


Twitter can be a little bit crazy. By default, it’s like a large public shouting match. Anyone can weigh in, scream something, wave a sign, and generally interact with whoever else they want. This can cause some issues.

Twitter可能有点疯狂。 默认情况下,这就像一场大型的公开比赛。 任何人都可以称量,尖叫,挥手示意,并通常与他们想要的其他人进行互动。 这可能会导致一些问题。

Although Twitter has some broad rules—like no abusive behaviour, threats, harassment, hateful language, leaking private information, and so on—they’re not very well enforced. No one is reviewing Tweets in real time, so it’s easy for someone to set up an account and send hundreds of abusive messages before they’re shut down. The only way these people get stopped is by reporting their Tweets to Twitter’s team of moderators: if they agree they’re breaking the rules, some action will be taken. So, here’s how to report a Tweet.

尽管Twitter具有一些广泛的规则,例如没有滥用行为,威胁,骚扰,可恶的语言,泄露私人信息等,但是它们的执行力不是很好。 没有人可以实时查看推文,因此有人很容易设置一个帐户并发送数百条滥用信息,然后再将其关闭。 这些人被阻止的唯一方法是向Twitter的主持人团队报告其Tweet:如果他们同意违反规则,则将采取某些措施。 因此,这是报告Tweet的方法。

Find the Tweet that you want to report. I’m using this inoffensive example from my colleague Justin.

找到您要报告的推文。 我正在使用我的同事贾斯汀的这个无礼的例子。


Click or tap the arrow in the top right corner of the tweet.



Then, select Report Tweet from the dropdown.



Next, you’ll be presented with a list of reasons for reporting the Tweet:


I’m Not Interested.

It’s Spam.

It’s Abusive or Harmful.

Obviously, the first one isn’t a reason for reporting things. Instead, block or mute the user instead. Otherwise, select the reason you’re reporting the Tweet and click or tap Next.

显然,第一个不是举报的理由。 而是阻止或静音用户。 否则,请选择您报告该Tweet的原因,然后单击或点击“下一步”。


Once you’ve selected a reason, you’ll need to provide some more information. Keep checking the right boxes and selecting Next.

选择原因后,您需要提供更多信息。 继续选中右边的框,然后选择“下一步”。


You’ll be prompted to identify who the Tweet is targeting…



…as well as add more Tweets to the report if there’s a pattern of abuse.



When you’re done, you’ll also be given the chance to Block or Mute the user who’s Tweet you’re reporting.



Twitter’s team will now review the report. If they agree that it’s against Twitter’s rules, some action will be taken. Unfortunately, Twitter continues to have an abuse problem, so there’s no guarantee that reporting one Tweet or one user will stop things.

Twitter的团队现在将审查该报告。 如果他们同意这违反Twitter的规则,则会采取一些措施。 不幸的是,Twitter仍然存在滥用问题,因此无法保证举报一位Tweet或一位用户会阻止事情。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/305491/how-to-report-a-tweet-on-twitter/
