Fabric cli peer channel 删除channel slack删除channel_java

slack 使用说明

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Creating hyper-focused channels in Slack makes it easy to stay on topic but hard to see all of the important messages. Use Slack’s Reacji Channeler to automatically copy important messages to specific channels using emoji reactions.

在Slack中创建高度集中的渠道可以使您轻松关注话题,但很难看到所有重要消息。 使用Slack的Reacji Channeler使用表情符号React将重要消息自动复制到特定渠道。

One of Slack’s biggest benefits is that it keeps your chat in one place, but this also causes one of its biggest drawbacks: it’s almost impossible to keep up with everything. The more people contribute to your Slack, the truer this becomes.

Slack的最大好处之一就是可以将您的聊天保持在一个地方,但这也导致了它的最大缺点之一:跟上所有事情几乎是不可能的。 贡献给您的Slack的人越多,它变得越真实。

Slack recognized this a while ago and provided a solution in the form of the Reacji Channeler, a free app written by the Slack team that automatically copies a message to a channel of your choice when you react with a particular emoji.

Slack不久前就意识到了这一点,并以Reacji Channeler的形式提供了一种解决方案,这是由Slack团队编写的免费应用程序,当您对特定表情符号做出React时,它会自动将消息复制到您选择的频道中。

For example, you or a coworker might react to an agreed decision with the gavel emoji, which sends a copy of the message to a #decision channel.


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Slack 松弛

This is an elegant solution to the problem because it makes it easy for humans to choose messages to be copied while automating the busywork of actually copying the message to the right channel. Plus, the app respects private channels by only copying messages from public channels, meaning no one has to worry about what emoji they use in a DM.

这是解决该问题的绝佳解决方案,因为它使人们可以轻松地选择要复制的消息,同时自动完成将消息实际复制到正确通道的工作。 此外,该应用程序仅复制公共频道中的消息即可尊重私人频道,这意味着没有人担心他们在DM中使用哪种表情符号。

To use Reacji Channeler, go to the app page, and click the “Add To Slack” button. You’ll need admin privileges for your Slack workspace to install Reacji as you do when you add any other app.

要使用Reacji Channeler,请转到应用程序页面,然后单击“添加到松弛”按钮。 您需要具有Slack工作区的管理员权限才能像添加其他任何应用程序一样安装Reacji。

Once the app is installed, you can activate Reacji using the following slash command:


/reacji-channeler [:emoji:] [#channel]

In our Slack instance, we want anything with a :rocket: emoji to be sent to the #moon-shot channel.


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Once you’ve run the command you’ll get a confirmation message that only you can see.


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A message will also pop up in the channel you’re sending messages to.


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From now on, if someone reacts to a message in a public channel with the :rocket: emoji, a copy will be sent to the #moon-shot channel. To remove this, use the “remove” slash command:

从现在开始,如果有人使用:rocket:表情符号对公共频道中的消息做出React,则会将副本发送到#moon-shot频道。 要删除它,请使用“ remove”斜杠命令:

/reacji-channeler remove [:emoji:]

To help you choose the right emojis, Slack has provided a starter pack of emojis that includes a gavel, airhorn, free food, and news emoji.

为了帮助您选择正确的表情符号,Slack提供了入门表情包 ,包括木槌,空号,免费食物和新闻表情符号。

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Slack 松弛

You can download and install these emojis regardless of whether you install the app.


The Reacji Channeler app can be used for any purpose—to notify a team about a software release, alert the support team about a problem, request help from the legal department, flag a bug report from a user, or anything else you can imagine.

Reacji Channeler应用程序可用于任何目的-通知团队有关软件版本的信息,警告支持团队有关问题,向法律部门寻求帮助,标记用户的错误报告或您可以想象的其他任何事情。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/680580/automatically-move-slack-messages-to-other-channels-with-reacji/

slack 使用说明