
Matlab目标跟踪的代码 matlab 目标检测_HOG目标检测

在训练满足自己需求的检测器之前,需要对自己的图像数据进行处理,也就是勾出图片中要检测的目标。这个过程貌似有点麻烦,还好,不用担心,Matlab自带有这样的工具,这个工具就是Training Image Labeler。怎样打开这个工具呢?如下图所示:

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然后点击Add Images,便可把图片载入到当前界面,然后用框图勾出你要检测的目标,勾出的框可以多个可以重叠,完成后,直接点击Save Session或Export  ROIs,保存即可。保存的结果是一个结构体,域名field names分别为imageFilename和objectBoundingBoxes,分别保存了图像的存储路径与图像待检测目标的ROI坐标[x y width height]。这一步处理完成后,相当于训练集处理完成,接下来便是用它来训练检测器。


trainCascadeObjectDetector(outputXMLFileName, positiveInstances, negativeImages)

其中,outputXMLFileName为训练好的检测器保存文件,是XML文件,positiveInstances为正样本,也就是图片中含有待检测的目标,它也就是前边那一步处理后,Save Session或Export ROIs时保存的结构体,它是一个矩阵文件。negativeImages为负样本,也就是图片中不含有待检测的目标,通常为背景图片。同


help trainCascadeObjectDetector


%Example - Training a stop sign detector
     % Load the positive samples data from a mat file
     % The file names and bounding boxes are contained in an array
     % of structures named 'data'. The samples were created using
     % trainingImageLabeler app.
     % Add the image directory to the MATLAB path
     imDir = fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox', 'vision', 'visiondata',...
     % Specify folder with negative images
     negativeFolder = fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox', 'vision', ...
        'visiondata', 'nonStopSigns');
     % Train a cascade object detector called 'stopSignDetector.xml'
     % using HOG features.
     % NOTE: The command below can take several minutes to run
     trainCascadeObjectDetector('stopSignDetector.xml', data, ...
        negativeFolder, 'FalseAlarmRate', 0.1, 'NumCascadeStages', 5);
     % Use the newly trained classifier to detect a stop sign in an image
     detector = vision.CascadeObjectDetector('stopSignDetector.xml');
     img = imread('stopSignTest.jpg'); % read the test image
     bbox = step(detector, img); % detect a stop sign
     % Insert bounding box rectangles and return marked image
     detectedImg = insertObjectAnnotation(img, 'rectangle', bbox, 'stop sign');
     figure; imshow(detectedImg); % display the detected stop sign
     rmpath(imDir); % remove the image directory from the path


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1. Train a Cascade Object Detector