Repeat action


So far, so good, but what if you want the cat lady to repeat this sequence multiple times? Of course, there’s an action for that!


You can repeat an action a certain number of times using repeatAction:count:, or an endless number of times using repeatActionForever:.


Let’s go with the endless variant. Replace the line that runs your action in spawnEnemy with the following two lines:


SKAction *repeat = [SKAction repeatActionForever:sequence]; 
[enemy runAction:repeat];

Congratulations, now you understand many useful types of actions:


• Move actions 移动
• Sequence actions 序列
• Wait for duration actions 等待
• Run block and selector actions 调用

Reversing actions 反向

• Repeat actions 重复

Next, you’re going to put these all together in a new and interesting way: you’re going to make cat ladies spawn periodically over time, instead of spawning just one cat lady at launch.


Periodic spawning


To prepare for periodic spawning, you’ll revert the spawnEnemy code to the original version that simply moves the cat lady from right to left. You’ll also introduce some random variance so the cat lady doesn’t always spawn at the same y-position.


First things first: you need a helper method to generate a random number within a range of values. Add this new method to the top of your file, along with the other math utilities you added in the first challenge in the previous chapter:


#define ARC4RANDOM_MAX 0x100000000
static inline CGFloat ScalarRandomRange(CGFloat min,CGFloat max)
    return floorf(((double)arc4random() / ARC4RANDOM_MAX) *(max - min) + min);

Next, replace the current version of spawnEnemy with the following


- (void)spawnEnemy {
     SKSpriteNode *enemy = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:@"enemy"];
     enemy.position = CGPointMake( self.size.width + enemy.size.width/2, ScalarRandomRange(enemy.size.height/2,self.size.height - enemy.size.height/2));
     [self addChild:enemy];

     SKAction *actionMove = [SKAction moveToX:-enemy.size.width/2 duration:2.0];

     [enemy runAction:actionMove];

All you did here was modify the fixed y-position to be a random value between the bottom and top of the screen, and revert the movement back to the original implementation. Well, the moveToX:duration: variant of the original implementation, anyway.


Now it’s time for some action. Inside initWithSize:, replace the call to spawnEnemy: with the following:


[self runAction:[SKAction repeatActionForever: [SKAction sequence:@[[SKAction performSelector:@selector(spawnEnemy) onTarget:self],[SKAction waitForDuration:2.0]]]]];

This is an example of how you can chain actions together inline if you’d like, instead of creating separate variables for each action.


Remove from parent action


If you keep the game running for a while, you’ll notice that the node count in the bottom right keeps increasing.


A never-ending list of nodes in a game is not a good thing. This node army will eventually consume all of the memory on the device, and the OS will automatically terminate your app, which from a user’s perspective will look like your app crashed.


And as you may have guessed, there’s an action for that, too! When you no longer need a node and can remove it from the scene, you can either call removeFromParent directly, or use the remove from parent action.


Let’s give this a try. Modify your list of actions in spawnEnemy: like so


SKAction *actionMove = [SKAction moveToX:-enemy.size.width/2 duration:2.0];
SKAction *actionRemove = [SKAction removeFromParent];
[enemy runAction:[SKAction sequence:@[actionMove, actionRemove]]];

And now the node count should always stay about constant, regardless of how long you run the game. Ah – much better!


Animation action


This one is super-useful, because adding animations is a super easy way to add a lot of polish and fun to your game.


To run an animation action, you first need to gather a list of images called textures that make up the frames of the animation. A sprite has a texture assigned to it, but you can always swap out the texture with a different one at runtime by setting the texture property on the sprite.


In fact, this is what animations do for you – automatically swap out your sprite’s textures over time, with a slight delay between each.

事实上,这正是动画所做的事 — 没隔一段时间切换一张材质图片.

Zombie Conga already includes some animation frames for the zombie. you have four textures to use as frames to show the zombie walking.


You can then repeat this endlessly for a continuous walk animation.


Give it a shot. First create a private instance variable for the zombie action:


SKAction *_zombieAnimation;

Then add the following code to initWithSize:, right after adding the zombie as a child to the scene:


// 1
NSMutableArray *textures = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10];
// 2
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { 
    NSString *textureName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"zombie%d", i]; 
    SKTexture *texture = [SKTexture textureWithImageNamed:textureName]; 
    [textures addObject:texture];
// 3
for (int i = 4; i > 1; i--) {
    NSString *textureName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"zombie%d", i]; 
    SKTexture *texture = [SKTexture textureWithImageNamed:textureName]; 
    [textures addObject:texture];
// 4
_zombieAnimation = [SKAction animateWithTextures:textures timePerFrame:0.1];
// 5
[_zombie runAction: [SKAction repeatActionForever:_zombieAnimation]];

2.The animation frames are named zombie1.png, zombie2.png, zombie3.png, and zombie4.png. This makes it nice and easy to create a loop that creates a string for each image name, and then makes a texture object from each name using SKTexture’s textureWithImageNamed: constructor.


3. The first for loop adds frames 1 to 3, which is most of the “forward walk.” This for loop reverses the order and adds frames 4 to 2 to create the “backward walk” animation.


Stopping action


Your zombie’s off to a good start, but one annoying thing is that when the zombie stops moving, his animation keeps running. Ideally, you’d like to stop the animation when the zombie stops moving.

你的僵尸有了个不错的开始,但是有个讨厌的事 — 当僵尸的位置不在改变时依旧还在走太空步,真当自己是杰克逊了...我们需要的是当僵尸停止移动的时候动画也应该对应的停止.

In Sprite Kit, whenever you run an action, you can give the action a key simply by using a variant of the runAction: method called runAction:withKey:. This is handy because then you can stop the action later by calling removeActionForKey:.

在Sprite Kit中,无论你何时想用一个动作,你都可以用runAction:方法的变种runAction:withKey:来给动画一个key.这样就可以通过removeActionForKey:方法来停止这个动作.

Give it a shot by adding these two new methods:


- (void)startZombieAnimation { 
    if (![_zombie actionForKey:@"animation"]) 
            [_zombie runAction: [SKAction repeatActionForever:_zombieAnimation] withKey:@"animation"]; 

- (void)stopZombieAnimation { 
[_zombie removeActionForKey:@"animation"]; 

Now, go to initWithSize: and comment out the line that ran the action there:


//[_zombie runAction:
// [SKAction repeatActionForever:_zombieAnimation]];

Call startZombieAnimation at the beginning of moveZombieToward::


[self startZombieAnimation];

And call stopZombieAnimation inside update:, right after the line of code that sets _velocity = CGPointZero:


and now your zombie will only move when he should!
