android 屏幕边缘onTouch 屏幕边缘显示_java

java galaxy

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While the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge’s curved side panels may seem like a pointless feature to some, it’s actually a super useful and versatile tool to have. It makes more sense on the Edge phones than a standard “flat” display, since it basically stays out of the way until you need it. The ability to customize this area is just the icing on the cake, and Samsung has included some really useful tweaks here.

虽然三星Galaxy S7 Edge的弧形侧面板对某些人来说似乎毫无意义,但实际上它是一种超级有用且用途广泛的工具。 在Edge手机上,它比标准的“平板”显示器更具意义,因为在您需要之前,它基本上不会挡住它。 定制该区域的能力只是锦上添花,三星在此包括了一些非常有用的调整。

(The Edge Screen’s Main Features)

The Edge serves as an area with three main uses:


  • Panel: Sliding in from the outside edge of the phone offers quick access to user-specified apps, shortcuts, feeds, and more.
  • Feeds: Allows users to see notifications and other important data without turning the display on by swiping along the Edge.
  • Lighting: Lights up the Edge Display when a new notification comes in and the phone is lying face down.

Each of these features can be individually toggled, and each one also has its own set of options. To access the primary Edge screen settings menu, jump into the Settings menu by pulling down the notification shade and tapping the cog icon.

这些功能中的每个功能都可以单独切换,每个功能也都有自己的一组选项。 要访问边缘屏幕的主要设置菜单,请通过下拉通知栏并点击齿轮图标来跳到“设置”菜单。

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From there, scroll down until you see “Edge screen.” Jump in there.

从那里向下滚动,直到看到“边缘屏幕”。 跳进去。

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This is where you can activate or deactivate each feature—for example, if you like the Edge Panel features, but don’t use Lighting, just turn it off. To toggle the feature, just tap on the one you’d like to enable/disable, then move the On/Off slider.

您可以在此处激活或停用每个功能-例如,如果您喜欢“边缘面板”功能,但不使用“照明”,则将其关闭。 要切换该功能,只需点击您要启用/禁用的功能,然后移动“开/关”滑块即可。

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This is also where you’ll find the more advanced features of each Edge function.


(How to Customize the Edge Panel)

Of all the Edge Display’s features, Panels are by far the most robust. This quick-access side bar stays tucked away and nearly unnoticeable when you’re not using it, but is chock-full of useful shortcuts and information with just a quick swipe from the outside edge of the display.

在所有Edge Display的功能中,Panel是迄今为止最强大的。 当您不使用该快速访问侧栏时,它不会被收起,并且几乎不会引起注意,但是只需从显示屏的外侧边缘快速滑动,即可塞满有用的快捷方式和信息。

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From the menu you were in above (Settings > Edge screen), tap on the “Edge panels” link.


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This will put you in the Panels menu, where you can customize which panels show up, as well as where, how big the handle is, and how transparent it is.


To change the panel handle location or transparency, tap the “Edge panel handle settings” link at the bottom. This will allow you to fully customize the handle’s location and look—if you don’t like it on the right side, move it to the left. If you’d prefer it to be nearly invisible, set the transparency as high as it’ll go. It’s nice to have the handle visible while you get acclimated to it, but once you know exactly where it is, you can make it totally invisible. That’s pretty awesome. Once you’ve set it how you like, just back out of the menu.

要更改面板手柄的位置或透明度,请点击底部的“边缘面板手柄设置”链接。 这将允许您完全自定义手柄的位置和外观-如果您不喜欢它的右侧,请将其向左移动。 如果您希望它几乎不可见,请将透明度设置得尽可能高。 当您适应了手柄时,使手柄可见是很好的,但是一旦您知道手柄的确切位置,就可以使其完全不可见。 太棒了 设置好后,就退出菜单。

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Back in the main Panels menu, you can start tweaking everything Panels has to offer. There are a slew of options here: Apps, Tasks, People, Yahoo! Sports, Weather, My Places, Yahoo! Finance, Yahoo! News, Internet, S Planner, and Quick Tools. Each one can be individual toggled with the checkbox at the top, and most of them can also be customized by tapping the little pencil icon at the bottom of the Panel. Play with these settings—there’s some really cool stuff here.

返回“面板”主菜单,您可以开始调整面板必须提供的所有内容。 这里有很多选项:应用程序,任务,人员,Yahoo! 体育,天气,“我的地方”,Yahoo! 财经,雅虎! 新闻,Internet,S Planner和快速工具。 可以使用顶部的复选框单独切换每个按钮,也可以通过点击面板底部的小铅笔图标来自定义它们中的大多数。 使用这些设置-这里有一些非常酷的东西。

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If you can think of something you’d like to see on the Edge Panel and it’s not available as one of the stock offerings, there’s a good chance it’s available as a third-party download. To access Panel downloads, just hit the “Download” button at the top of the Panels menu. This will direct you to the Galaxy Apps store’s Edge Panels section, where there are a ton

大量其他选项。 只要有足够的时间,您就可以真正自定义边缘面板以完全执行所需的操作。

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(How to Customize Edge Feeds)

Just like Panels, Edge Feeds can be completely customized. By default, there are  a handful of options here: Briefing, Yahoo! News, Sports, and Finance; and S Health. Again, these can by toggled or customized individually with the checkbox or pencil icon, respectively. It’s exactly like customizing Edge Panels.

就像面板一样,Edge Feeds可以完全自定义。 默认情况下,这里有一些选项:简报,Yahoo! 新闻,体育和金融; 和S Health。 同样,可以分别使用复选框或铅笔图标分别切换或自定义它们。 就像自定义边缘面板一样。

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There’s also a Download section for Edge Feeds, but unfortunately it’s pretty empty—at the time of writing there were only two Feed options. It makes sense, though, since there’s very little additional functionality here and Samsung has already done a good job of covering most of the bases.

Edge Feed的下载区域也很丰富,但不幸的是,它非常空白—在撰写本文时,只有两个Feed选项。 但是,这是有道理的,因为这里几乎没有其他功能,而且三星已经在覆盖大多数基础方面做得很好。

(How to Customize Edge Lighting)

Lighting is the simplest of all the Edge Screen features, because it’s just a light. To use the feature, just keep your phone lying face down when not in use—as notifications come in, the Edge will light up. Nothing much to it—you can turn it on or off at the top, and that’s pretty much it.

照明是所有Edge Screen功能中最简单的一种,因为它只是一盏灯。 要使用该功能,只需在不使用手机时使手机正面朝下躺下-收到通知时,Edge会亮起。 没什么大不了的,您可以在顶部将其打开或关闭,仅此而已。

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There’s also a neat “Quick reply” feature. If you’re getting a call and can’t get to it, just put your finger on the heart rate monitor on the back of the phone (beside the camera), and it will automatically reject the call and send a custom message. The default message is “Sorry, I can’t talk right now. Call back later.” but you can customize it to say whatever you like.

还有一个简洁的“快速回复”功能。 如果您接到电话却无法接通,只需将手指放在电话背面(在摄像头旁边)的心率监测器上,它将自动拒绝该电话并发送自定义消息。 默认消息是“抱歉,我现在不能讲话。 稍后再打。” 但您可以自定义它以说出自己喜欢的任何内容。

I’ve seen the argument made against the Edge Display, and while I can see where some of these features are superfluous and Samsung trying to create a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist, the Edge Panel is a fantastic time-saver once you get use to it. It’s easily the best feature of the Edge Screen.

奇妙的节省时间一次你习惯了。 这很容易是边缘屏幕的最佳功能。


java galaxy