hive (default)> SELECT upper(name), salary,deductions["Federal Taxes"], round(salary * (1 - deductions["Federal Taxes"])) FROM employees limit 2;
JOHN DOE        100000.0        0.2     80000.0
MARY SMITH      80000.0         0.2     64000.0

hive 查询要显示列名,需要设置一下参数

hive (default)> set hive.cli.print.header=true;
hive (default)> SELECT upper(name) AS u_name, salary,deductions["Federal Taxes"] AS d_federal_taxes, round(salary * (1 - deductions["Federal Taxes"])) AS after_taxes_Percentage FROM employees limit 2;
u_name  salary  d_federal_taxes after_taxes_percentage
JOHN DOE        100000.0        0.2     80000.0
MARY SMITH      80000.0 0.2     64000.0


# 这里u_name 一定要是别名,如果 就报错,不知道为什么,hive 1.2.1 版本
hive (default)> SELECT e.u_name, e.salary_minux_fed_taxes
              > FROM
              > (
              > SELECT UPPER(name) as u_name,salary,deductions["Federal Taxes"] as fed_taxes,
              > ROUND(salary * (1 - deductions["Federal Taxes"])) as salary_minux_fed_taxes
              > FROM employees
              > )e
              > WHERE e.salary_minux_fed_taxes > 7000;
e.u_name        e.salary_minux_fed_taxes
JOHN DOE        80000.0
MARY SMITH      64000.0
TODD JONES      59500.0
BILL KING       51000.0
BOSS MAN        140000.0
FRED FINANCE    105000.0
STACY ACCOUNTANT        51000.0
# 下面的代码是等价的
hive (default)> FROM (
              > SELECT UPPER(name) as u_name,salary,deductions["Federal Taxes"] as fed_taxes,
              > ROUND(salary * (1 - deductions["Federal Taxes"])) as salary_minux_fed_taxes
              > FROM employees
              > )e
              > SELECT e.u_name, e.salary_minux_fed_taxes
              > WHERE e.salary_minux_fed_taxes > 7000;
# 可以总结下 hive 子查询的语法
SELECT col1,UPPER(col2) AS u_col2,...
WHERE ....
) T2
SELECT T2.col1,T2.u_col2
WHERE T2.col1 > ....;

CASE ..WHEN..THEN 语句和if条件语句类似,用于处理单个列的查询结果

hive> SELECT name,salary,
    > CASE
    > WHEN salary < 50000.0 THEN 'low'
    > WHEN salary >= 50000.0 AND salary < 70000.0 THEN 'middle'
    > WHEN salary >= 70000.0 AND salary < 100000.0 THEN 'high'
    > ELSE 'very high'
    > END AS bracket FROM employees;
John Doe                100000.0        very high
Mary Smith              80000.0         high
Todd Jones              70000.0         high
Bill King               60000.0         middle
Boss Man                200000.0        very high
Fred Finance            150000.0        very high
Stacy Accountant        60000.0         middle

什么情况下hive 可以避免进行MapReduce
1、SELECT * FROM employees;
2、对于WHERE 语句中过滤条件只是分区字段这种情况(无论是否使用LIMIT语句限制输出记录条数),也是无需MapReduce过程的
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE country=’US’ AND state=’CA’ LIMIT 100;
country 和 state 两个字段是分区字段
2).job的map数必须小于参数:hive 0.7默认4)
hive 0.9 以后此参数改名了 set默认值是4)
where 语句中不能使用列别名

> ;
hive> SELECT name,salary,deductions["Federal Taxes"],
    > salary * (1 - deductions["Federal Taxes"])
    > FROM employees
    > WHERE round(salary * (1 - deductions["Federal Taxes"])) > 70000;
John Doe        100000.0        0.2     80000.0
Boss Man        200000.0        0.3     140000.0
Fred Finance    150000.0        0.3     105000.0

# SELECT 语句 和WHERE 语句,计算表达式相同,能不能使用别名替换?答案是遗憾的,不能够使用别名,可以使用嵌套查询
hive> SELECT name,salary,deductions["Federal Taxes"] AS salary_minux_fed_taxes
    > FROM employees
    > WHERE salary_minux_fed_taxes > 70000;
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10004]: Line 3:6 Invalid table alias or column reference 'salary_minux_fed_taxes': (possible column names are: name, salary, subordinates, deductions, address)

# 第3种嵌套查询的方法
    > (SELECT name,salary,deductions["Federal Taxes"] as ded,salary * (1 - deductions["Federal Taxes"]) as salary_minux_fed_taxes
    > FROM employees) e
    > WHERE round(e.salary_minux_fed_taxes) > 70000;
John Doe        100000.0        0.2     80000.0
Boss Man        200000.0        0.3     140000.0
Fred Finance    150000.0        0.3     105000.0

谓词操作一般用于JOIN…ON 和 HAVING 和 WHERE 语句中

hive 查询列起别名 hive select 别名_hive

# 在低版本的hive 中浮点数的比较是有bug的,deductions["Federal Taxes"] = 0.2 的记录也被输出。这里实验hive的版本是2.3.2 最新版不存在这个问题
hive> SELECT name,salary,deductions["Federal Taxes"]
    > FROM employees
    > WHERE deductions["Federal Taxes"] > 0.2;
Boss Man        200000.0        0.3
Fred Finance    150000.0        0.3
hive> SELECT name,salary,deductions["Federal Taxes"]
    > FROM employees;
John Doe        100000.0        0.2
Mary Smith      80000.0 0.2
Todd Jones      70000.0 0.15
Bill King       60000.0 0.15
Boss Man        200000.0        0.3
Fred Finance    150000.0        0.3
Stacy Accountant        60000.0 0.15

hive> SELECT name,salary,deductions["Federal Taxes"]
    > FROM employees
    > WHERE deductions["Federal Taxes"] > CAST(0.2 AS FLOAT);
Boss Man        200000.0        0.3
Fred Finance    150000.0        0.3
#出现这样的问题的根本原因是浮点数进度的问题,默认情况下数字0.2 是DOUBLE 类型,是个近似值,0.2000000000001 而deductions["Federal Taxes"] 是float类型,转换成DOUBLE 其产生的值是:0.200000100000,这个时候问题就明朗了。
deductions["Federal Taxes"]  DOUBLE 0.200000100000
0.2 DOUBLE 0.2000000000001 
满足WHERE 条件,这样就会输出,所以表现出是>=。

# 经过测试在hive 1.2.2 bug依旧存在
hive (default)> SELECT name,salary,deductions["Federal Taxes"]
              > FROM employees
              > WHERE deductions["Federal Taxes"] > 0.2;
John Doe        100000.0        0.2
Mary Smith      80000.0 0.2
Boss Man        200000.0        0.3
Fred Finance    150000.0        0.3
hive (default)> SELECT name,salary,deductions["Federal Taxes"]
              > FROM employees;
John Doe        100000.0        0.2
Mary Smith      80000.0 0.2
Todd Jones      70000.0 0.15
Bill King       60000.0 0.15
Boss Man        200000.0        0.3
Fred Finance    150000.0        0.3
Stacy Accountant        60000.0 0.15


LIKE 和 RLIKE 都可以使用正则表达式,匹配列字段,只是RLIKE 使用java的正则表达式,功能更强大

hive> SELECT name,address.street FROM employees WHERE address.street LIKE '%Ave.';
John Doe        1 Michigan Ave.
Todd Jones      200 Chicago Ave.
hive> SELECT name, FROM employees WHERE LIKE 'O%';
Todd Jones      Oak Park
Bill King       Obscuria
hive> SELECT name,address.street FROM employees WHERE address.street LIKE '%Chi%';
Todd Jones      200 Chicago Ave.
# RLIKE 使用java 的正则表达式,可以实现更强大的正则表达式功能
hive> SELECT name,address.street
    > FROM employees WHERE address.street RLIKE '.*(Chicago|Ontario).*';
Mary Smith      100 Ontario St.
Todd Jones      200 Chicago Ave.
hive> SELECT name,address FROM employees
    > WHERE address.street LIKE '%Chicago%' OR address.street LIKE '%Ontario%';
Mary Smith      {"street":"100 Ontario St.","city":"Chicago","state":"IL","zip":60601}
Todd Jones      {"street":"200 Chicago Ave.","city":"Oak Park","state":"IL","zip":60700}

GROUP BY 语句通常和聚合函数一起使用,按照一个或者多个列对结果进行分组

hive (default)> SELECT year(symbol),avg(price_close) FROM stocks
              > WHERE exchanges = 'NASDAQ' AND ymd = 'AAPL'
              > GROUP BY year(symbol);
1984    25.578625440597534
1985    20.193676221040867
1986    32.46102808021274
1987    53.88968399108163
1988    41.540079275138766
1989    41.65976212516664
1990    37.56268799823263
1991    52.49553383386182
1992    54.80338610251119
1993    41.02671956450572
1994    34.0813495847914
1995    40.542103593311616
1996    24.917559398440865
1997    17.965850004565574
1998    30.565119240019058
1999    57.77071460844979
2000    71.74892876261757
2001    20.219112992286682
2002    19.139444423100304
2003    18.54476193019322
2004    35.52694458431668
2005    52.401745992993554
2006    70.81063753105255
2007    128.27390423049016
2008    141.9790115054888
2009    146.81412711976066
2010    204.72159912109376
# 聚合函数没有使用GROUP BY 语句会报语法错误
hive (default)> SELECT year(symbol),avg(price_close) FROM stocks
              > WHERE exchanges = 'NASDAQ' AND ymd = 'AAPL';
FAILED: SemanticException Line 0:-1 Expression not in GROUP BY key 'symbol'

HAVING 语句 允许用户通过一个简单的语法完成原本需要通过子查询才能对GROUP BY 语句产生的分组进行条件过滤的任务。

hive (default)> SELECT year(symbol),avg(price_close) FROM stocks
              > WHERE exchanges = 'NASDAQ' AND ymd = 'AAPL'
              > GROUP BY year(symbol)
              > HAVING avg(price_close) > 55.0;
1999    57.77071460844979
2000    71.74892876261757
2006    70.81063753105255
2007    128.27390423049016
2008    141.9790115054888
2009    146.81412711976066
2010    204.72159912109376

# 下面使用子查询实现
hive (default)> FROM (
              > SELECT year(symbol)AS symbol_yyyy_MM_dd,avg(price_close) as price_close_avg FROM stocks
              > WHERE exchanges = 'NASDAQ' AND ymd = 'AAPL'
              > GROUP BY year(symbol)
              > ) s
              > SELECT symbol_yyyy_MM_dd , s.price_close_avg
              > WHERE s.price_close_avg > 55.0;
1999    57.77071460844979
2000    71.74892876261757
2006    70.81063753105255
2007    128.27390423049016
2008    141.9790115054888
2009    146.81412711976066
2010    204.72159912109376

Hive 支持通常SQL JOIN语句,但是只支持等值连接
INNER JOIN 内连接,只有进行连接的两个表中都存在于连接表中想匹配的数据才会被保留。

hive (default)> SELECT a.symbol,a.price_close,b.price_close
              > FROM stocks a JOIN stocks b ON a.symbol = b.symbol
              > WHERE a.ymd = 'AAPL' AND b.ymd = 'IBM';
# 输出:
2010-02-08      194.12  121.88
2010-02-05      195.46  123.52
2010-02-04      192.05  123.0
2010-02-03      199.23  125.66
2010-02-02      195.86  125.53
2010-02-01      194.73  124.67
2010-01-29      192.06  122.39
2010-01-28      199.29  123.75
2010-01-27      207.88  126.33
2010-01-26      205.94  125.75
2010-01-25      203.07  126.12