

  • 优先级队列


  • 二叉堆




  • 完全二叉树


上面我们说了二叉堆,那么其实堆也可以是多叉堆,多叉堆同理也有上面两个类似性质。1.完全多叉树 2.父子节点单调性



transient Object[] queue; // non-private to simplify nested class access

java大顶堆的实现过程 priorityqueue大顶堆_java大顶堆的实现过程


leftNo = parentNo * 2 + 1
rightNo = parentNo * 2 + 2
parentNo = (currentNo -1) / 2




     * Inserts the specified element into this priority queue.
     * @return {@code true} (as specified by {@link Collection#add})
     * @throws ClassCastException if the specified element cannot be
     *         compared with elements currently in this priority queue
     *         according to the priority queue's ordering
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified element is null
public boolean add(E e) {
    return offer(e);

     * Inserts the specified element into this priority queue.
     * @return {@code true} (as specified by {@link Queue#offer})
     * @throws ClassCastException if the specified element cannot be
     *         compared with elements currently in this priority queue
     *         according to the priority queue's ordering
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified element is null
public boolean offer(E e) {
    if (e == null)
        throw new NullPointerException();
    int i = size;
    if (i >= queue.length) //如果queue数组中的数据满了,扩容
        grow(i + 1);
    siftUp(i, e);   //siftUp,上浮元素
    size = i + 1;
    return true;

 private void siftUp(int k, E x) {
        if (comparator != null)//比较器优先
            siftUpUsingComparator(k, x, queue, comparator);
            siftUpComparable(k, x, queue);

     * Increases the capacity of the array.
     * @param minCapacity the desired minimum capacity
    private void grow(int minCapacity) {
        int oldCapacity = queue.length;
        // Double size if small; else grow by 50%
        int newCapacity = ArraysSupport.newLength(oldCapacity,
                minCapacity - oldCapacity, /* minimum growth */
                oldCapacity < 64 ? oldCapacity + 2 : oldCapacity >> 1
                                           /* preferred growth */);
        queue = Arrays.copyOf(queue, newCapacity);


  • 如果queue数组中的数据满了,扩容
  • siftUp,上浮元素
  • 因为元素的父子元素具有单调性,所以可以通过比较,和父节点交换位置,直到找到它合适的位置
  • 这里我们看到的是 比较器(siftUpUsingComparator)优先。
  • 合适的位置指的是 满足 单调性 的位置


     * Retrieves and removes the head of this queue,
     * or returns {@code null} if this queue is empty.
     * @return the head of this queue, or {@code null} if this queue is empty
 public E poll() {
        final Object[] es;
        final E result;

        if ((result = (E) ((es = queue)[0])) != null) {//取出第一个元素(索引为0)
            final int n;
            final E x = (E) es[(n = --size)];//获得最后一个元素
            es[n] = null;//最后一个元素置空
            if (n > 0) {
                final Comparator<? super E> cmp;
                if ((cmp = comparator) == null) //比较器优先
                    siftDownComparable(0, x, es, n);//然后做下层操作
                    siftDownUsingComparator(0, x, es, n, cmp);//然后做下层操作
        return result;
    private static <T> void siftDownComparable(int k, T x, Object[] es, int n) {
        // assert n > 0;
        Comparable<? super T> key = (Comparable<? super T>)x;
        int half = n >>> 1;           // loop while a non-leaf
        while (k < half) {
            int child = (k << 1) + 1; // assume left child is least
            Object c = es[child];
            int right = child + 1;
            if (right < n &&
                ((Comparable<? super T>) c).compareTo((T) es[right]) > 0)
                c = es[child = right];
            if (key.compareTo((T) c) <= 0)
            es[k] = c;
            k = child;
        es[k] = key;
      private static <T> void siftDownComparable(int k, T x, Object[] es, int n) {
        // assert n > 0;
        Comparable<? super T> key = (Comparable<? super T>)x;
        int half = n >>> 1;           // loop while a non-leaf
        while (k < half) {
            int child = (k << 1) + 1; // assume left child is least 翻译  假设左孩子是更小的
            Object c = es[child];
            int right = child + 1;
            if (right < n &&
                ((Comparable<? super T>) c).compareTo((T) es[right]) > 0)
                c = es[child = right];  //得到较小的孩子
            if (key.compareTo((T) c) <= 0)  //用教小的孩子做比较,做交换
            es[k] = c;
            k = child;
        es[k] = key;


  • 首先取出索引为0的元素,堆顶元素
  • 把索引最大的元素拿到堆顶做下沉操作
  • 如果PriorityQueue构造的时候拥有比较器就用比较器来做下沉比较,否者使用元素继承的Comparable比较性做比较


  • boolean add(e) 添加
  • boolean offer(E e) 同add相同
  • E poll() 取出堆顶元素,也就是数组索引为0的元素,size会减少。size=0时会得到 null
  • E peek() 读取堆顶元素,size不会减少。size=0时会得到 null
  • E remove() 和poll()功能相同,只是会@throws NoSuchElementException if this queue is empty
  • E element() 和peek()功能相同,只是会@throws NoSuchElementException if this queue is empty