iPhone开发应用中关于 GameKit蓝牙实例讲解是本文要介绍的内容,主要是来了解并学习 GameKit蓝牙实例。介绍一下这个实例实现的是两个带有 蓝牙设备的touch之间的一个小游戏,在界面上有个可以响应事件的UIView(之前说过)可以点击,然后看谁新达到WINNING_TAP_COUNT (游戏中一常量可以自己设置)谁先达到谁就赢了,然后通知对方。还要引入GameKit.framework框架

2. //  // BlueToothViewController.h  
3. // BlueTooth  //  
4. // Created by mingchun liu on 09-11-24.  // Copyright sdie 2009. All rights reserved.  
5. //  
6. #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import<GameKit/GameKit.h>
7.  #define START_GAME_KEY @"startgame"  
8. #define END_GAME_KEY @"endgame"  #define TAP_COUNT_KEY @"taps"  
9. #define WINNING_TAP_COUNT 50  
10. #define AMIPHD_P2P_SESSION_ID @"amiphdp2p2"//这个是蓝牙协议  
11. @interface BlueToothViewController : UIViewController<GKPeerPickerControllerDelegate,GKSessionDelegate>{          BOOL actingAsHost;//是否提供服务,客户端还是服务器端  
12.         int playerTapCount;//记录玩家点击次数          int opponentTapCount;//对方点击次数  
13.         IBOutlet UILabel *playerTapCountLabel;//显示玩家点击次数          IBOutlet UILabel *opponentTapCountLabel;//显示对手点击次数  
14.         NSString *opponentID;//对方标识符          GKSession *gkSession;  
15.          IBOutlet UILabel *startQuitButton;//开始退出按钮  
16. }  
17. @property BOOL actingAsHost;  @property int playerTapCount;  
18. @property int opponentTapCount;  @property (nonatomic,retain) GKSession *gkSession;  
19.  @property (nonatomic,retain) NSString *opponentID;  
20.  @property (nonatomic,retain)UILabel *playerTapCountLabel;  
21. @property (nonatomic,retain)UILabel *opponentTapCountLabel;  
22. @property (nonatomic,retain)UILabel *startQuitButton;  
23. -(IBAction) handleStartQuitTapped;//处理开始退出操作  -(IBAction) handleTapViewTapped;//处理点击UIView的操作  
24. -(void) updateTapCountLabels;//更新显示  -(void) initGame;//初始化游戏  
25. -(void) hostGame;  -(void) joinGame;//加入游戏  
26. -(void) endGame;//结束游戏  -(void) showEndGameAlert;//弹出结束游戏对话框  
27. @end  
28. #import "BlueToothViewController.h"  
29. @implementation BlueToothViewController  
30. @synthesize actingAsHost;  @synthesize playerTapCount;  
31. @synthesize opponentID;  @synthesize playerTapCountLabel;  
32. @synthesize opponentTapCountLabel;  
33. @synthesize startQuitButton;  @synthesize gkSession;  
34. @synthesize opponentTapCount;  
35. -(IBAction) handleStartQuitTapped {//建立链接操作,弹出链接窗口显示在线          if (! opponentID) {//如果对手ID为空就建立服务端提供服务  
36. actingAsHost =  YES;                  GKPeerPickerController *peerPickerController
37. peerPickerController.delegate =  self;  peerPickerController.connectionTypesMask
38. GKPeerPickerConnectionTypeNearby;                  [peerPickerController show];  
39.         }  }  
40. -(IBAction) handleTapViewTapped {//点击操作          playerTapCount++;  
41.         [self updateTapCountLabels];          // did we just win?  
42. playerWins =  playerTapCount >= WINNING_TAP_COUNT;//当点击达到一定次数时          // send tap count to peer  
43. message = [[NSMutableData alloc] init];//传的数据类型为nsdata类型的          NSKeyedArchiver *archiver
44.         [[NSKeyedArchiver alloc] initForWritingWithMutableData:message];          [archiver encodeInt:playerTapCount forKey: TAP_COUNT_KEY];  
45.         if (playerWins)                  [archiver encodeBool:YES forKey:END_GAME_KEY];  
46.  sendMode
47. playerWins
48.         [archiver release];          [message release];  
49.         // also end game locally          if (playerWins)  
50.                 [self endGame];  }  
51.  -(void) updateTapCountLabels {  
52. playerTapCountLabel.text
53. opponentTapCountLabel.text
54. }  -(void) initGame {  
55. playerTapCount =  0;  opponentTapCount =  0;  
56. }  -(void) hostGame {  
57. message
58. archiver
59.         [archiver encodeBool:YES forKey:START_GAME_KEY];          [archiver finishEncoding];  
60. sendErr =  nil;          [gkSession sendDataToAllPeers: message  
61.                                          withDataMode:GKSendDataReliable error:&sendErr];          if (sendErr)  
62.                 NSLog (@"send greeting failed: %@", sendErr);          // change state of startQuitButton  
63. startQuitButton.text
64.         [archiver release];          [self updateTapCountLabels];  
65. }  -(void) joinGame {  
66. startQuitButton.text
67.         [self updateTapCountLabels];  }  
68.  //一下是代理方法  
69.  -(GKSession *) peerPickerController: (GKPeerPickerController*) controller  
70.                   sessionForConnectionType: (GKPeerPickerConnectionType) type {          if (!gkSession) {//如果没有链接时建立连接  
71. gkSession
72.                                          displayName:nil//在线用户名                                           sessionMode:GKSessionModePeer];  
73. gkSession.delegate =  self;          }  
74.         return gkSession;  }  
75.  - (void)peerPickerController:(GKPeerPickerController *)picker didConnectPeer:(NSString *)peerID toSession:(GKSession *)session  
76. {//当picker接收到数据后将其释放掉,否则进入不了界面          [picker dismiss];  
77. picker.delegate =  nil;          [picker autorelease];  
78. }  - (void)session:(GKSession *)session  
79. didReceiveConnectionRequestFromPeer:(NSString *)peerID {//已接受连接请求的代理方法  actingAsHost =NO;//设为客户端  
80. }  
81. - (void)session:(GKSession *)session peer:(NSString *)peerID  didChangeState:(GKPeerConnectionState)state {//状态改变时触发的代理方法  
82.         switch (state)          {  
83.                 case GKPeerStateConnected:                          [session setDataReceiveHandler: self withContext: nil];  
84. opponentID = peerID;//改变opponentID的值                          actingAsHost ? [self hostGame] : [self joinGame];//  
85.                         break;          }  
86. }  
87. - (void) receiveData: (NSData*) data fromPeer: (NSString*) peerID                     inSession: (GKSession*) session context: (void*) context {//接受数据时的代理操作  
88. unarchiver
89. opponentTapCount
90.                 [self updateTapCountLabels];          }  
91.         if ([unarchiver containsValueForKey:END_GAME_KEY]) {                  [self endGame];  
92.         }          if ([unarchiver containsValueForKey:START_GAME_KEY]) {  
93.                 [self joinGame];          }  
94.         [unarchiver release];  }  
95. //以上是代理方法  
96. -(void) showEndGameAlert {          BOOL playerWins =playerTapCount> opponentTapCount;  
97. endGameAlert
98.                                                                  message: playerWins ? @"Your thumbs have emerged supreme!":                                                                   @"Your thumbs have been laid low"  
99.                                                                  delegate:nil                                                                   cancelButtonTitle:@"OK"  
100.                                                                  otherButtonTitles:nil];          [endGameAlert show];  
101.         [endGameAlert release];  }  
102. -(void) endGame {  opponentID =  nil;  
103. startQuitButton.text
104.         [self showEndGameAlert];  }  
105.  /*  
106. // The designated initializer. Override to perform setup that is required before the view is loaded.  - (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil {  
107. self
108.     }      return self;  
109. }  */  
110.  /*  
111. // Implement loadView to create a view hierarchy programmatically, without using a nib.  - (void)loadView {  
112. }  */  
113.  /*  
114. // Implement viewDidLoad to do additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.  - (void)viewDidLoad {  
115.     [super viewDidLoad];  }  
116. */  
117. /*  // Override to allow orientations other than the default portrait orientation.  
118. - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation {      // Return YES for supported orientations  
119. interfaceOrientation
120. */  
121. - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {          // Releases the view if it doesn't have a superview.  
122.     [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];  
123.         // Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use.  }  
124.  - (void)viewDidUnload {  
125.  self.myOutlet = nil;  
126. }  
127. - (void)dealloc {          [opponentID release];  
128.         [playerTapCountLabel release];          [opponentTapCountLabel release];  
130.         [startQuitButton release];          [gkSession release];  
131.     [super dealloc];  }



GameKit蓝牙实例讲解的内容介绍完 ,希望通过本文的学习能对你有所帮助!




蓝牙设备的touch之间的一个小游戏,在界面上有个可以响应事件的UIView(之前说过)可以点击,然后看谁新达到WINNING_TAP_COUNT (游戏中一常量可以自己设置)谁先达到谁就赢了,然后通知对方。还要引入GameKit.framework框架


2. //  // BlueToothViewController.h  
3. // BlueTooth  //  
4. // Created by mingchun liu on 09-11-24.  // Copyright sdie 2009. All rights reserved.  
5. //  
6. #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import<GameKit/GameKit.h>
7.  #define START_GAME_KEY @"startgame"  
8. #define END_GAME_KEY @"endgame"  #define TAP_COUNT_KEY @"taps"  
9. #define WINNING_TAP_COUNT 50  
10. #define AMIPHD_P2P_SESSION_ID @"amiphdp2p2"//这个是蓝牙协议  
11. @interface BlueToothViewController : UIViewController<GKPeerPickerControllerDelegate,GKSessionDelegate>{          BOOL actingAsHost;//是否提供服务,客户端还是服务器端  
12.         int playerTapCount;//记录玩家点击次数          int opponentTapCount;//对方点击次数  
13.         IBOutlet UILabel *playerTapCountLabel;//显示玩家点击次数          IBOutlet UILabel *opponentTapCountLabel;//显示对手点击次数  
14.         NSString *opponentID;//对方标识符          GKSession *gkSession;  
15.          IBOutlet UILabel *startQuitButton;//开始退出按钮  
16. }  
17. @property BOOL actingAsHost;  @property int playerTapCount;  
18. @property int opponentTapCount;  @property (nonatomic,retain) GKSession *gkSession;  
19.  @property (nonatomic,retain) NSString *opponentID;  
20.  @property (nonatomic,retain)UILabel *playerTapCountLabel;  
21. @property (nonatomic,retain)UILabel *opponentTapCountLabel;  
22. @property (nonatomic,retain)UILabel *startQuitButton;  
23. -(IBAction) handleStartQuitTapped;//处理开始退出操作  -(IBAction) handleTapViewTapped;//处理点击UIView的操作  
24. -(void) updateTapCountLabels;//更新显示  -(void) initGame;//初始化游戏  
25. -(void) hostGame;  -(void) joinGame;//加入游戏  
26. -(void) endGame;//结束游戏  -(void) showEndGameAlert;//弹出结束游戏对话框  
27. @end  
28. #import "BlueToothViewController.h"  
29. @implementation BlueToothViewController  
30. @synthesize actingAsHost;  @synthesize playerTapCount;  
31. @synthesize opponentID;  @synthesize playerTapCountLabel;  
32. @synthesize opponentTapCountLabel;  
33. @synthesize startQuitButton;  @synthesize gkSession;  
34. @synthesize opponentTapCount;  
35. -(IBAction) handleStartQuitTapped {//建立链接操作,弹出链接窗口显示在线          if (! opponentID) {//如果对手ID为空就建立服务端提供服务  
36. actingAsHost =  YES;                  GKPeerPickerController *peerPickerController
37. peerPickerController.delegate =  self;  peerPickerController.connectionTypesMask
38. GKPeerPickerConnectionTypeNearby;                  [peerPickerController show];  
39.         }  }  
40. -(IBAction) handleTapViewTapped {//点击操作          playerTapCount++;  
41.         [self updateTapCountLabels];          // did we just win?  
42. playerWins =  playerTapCount >= WINNING_TAP_COUNT;//当点击达到一定次数时          // send tap count to peer  
43. message = [[NSMutableData alloc] init];//传的数据类型为nsdata类型的          NSKeyedArchiver *archiver
44.         [[NSKeyedArchiver alloc] initForWritingWithMutableData:message];          [archiver encodeInt:playerTapCount forKey: TAP_COUNT_KEY];  
45.         if (playerWins)                  [archiver encodeBool:YES forKey:END_GAME_KEY];  
46.  sendMode
47. playerWins
48.         [archiver release];          [message release];  
49.         // also end game locally          if (playerWins)  
50.                 [self endGame];  }  
51.  -(void) updateTapCountLabels {  
52. playerTapCountLabel.text
53. opponentTapCountLabel.text
54. }  -(void) initGame {  
55. playerTapCount =  0;  opponentTapCount =  0;  
56. }  -(void) hostGame {  
57. message
58. archiver
59.         [archiver encodeBool:YES forKey:START_GAME_KEY];          [archiver finishEncoding];  
60. sendErr =  nil;          [gkSession sendDataToAllPeers: message  
61.                                          withDataMode:GKSendDataReliable error:&sendErr];          if (sendErr)  
62.                 NSLog (@"send greeting failed: %@", sendErr);          // change state of startQuitButton  
63. startQuitButton.text
64.         [archiver release];          [self updateTapCountLabels];  
65. }  -(void) joinGame {  
66. startQuitButton.text
67.         [self updateTapCountLabels];  }  
68.  //一下是代理方法  
69.  -(GKSession *) peerPickerController: (GKPeerPickerController*) controller  
70.                   sessionForConnectionType: (GKPeerPickerConnectionType) type {          if (!gkSession) {//如果没有链接时建立连接  
71. gkSession
72.                                          displayName:nil//在线用户名                                           sessionMode:GKSessionModePeer];  
73. gkSession.delegate =  self;          }  
74.         return gkSession;  }  
75.  - (void)peerPickerController:(GKPeerPickerController *)picker didConnectPeer:(NSString *)peerID toSession:(GKSession *)session  
76. {//当picker接收到数据后将其释放掉,否则进入不了界面          [picker dismiss];  
77. picker.delegate =  nil;          [picker autorelease];  
78. }  - (void)session:(GKSession *)session  
79. didReceiveConnectionRequestFromPeer:(NSString *)peerID {//已接受连接请求的代理方法  actingAsHost =NO;//设为客户端  
80. }  
81. - (void)session:(GKSession *)session peer:(NSString *)peerID  didChangeState:(GKPeerConnectionState)state {//状态改变时触发的代理方法  
82.         switch (state)          {  
83.                 case GKPeerStateConnected:                          [session setDataReceiveHandler: self withContext: nil];  
84. opponentID = peerID;//改变opponentID的值                          actingAsHost ? [self hostGame] : [self joinGame];//  
85.                         break;          }  
86. }  
87. - (void) receiveData: (NSData*) data fromPeer: (NSString*) peerID                     inSession: (GKSession*) session context: (void*) context {//接受数据时的代理操作  
88. unarchiver
89. opponentTapCount
90.                 [self updateTapCountLabels];          }  
91.         if ([unarchiver containsValueForKey:END_GAME_KEY]) {                  [self endGame];  
92.         }          if ([unarchiver containsValueForKey:START_GAME_KEY]) {  
93.                 [self joinGame];          }  
94.         [unarchiver release];  }  
95. //以上是代理方法  
96. -(void) showEndGameAlert {          BOOL playerWins =playerTapCount> opponentTapCount;  
97. endGameAlert
98.                                                                  message: playerWins ? @"Your thumbs have emerged supreme!":                                                                   @"Your thumbs have been laid low"  
99.                                                                  delegate:nil                                                                   cancelButtonTitle:@"OK"  
100.                                                                  otherButtonTitles:nil];          [endGameAlert show];  
101.         [endGameAlert release];  }  
102. -(void) endGame {  opponentID =  nil;  
103. startQuitButton.text
104.         [self showEndGameAlert];  }  
105.  /*  
106. // The designated initializer. Override to perform setup that is required before the view is loaded.  - (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil {  
107. self
108.     }      return self;  
109. }  */  
110.  /*  
111. // Implement loadView to create a view hierarchy programmatically, without using a nib.  - (void)loadView {  
112. }  */  
113.  /*  
114. // Implement viewDidLoad to do additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.  - (void)viewDidLoad {  
115.     [super viewDidLoad];  }  
116. */  
117. /*  // Override to allow orientations other than the default portrait orientation.  
118. - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation {      // Return YES for supported orientations  
119. interfaceOrientation
120. */  
121. - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {          // Releases the view if it doesn't have a superview.  
122.     [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];  
123.         // Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use.  }  
124.  - (void)viewDidUnload {  
125.  self.myOutlet = nil;  
126. }  
127. - (void)dealloc {          [opponentID release];  
128.         [playerTapCountLabel release];          [opponentTapCountLabel release];  
130.         [startQuitButton release];          [gkSession release];  
131.     [super dealloc];  }



GameKit蓝牙实例讲解的内容介绍完 ,希望通过本文的学习能对你有所帮助!