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Last week our friend Ed Bott wrote up an excellent article on how to install iTunes 10 on Windows without extra bloat. Today we take a look at doing a minimal install with a step by step tutorial.

上周,我们的朋友埃德·博特(Ed Bott)写了一篇精彩的文章,介绍如何在Windows上安装iTunes 10而不会产生过多膨胀。 今天,我们通过逐步教程来介绍如何进行最小化安装。

Apple released iTunes 10 a couple of weeks ago, and unfortunately it’s not much of an improvement if at all. Last week Ed Bott wrote up The unofficial guide to installing iTunes 10 without bloatware. Today we take a closer look at the process of doing a minimal install of it in Windows 7 to avoid the extra junk. 

苹果是在几周前发布iTunes 10的,不幸的是,这根本没有太大的改进。 上周埃德•博特(Ed Bott)撰写了非官方的安装iTunes 10的指南 。 今天,我们仔细研究一下在Windows 7中进行最小安装以避免多余的垃圾的过程。

(Getting Started)

Instead of just going through a typical update from iTunes 9 to iTunes 10, you might want to look at our guide on uninstalling iTunes and everything that comes with it. Then download the iTunes 10 installer and we can begin clean and fresh.

您可能不只是查看从iTunes 9到iTunes 10的典型更新,还可以查看我们的有关卸载iTunes及其指南的指南。 然后下载iTunes 10安装程序,我们就可以开始全新的安装。

For this article we’re using Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit. The process is the same on a 64-bit version as well, the file names just include 64 in them.

在本文中,我们使用Windows 7 Ultimate 32位。 在64位版本上,该过程也相同,文件名中仅包含64。

After downloading the iTunes 10 installer, extract it with any file extraction utility. Here we’re using 7zip to open the archive.

下载iTunes 10安装程序后,使用任何文件提取实用程序将其提取。 在这里,我们使用7zip打开存档。

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Now you will see everything in the iTunes 10 installer which as you know is several components. The cool thing is that you don’t need them all.

现在,您将在iTunes 10安装程序中看到所有内容,其中包含几个组件。 很棒的事情是您不需要全部。

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(Minimum Install)

Here we’re going to go for the most minimum install that we can get away with using Ed Bott’s instructions.This will let us run iTunes and use an iPod Mini, Nano, Classic, or Shuffle. This method won’t let you use an iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Apple TV, or other sharing features.

在这里,我们将按照Ed Bott的说明进行安装,以获取最小的安装数量,这将使我们可以运行iTunes并使用iPod Mini,Nano,Classic或Shuffle。 这种方法不允许您使用iPhone,iPod Touch,iPad,Apple TV或其他共享功能。

Extract the following files to a folder on the hard drive (hold down the Ctrl key while you highlight each one):

将以下文件提取到硬盘驱动器上的文件夹中(突出显示每个文件时, 按住Ctrl键):

  • iTunes.msi
  • QuickTime.msi
  • AppleApplicationSupport.msi

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It’s probably easiest to create a new folder to extract them to. Here we made a folder called iTunes Minimal.

创建一个新文件夹以将其提取到其中可能是最简单的。 在这里,我们创建了一个名为iTunes Minimal的文件夹。

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Now open the folder you extracted the files to and you should see the three files.


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Now we can use a little command line magic and run the installs with the /passive switch which installs each item in unattended mode. To open the Command Prompt in Windows 7 type cmd into the Search Box and hit Enter.

现在,我们可以使用一些命令行魔术,并使用/ passive开关运行安装程序,该安装程序将以无人参与模式安装每个项目。 要在Windows 7中打开命令提示符,请在搜索框中键入cmd ,然后按Enter。

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Enter in the path of where the file resides, then use the /passive switch with the command at the end.

输入文件所在的路径,然后在命令末尾使用/ passive开关。

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We ran each one individually, you’ll see the following screens after running each command starting with Apple Application Support.

我们逐个运行每个程序,从Apple Application Support开始运行每个命令后,您将看到以下屏幕。

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And finally iTunes.


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When you’re finished you should see something similar to this in the Command Prompt. Of course yours will be different based on your computer name and the location where you extracted the files.

完成后,您应该在命令提示符中看到类似的内容。 当然,根据您的计算机名称和提取文件的位置,您将有所不同。

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Now you’ll see the QuickTime and iTunes icons on your Desktop and can launch iTunes and go through the Setup Assistant.


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One screen you’ll see is that the Bonjour service hasn’t been installed. That’s fine! We don’t need it anyway. If you did want to install it to play your music through AirPlay speakers or connect to Apple TV you can always go back and install it. But for this minimal install, we don’t need or want it on our machine.

您会看到一个屏幕,即尚未安装Bonjour服务。 没关系! 无论如何我们都不需要它。 如果您确实想要安装它以通过AirPlay扬声器播放音乐或连接到Apple TV,则可以随时返回并安装它。 但是对于这种最小的安装,我们不需要或不需要在我们的计算机上安装它。

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And there you go! You can start using iTunes without all the extra junk you don’t want and still be able to use your Apple devices we listed above. Even with this minimal install, iTunes can still run like a pig, so for more on speeding it up check out our 10 tips to make iTunes run faster in Windows (most of the tips work on OS X too).

然后你去了! 您可以开始使用iTunes,而不必使用所有多余的垃圾,并且仍然可以使用上面列出的Apple设备。 即使以最小的安装量,iTunes仍然可以像猪一样运行,因此,有关加快其运行速度的更多信息,请查看我们的10条提示,以使iTunes在Windows中更快地运行 (大多数提示也适用于OS X)。

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The files you install will depend on how you want to use iTunes. For example you might want Bonjour for its features or support for an iPod Touch, iPhone, or iPad. For more on what you need or don’t need to install check out page 3 of Ed Bott’s Guide.

您安装的文件将取决于您要如何使用iTunes。 例如,您可能想要Bonjour的功能或对iPod Touch,iPhone或iPad的支持。 有关您需要安装或不需要安装的更多信息, 请参阅《 Ed Bott指南》的第3页 。

If you want to use your iPod Touch to sync your music take a look at using MediaMonkey for managing your iPod or another alternative is using Foobar2000. Maybe someday Apple will make a decent version of iTunes that doesn’t include all the bloat so we don’t have to use these types of workarounds…one can only hope!

如果要使用iPod Touch同步音乐,请查看使用MediaMonkey管理iPod的方法,或者另一种方法是使用Foobar2000 。 也许有一天,苹果公司将制作出一个体面的iTunes版本,该版本不包含所有的膨胀,因此我们不必使用这些类型的变通办法……一个人只能希望!

We look forward to hearing from you how this approach works for you. Leave a comment and let us know!

我们期待您的来信。 发表评论,让我们知道!

Download iTunes 10 Installer

下载iTunes 10安装程序

Ed Bott’s Unofficial Guide to Installing iTunes 10 Without Bloatware

Ed Bott的非官方指南,用于安装不带Bloatware的iTunes 10

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/28727/how-to-install-itunes-without-extra-bloat/

itunes 区域上架情况