负载均衡 服务器

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Server load balancing is a technology that distributes high volumes of load across multiple servers in a network in order to deliver speed and performance for users. Load balanced servers ensure that no single server is overcome by extra load thus the data is available to all the users at one single time.

服务器负载平衡是一项技术,可在网络中的多台服务器之间分配大量负载,从而为用户提供速度和性能。 负载平衡的服务器确保没有单个服务器可以克服额外的负载,因此数据一次可提供给所有用户。

To setup a load balanced network, high configuration dedicated servers are deployed in a network administered by a load balancer to distribute the traffic.


Network load balanced servers are usually deployed by large companies and organisations with complex business processes and thousands of customers who access the servers at any given single time.  News websites, video streaming websites and social networking websites are some examples where a load balanced setup would be typically used given the amount of data and traffic on the servers.

网络负载平衡服务器通常由具有复杂业务流程的大型公司和组织以及成千上万的客户部署,这些客户可以在任何给定的时间访问服务器。 新闻网站,视频流媒体网站和社交网站是其中一些示例,其中给定服务器上的数据量和流量,通常将使用负载平衡设置。

Businesses maintaining a large network of servers to accommodate their large corporate data also require a load balanced infrastructure to evenly distribute the load among all the servers so that each individual server’s processing power is used optimally and intelligently. An advanced load balanced setup directs user requests to the servers that have the least load thus ensuring the fastest response times.

维护大型服务器网络以容纳其大型公司数据的企业还需要负载平衡的基础结构,以在所有服务器之间平均分配负载,以便最佳且智能地利用每个服务器的处理能力。 先进的负载平衡设置将用户请求定向到负载最小的服务器,从而确保最快的响应时间。

Load balancing ensures a resilient, highly available network with fault tolerance because of one server in the network goes down; the requests on that server are handled by the next in line server in the cluster. With high availability, reliability is achieved as there is no effect on speed or performance even if one server in the network goes down. Similarly, if an application on one server fails, it will remain available from the next server in the network.

由于网络中的一台服务器出现故障,因此负载平衡可确保具有容错能力的弹性高可用性网络。 该服务器上的请求由集群中的下一个内联服务器处理。 凭借高可用性,即使网络中的一台服务器出现故障,也不会影响速度或性能,因此可实现可靠性。 同样,如果一台服务器上的应用程序发生故障,则该应用程序仍可从网络中的下一台服务器使用。

This has another advantage in the case of planned maintenance. The entire network need not go down or offline for software or hardware maintenance. It can be carried out one server at a time while services remain available from the other servers.

在计划维护的情况下,这还有另一个优势。 整个网络无需停机或脱机即可进行软件或硬件维护。 一次可以在一台服务器上执行该服务,而其他服务器仍然可以使用。

Greater scalability is another benefit of network load balancing. When greater storage or processing power is required, enterprises can simply ask the service provider to deploy extra servers to the network quickly and seamlessly.

更大的可扩展性是网络负载平衡的另一个好处。 当需要更大的存储或处理能力时,企业可以简单地要求服务提供商快速无缝地将额外的服务器部署到网络中。

Disaster recovery is a crucial part of any enterprise’s IT solution. Distributed load balancing can achieve DR services by redirecting user requests to servers in a DR data centre in the event of a disaster at the primary data centre. The load balancing device determines which server will be most capable to process the request and then sends the request to that particular server.

灾难恢复是任何企业IT解决方案的关键部分。 如果主数据中心发生灾难,分布式负载平衡可以通过将用户请求重定向到DR数据中心中的服务器来实现DR服务。 负载平衡设备确定哪个服务器将最有能力处理请求,然后将请求发送到该特定服务器。

Load balancing solution can be created on both Linux and Windows dedicated servers. Large businesses with resource intensive applications, large volumes if increasing data and constant traffic require high availability, stability and scalability to ensure customers can reach their services and products at anytime from anywhere.

可以在Linux和Windows 专用服务器上创建负载平衡解决方案。 具有资源密集型应用程序的大型企业,如果要增加数据并保持稳定的流量则需要大量的存储空间,因此需要高可用性,稳定性和可伸缩性,以确保客户可以随时随地获得其服务和产品。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/the-advantages-of-server-load-balancing-for-your-business/

负载均衡 服务器