
There is a wide variety of Databases in Database Management System. Name of the different types of databases

数据库管理系统中的数据库种类繁多 。 下面给出了不同类型的数据库的名称。

(Types of DBMS)

  1. Hierarchical Databases 分层数据库
  2. Network Databases 网络数据库
  3. Relational Databases 关系数据库
  4. Object-oriented Databases 面向对象的数据库
  5. Graph Databases 图数据库
  6. ER model Databases ER模型数据库
  7. Document Databases 文件资料库

(1) Hierarchical Databases)

  1. Hierarchical Database System Structure was developed by IBM in the early 1960s. 分层数据库系统结构由IBM在1960年代初期开发。
  2. In this type of Database, data gets stored in parent-children relationship nodes. Also, the records not only contain the data of it but of their parent and children as well. 在这种类型的数据库中,数据存储在父子关系节点中。 此外,记录不仅包含其数据,还包含其父母和子女的数据。
  3. As the name suggests, ‘Hierarchy’, it is a tree-like structure. There are links attached between each record as a parent-children relationship. 顾名思义,“层次结构”是一种树状结构。 每个记录之间都有链接,作为父子关系。
  4. Data gets stored in the form of a collection of fields in which each field contains only one value, i.e., every individual record has only one parent and a parent can have one or more than one children. 数据以字段集合的形式存储,其中每个字段仅包含一个值,即,每个单独的记录只有一个父对象,并且一个父对象可以有一个或多个孩子。
  5. To retrieve the data, we need to traverse each tree until we get the desired data. 要检索数据,我们需要遍历每棵树,直到获得所需的数据。

It is simple but inflexible due to the parent-child one-to-many relationship. They are mostly used in Banking and Telecommunications industries to build high performance and manage applications.

由于父母与孩子一对多的关系,它很简单但又不灵活。 它们主要用于银行和电信行业,以构建高性能和管理应用程序。



Advantages of Hierarchical Databases


The hierarchical database has the advantage that it is a two-edged and can be retrieved and manipulated or altered rapidly due to the tree-like structure of the record and also relationships between records are defined in advance.


Disadvantages of Hierarchical Databases


  1. The hierarchical database has the disadvantage that in this type of database structure each node can only have one parent, and children can’t have relationships or linkages between them, even if they make sense from a logical standpoint. 分层数据库的缺点是,在这种类型的数据库结构中,即使从逻辑的观点出发,每个节点只能有一个父节点,而子节点之间则没有关系或链接。
  2. In order to add record or data in the database, the whole database needs to be redefined. 为了在数据库中添加记录或数据,需要重新定义整个数据库。

监控数据库重点表的变化 监控系统数据库类型_监控数据库重点表的变化

Hierarchal Database Model


(2) Network Databases)

  1. The network database structure was invented by Charles Bachman. Network database management systems (Network DBMSs) uses network structure to create a relationship between entities. 网络数据库结构是Charles Bachman发明的。 网络数据库管理系统(Network DBMS)使用网络结构来创建实体之间的关系。
  2. Network databases are mainly used on a large network of computers. 网络数据库主要用于大型计算机网络上。
  3. Network databases are similar to hierarchical databases differs with one key point that in network databases one node can have a relationship with multiple entities. 网络数据库类似于分层数据库,不同之处在于一个关键点,即在网络数据库中,一个节点可以与多个实体建立关系。
  4. In network databases, parents are termed as occupier and children are termed as members. Data in the network database is organized as many-to-many relationships. 在网络数据库中,父母被称为占用者,孩子被称为成员。 网络数据库中的数据按多对多关系进行组织。


示例:集成数据存储(IDS),IDMS(集成数据库管理系统),Raima数据库管理器,TurboIMAGE和Univac DMS-1100。

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Network Database Model


(3) Relational Databases)

  1. Relational Databases are the most popular among all databases. 关系数据库是所有数据库中最受欢迎的数据库。
  2. In this type of database, there is a relationship between data and that is stored in the form of the table of rows and columns, such that row represents record and column represents the attribute. 在这种类型的数据库中,数据之间存在关系,并且以行和列的表的形式存储数据,因此行代表记录,列代表属性。
  3. Every individual field represents the data value. In order to query the Relational Databases, Structured Query Language (SQL) is used which includes insertion, deletion, manipulation and search the records. 每个单独的字段代表数据值。 为了查询关系数据库,使用了结构化查询语言(SQL),它包括插入,删除,操作和搜索记录。

Relational database depicts the relation between two or more tables, but how this relation is made? Through Key Fields. Every row has its unique key field and these key fields are used to connect one table to another one.




What’s so unique and fascinating about the relational database that is not in other databases? There are mainly two reasons:

与其他数据库相比,关系数据库有何独特之处和迷人之处? 主要有两个原因:

  1. These databases can be used with little or no training 这些数据库几乎不需要培训就可以使用
  2. One can easily modify database entries without specifying the entire 无需指定整个数据库即可轻松修改数据库条目

Properties of Relational Tables


  1. It's values are Atomic. 它的值是原子的。
  2. Every row is individual. 每行都是独立的。
  3. Columns are undistinguished. 列是不可区分的。
  4. Sequence of Rows is Insignificant. 行顺序无关紧要。

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Relational Database Model


(4) Object-Oriented Databases)

  1. Object-oriented Databases were created in the early 1980s. 面向对象的数据库创建于1980年代初期。
  2. Object-Oriented Databases deals with the functionality of the object-oriented programming and it increases the semantics of the C++ and Java. 面向对象的数据库处理面向对象编程的功能,并且增加了C ++和Java的语义。
  3. Advance programming language objects are required in Object-Oriented Databases. 面向对象的数据库中需要高级编程语言对象。
  4. It provides full-featured database programming capability while containing native language compatibility such that it alters the database functionality to object programming languages. 它提供全功能的数据库编程功能,同时包含本机语言兼容性,因此可以将数据库功能更改为对象编程语言。
  5. Applications in Object-Oriented databases require less code, use more natural data modeling, and code bases are easier to maintain. 面向对象数据库中的应用程序需要较少的代码,使用更多的自然数据建模,并且代码库更易于维护。
  6. Object developers can write complete database applications with a less amount of effort and in less time. 对象开发人员可以用更少的精力和更少的时间来编写完整的数据库应用程序。
  7. Object-oriented databases use small software called objects. The objects themselves are stored in the object-oriented database. 面向对象的数据库使用称为对象的小型软件。 对象本身存储在面向对象的数据库中。
  8. Every object in Object-Oriented databases contains two elements: 面向对象的数据库中的每个对象都包含两个元素:
  1. Piece of data (e.g., sound, video, text, or graphics)
  2. Instructions or software programs called methods


示例:某些面向对象的数据库旨在与OOP语言一起使用,例如Delphi,Ruby,C ++,Java和Python。 一些流行的面向对象的数据库是TORNADO,Gemstone,InterSystems缓存,Versant对象数据库,ODABA,ZODB和Poet。 JADE和Informix。

Advantage of Object-oriented databases


One of the most important advantages of Object-Oriented Database is its ability to mix and match reusable objects. It provides the unbelievable multimedia capability.

面向对象数据库的最重要优点之一是它具有混合和匹配可重用对象的能力。 它提供了令人难以置信的多媒体功能。

Disadvantages of Object-oriented Databases


  1. They are more expensive to develop. 它们的开发成本更高。
  2. Most organizations don’t want to abandon their traditional database approach and convert into this database system. 大多数组织都不想放弃其传统的数据库方法而转换为该数据库系统。

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Object-oriented databases Model


Image source: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ehud_Gudes2/publication/3626590/figure/fig1/AS:[email protected]/A-Object-Oriented-Database-Schema.png

图片来源:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ehud_Gudes2/publication/3626590/figure/fig1/AS: [受电子邮件保护] /A-Object-Oriented-Database-Schema.png

(5) Graph Databases)

  1. Graph databases are NoSQL databases and it uses the graphical structure for semantic queries. 图形数据库是NoSQL数据库,它使用图形结构进行语义查询。
  2. Data is stored in the form of nodes, edges, and properties in which node is equivalent to a record, the edge is a link between two nodes and properties are additional information added into the nodes. 数据以节点,边和属性的形式存储,其中节点等效于一条记录,边是两个节点之间的链接,属性是添加到节点中的附加信息。



Graph database are supported by some RDBMs, including Oracle and SQL Server 2017 and later versions.

一些RDBM支持图数据库,包括Oracle和SQL Server 2017及更高版本。

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Graph database Model


Image source: https://database.guide/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/graph_database_relationship_example.png


(6) ER Model Databases)

  1. Entity-Relations Model Database was developed by Peter Chen 1976. 实体关系模型数据库由Peter Chen 1976年开发。
  2. Here, the ER model is applied as a database. Each row in the table represents one instance of an object type, and each column in a table represents an attribute type. 在这里,ER模型被用作数据库。 表中的每一行代表一种对象类型的实例,表中的每一列代表一种属性类型。

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ER Model Databases Model


Image source: https://wcs.smartdraw.com/entity-relationship-diagram/img/erd.jpg?bn=1510011144


(7) Document Databases )

  1. Document databases (DBs) are also a NoSQL database. 文档数据库(DB)也是NoSQL数据库。
  2. It stores data in the form of documents which are key values. Each document makes the relationship of the data with other data elements and attributes. 它以文档的形式存储数据,这些文件是关键值。 每个文档都将数据与其他数据元素和属性建立关系。
  3. It became popular due to its storage of documents and NoSQL properties. The specialty of NoSQL data storage is that it provides a faster mechanism for storing and searching for documents. 它由于存储文档和NoSQL属性而变得流行。 NoSQL数据存储的特色在于它提供了一种用于存储和搜索文档的更快的机制。



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Document Database Model


Image source: https://www.techighness.com/images/er.png


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dbms/types-of-database-management-system.aspx
