




dolphinscheduler python 脚本报错_python


dolphinscheduler python 脚本报错_#include_02

【1.2 】环境配置主要由三部分组成:包含目录、库目录、附加依赖库。

dolphinscheduler python 脚本报错_初始化_03

dolphinscheduler python 脚本报错_python_04

【1.3】无法打开 python36_d.lib 的问题,配置pyconfig.h文件,python36_d.lib改为python36.lib


dolphinscheduler python 脚本报错_#include_05


位置1 更改结果如方框所示

dolphinscheduler python 脚本报错_初始化_06

位置2 注释掉红色方框内部的代码

dolphinscheduler python 脚本报错_python_07



#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
@File    :   hello.py
@Time    :   2021/04/14 10:21:16
@Author  :   Jian Song 
@Contact :   1248975661@qq.com
@Desc    :   None

# here put the import lib

import numpy as np

def add_num(a,b):
    return a+b

def helloya():

def UseNumpy():
    for index in np.arange(10):   
        print("%d number:%d "%(index,index*index+1))

if __name__=="__main__":


// PythonCpp.cpp : 此文件包含 "main" 函数。程序执行将在此处开始并结束。

#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>  
#include <Python.h>

using namespace std;

[1] VS2017 C/C++调用python脚本文件  
[2]	C++调用Python函数(二)——调用函数并输出返回值

int main()
	if (!Py_IsInitialized())
		printf("Initialized was failed!");
		return 0;

	PyRun_SimpleString("import sys");

	PyObject * pModule = NULL;//声明变量
	PyObject * pFunc = NULL;// 声明变量

	pModule = PyImport_ImportModule("hello");//这里是要调用的文件名hello.py
	if (pModule == NULL){cout << "Sorry,don't find file!" << endl;}

	pFunc = PyObject_GetAttrString(pModule, "add_num");//这里是要调用的函数名
	PyObject* args = Py_BuildValue("(ii)", 1, 103);//给python函数参数赋值
	PyObject* pRet = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc, args);//调用函数
	int res = 0;
	PyArg_Parse(pRet, "i", &res);//转换返回类型
	cout << "res:" << res << endl;//输出结果

	PyObject * pFunc1 = NULL;// 声明变量
	pFunc1 = PyObject_GetAttrString(pModule, "helloya");//这里是要调用的函数名
	PyObject* pRet1 = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc1,nullptr);//调用函数

	PyObject * pFunc2 = NULL;// 声明变量
	pFunc2 = PyObject_GetAttrString(pModule, "UseNumpy");//这里是要调用的函数名
	PyObject* pRet2 = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc2, nullptr);//调用函数


	return 0;

dolphinscheduler python 脚本报错_初始化_08


                 【2】 C++调用Python函数(二)——调用函数并输出返回值




注意注意  self参数在初始化时不能被当成形参,比如__init__(self,a,b),初始化时候只需要考虑(a,b)参数。


(self,a)-》(s,i)->(" ",10)  //类型转换见末尾

【3.1.1】  python代码

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
@File    :   test2.py
@Time    :   2021/04/15 09:43:36
@Author  :   Jian Song 
@Contact :   1248975661@qq.com
@Desc    :   None

# here put the import lib

def hello(s):
    print("hello world")
def arg(a, b):
    print('a=', a)
    print('b=', b)
    return a + b
class Test:
    def __init__(self):
    def say_hello(self, name):
        print("hello", name)
        return name

【3.1.2】 c++代码

#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>  
#include <Python.h>

using namespace std;

C++ 调用 Python3.6中的各种坑:


int main5(int argc, char* argv[])

	PyRun_SimpleString("import sys");

	PyObject *pModule = NULL;
	PyObject *pFunc = NULL;
	PyObject *pArg = NULL;
	PyObject *result = NULL;
	PyObject *pClass = NULL;
	PyObject *pInstance = NULL;
	PyObject *pDict = NULL;

	PyRun_SimpleString("print('python start')");
	pModule = PyImport_ImportModule("test2");
	if (!pModule)
		cout << "Import Module Failed" << endl;
		return 0;

	pDict = PyModule_GetDict(pModule);

	pFunc = PyObject_GetAttrString(pModule, "hello");
	pArg = Py_BuildValue("(s)", "hello charity");
	// 调用直接获得的函数,并传递参数
	PyEval_CallObject(pFunc, pArg);

	// 从字典属性中获取函数
	pFunc = PyDict_GetItemString(pDict, "arg");
	// 参数类型转换,传递两个整型参数
	pArg = Py_BuildValue("(i, i)", 1, 2);
	// 调用函数,并得到 python 类型的返回值
	result = PyEval_CallObject(pFunc, pArg);
	// c 用来保存 C/C++ 类型的返回值
	int c = 0;
	// 将 python 类型的返回值转换为 C/C++类型
	PyArg_Parse(result, "i", &c);
	cout << "a+b = " << c << endl;

	// 【1】通过字典属性获取模块中的类 
	pClass = PyDict_GetItemString(pDict, "Test");
	if (!pClass)
		cout << "获取模块中的类失败" << endl;
		return 0;
	// 【2】实例化获取的类
	pInstance = PyInstanceMethod_New(pClass);
	result = PyObject_CallMethod(pInstance, "say_hello", "(s,s)", "", "charity");
	char* name = NULL;
	PyArg_Parse(result, "s", &name);   //这个函数的第二个参数相当扯淡,具体看下文的英文,类型使用字符来表示的,例如“s”代表 str "i" 代表int,个人感觉相当扯淡
	printf("%s\n", name);
	PyRun_SimpleString("print('python end')");
	return 0;




【3.2.1】  python代码

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
@File    :   myclass1.py
@Time    :   2021/04/15 16:30:16
@Author  :   Jian Song 
@Contact :   1248975661@qq.com
@Desc    :   None

# here put the import lib
import sys
# 类
class Person():
	__age = 18
	__food = 'whatever'   

	def __init__(self,a):

	def WhatEat(self):
		print('no mind!')
	def EatThis(self,foodName):
		self.__food = foodName
	def GetEat(self):
		return self.__food
	def GetAge(self):
		return self.__age

【3.2.2】  c++代码

#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>  
#include <Python.h>

using namespace std;
	[3]Qt C++调用Python方法以及类(类的实例化、成员函数调用

	(1)参数传递有两种方法: 直接传递和元组传递

	(2)函数调用也存在两种方法: 直接调用和类对象调用

	本程序参考文献:C++ —— 调用Python3函数与类对象


int main()
	// 使用python之前,要调用Py_Initialize();这个函数进行初始化
	if (!Py_IsInitialized())
		return -1;

	PyRun_SimpleString("import sys");
	PyRun_SimpleString("sys.path.append('./')");   //这一步很重要,修改Python路径

	PyObject * pModule = nullptr;                  //声明变量
	pModule = PyImport_ImportModule("myclass1");   //这里是要调用的文件名py.py,(注意把test.py改名,python自带测试模组且优先级高于用户的)
	if (pModule == nullptr)
		cout << "没找到" << endl;
		return -2;

	// 模块的字典列表
	PyObject* pDict = PyModule_GetDict(pModule);
	if (!pDict)
		cout << "Cant find dictionary." << endl;
		return -1;

	// 获取Person类
	PyObject* pClasspPerson = PyDict_GetItemString(pDict, "Person");
	if (!pClasspPerson)
		cout << "Cant find Person class." << endl;
		return -1;

	//__init__(self, a), self不能算参数,所以只存在一个参数

	PyObject* cons_args = PyTuple_New(1);	
	PyObject* cons_arg1 = PyLong_FromLong(100);	
	PyTuple_SetItem(cons_args, 0, cons_arg1);

	// 构造Person的实例
	PyObject* pInstancePerson = PyObject_CallObject(pClasspPerson, cons_args);
	if (!pInstancePerson)
		printf("Cant find calc instance.\n");
		return -1;

	// 调用类方法 - WhatEat
	PyObject *WhatEatreturn = PyObject_CallMethod(pInstancePerson, "WhatEat", "", "");
	if (!WhatEatreturn)
		printf("不能找到 WhatEat 方法!");
		return -1;

	// 调用类方法 - EatThis   函数EatThis(self,foodName)的参数含有两个,self可省略
	PyObject *EatThisReturn = PyObject_CallMethod(pInstancePerson, "EatThis", "(s)", "rice");
	if (!EatThisReturn)
		printf("不能找到 EatThis 方法!");
		return -1;

	// 调用类方法 - GetEat
	PyObject *GetEatReturn = PyObject_CallMethod(pInstancePerson, "GetEat", "", "");
	if (!GetEatReturn)
		printf("不能找到 GetEatReturn 方法!");
		return -1;
	char *GetEatBuf = nullptr;
	PyArg_Parse(GetEatReturn, "s", &GetEatBuf);								//转换返回类型
	std::cout << "Person GetEat: " << GetEatBuf << endl;
	GetEatBuf = nullptr;

	// 调用类方法 - GetAge
	PyObject *GetAgeReturn = PyObject_CallMethod(pInstancePerson, "GetAge", "", "");
	if (!GetAgeReturn)
		printf("不能找到 GetAgeReturn 方法!");
		return -1;
	int GetAgeValue;
	PyArg_Parse(GetAgeReturn, "i", &GetAgeValue);	//转换返回类型
	std::cout << "Person GetAge: " << GetAgeValue << endl;
	Py_Finalize();	//调用Py_Finalize,这个根Py_Initialize相对应的。





#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
@File    :   test2.py
@Time    :   2021/04/15 09:43:36
@Author  :   Jian Song 
@Contact :   1248975661@qq.com
@Desc    :   None

# here put the import lib
import sys
import torch

def usetorch():    
    x = torch.ones(5,3)

# if __name__=="__main__":
#     usetorch()


#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>  
#include <Python.h>

using namespace std;




wchar_t *GetWC(const char *c)
	const size_t cSize = strlen(c) + 1;
	wchar_t* wc = new wchar_t[cSize];
	mbstowcs(wc, c, cSize);

	return wc;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

	PyRun_SimpleString("import sys");

	PyRun_SimpleString("print('python start')");
	PyObject *pModule = PyImport_ImportModule("test3");
	if (!pModule)
		cout << "Import Module Failed" << endl;
		return 0;
	PyObject * pFunc1 = NULL;// 声明变量
	pFunc1 = PyObject_GetAttrString(pModule, "usetorch");//这里是要调用的函数名
	PyObject* pRet1 = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc1, nullptr);//调用函数

	return 0;



【5.1 】格式转换

dolphinscheduler python 脚本报错_python_09

s (string) [char *]
Convert a null-terminated C string to a Python object. If the C string pointer is NULL, None is used.
s# (string) [char *, int]
Convert a C string and its length to a Python object. If the C string pointer is NULL, the length is ignored and None is returned.
z (string or None) [char *]
Same as s.
z# (string or None) [char *, int]
Same as s#.
u (Unicode string) [Py_UNICODE *]
Convert a null-terminated buffer of Unicode (UCS-2 or UCS-4) data to a Python Unicode object. If the Unicode buffer pointer is NULL, Noneis returned.
u# (Unicode string) [Py_UNICODE *, int]
Convert a Unicode (UCS-2 or UCS-4) data buffer and its length to a Python Unicode object. If the Unicode buffer pointer is NULL, the length is ignored and None is returned.
i (integer) [int]
Convert a plain C int to a Python integer object.
b (integer) [char]
Convert a plain C char to a Python integer object.
h (integer) [short int]
Convert a plain C short int to a Python integer object.
l (integer) [long int]
Convert a C long int to a Python integer object.
B (integer) [unsigned char]
Convert a C unsigned char to a Python integer object.
H (integer) [unsigned short int]
Convert a C unsigned short int to a Python integer object.
I (integer/long) [unsigned int]
Convert a C unsigned int to a Python integer object or a Python long integer object, if it is larger than sys.maxint.
k (integer/long) [unsigned long]
Convert a C unsigned long to a Python integer object or a Python long integer object, if it is larger than sys.maxint.
L (long) [PY_LONG_LONG]
Convert a C long long to a Python long integer object. Only available on platforms that support long long.
K (long) [unsigned PY_LONG_LONG]
Convert a C unsigned long long to a Python long integer object. Only available on platforms that support unsigned long long.
n (int) [Py_ssize_t]
Convert a C Py_ssize_t to a Python integer or long integer.
New in version 2.5.
c (string of length 1) [char]
Convert a C int representing a character to a Python string of length 1.
d (float) [double]
Convert a C double to a Python floating point number.
f (float) [float]
Same as d.
D (complex) [Py_complex *]
Convert a C Py_complex structure to a Python complex number.
O (object) [PyObject *]
Pass a Python object untouched (except for its reference count, which is incremented by one). If the object passed in is a NULL pointer, it is assumed that this was caused because the call producing the argument found an error and set an exception. Therefore, Py_BuildValue()will return NULL but won’t raise an exception. If no exception has been raised yet, SystemError is set.
S (object) [PyObject *]
Same as O.
N (object) [PyObject *]
Same as O, except it doesn’t increment the reference count on the object. Useful when the object is created by a call to an object constructor in the argument list.
O& (object) [converter, anything]
Convert anything to a Python object through a converter function. The function is called with anything (which should be compatible withvoid *) as its argument and should return a “new” Python object, or NULL if an error occurred.
(items) (tuple) [matching-items]
Convert a sequence of C values to a Python tuple with the same number of items.
[items] (list) [matching-items]
Convert a sequence of C values to a Python list with the same number of items.
{items} (dictionary) [matching-items]
Convert a sequence of C values to a Python dictionary. Each pair of consecutive C values adds one item to the dictionary, serving as key and value, respectively.
If there is an error in the format string, the SystemError exception is set and NULL returned.
Showing off sucks.


PyObject_CallMethod(pClass, “class_method”, “O”, pInstance) 
参数分别为 PyObject(类),string(类方法),string(O表示参数为PyObject) ,PyObject(类实例)

PyObject_CallFunction(pFun, “O”, pyores) 
参数分别为 PyObject(函数),string(O表示参数为PyObject) ,PyObject(函数中使用的参数)