morph, edge));
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p0, n2, c_n, uv2, float3(1, 0, 0), float2(1, 0), morph, edge));
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p6, n0, c_n, uv0, float3(0, 0, 1), float2(0, 1), morph, edge));
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p4, n2, c_n, uv2, float3(1, 0, 0), float2(1, 1), morph, edge));

        c_n = float3(1, 0, 0);
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p1, n2, c_n, uv2, float3(0, 0, 1), float2(0, 0), morph, edge));
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p3, n1, c_n, uv1, float3(1, 0, 0), float2(1, 0), morph, edge));
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p5, n2, c_n, uv2, float3(0, 0, 1), float2(0, 1), morph, edge));
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p7, n1, c_n, uv1, float3(1, 0, 0), float2(1, 1), morph, edge));

        c_n = float3(0, -1, 0);
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p0, n2, c_n, uv2, float3(1, 0, 0), float2(0, 0), morph, edge));
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p1, n2, c_n, uv2, float3(1, 0, 0), float2(1, 0), morph, edge));
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p4, n2, c_n, uv2, float3(1, 0, 0), float2(0, 1), morph, edge));
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p5, n2, c_n, uv2, float3(1, 0, 0), float2(1, 1), morph, edge));

        c_n = float3(0, 1, 0);
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p3, n1, c_n, uv1, float3(0, 0, 1), float2(0, 0), morph, edge));
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p2, n0, c_n, uv0, float3(1, 0, 0), float2(1, 0), morph, edge));
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p7, n1, c_n, uv1, float3(0, 0, 1), float2(0, 1), morph, edge));
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p6, n0, c_n, uv0, float3(1, 0, 0), float2(1, 1), morph, edge));

        c_n = float3(0, 0, -1);
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p1, n2, c_n, uv2, float3(0, 0, 1), float2(0, 0), morph, edge));
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p0, n2, c_n, uv2, float3(0, 0, 1), float2(1, 0), morph, edge));
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p3, n1, c_n, uv1, float3(0, 1, 0), float2(0, 1), morph, edge));
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p2, n0, c_n, uv0, float3(1, 0, 0), float2(1, 1), morph, edge));

        c_n = float3(0, 0, 1);
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p4, -n2, c_n, uv2, float3(0, 0, 1), float2(0, 0), morph, edge));
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p5, -n2, c_n, uv2, float3(0, 0, 1), float2(1, 0), morph, edge));
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p6, -n0, c_n, uv0, float3(0, 1, 0), float2(0, 1), morph, edge));
        outStream.Append(CubeVertex(c_p7, -n1, c_n, uv1, float3(1, 0, 0), float2(1, 1), morph, edge));

