
  • 苹果框架学习(二) Metal
  • Metal简介
  • 1. Essentials
  • 1.1 基本任务和概念
  • 1.2 将OpenGL代码迁移到Metal
  • 1.3 将您的Metal代码移植到苹果Arm芯片
  • 2. GPUs
  • 2.1 获取默认GPU
  • 2.2 macOS中的GPU选择
  • 2.3 protocol MTLDevice
  • 2.4 GPU 特征
  • 3. Command Setup
  • 3.1 建立一个命令结构
  • 3.2 准备你的Metal应用程序在后台运行
  • 3.3 protocol MTLCommandQueue
  • 3.4 protocol MTLCommandBuffer
  • 3.5 protocol MTLCommandEncoder
  • 3.6 计数器采样
  • 4. 并行计算
  • 5. 射线跟踪
  • 6. 渲染
  • 7. Presentation
  • 8. Shaders
  • 9. Resources
  • 10. 对象大小调整和定位
  • 11. 填充向量和矩阵
  • 12. Time
  • 13. Tools
  • 14. GPU编程技术
  • 15. Reference
  • 16. Related Documentation

苹果框架学习(二) Metal




  • 渲染复杂3D环境的游戏
  • 视频处理应用程序,比如Final Cut Pro
  • 数据处理应用程序,比如那些用于进行科学研究的应用程序

Metal与其他补充其功能的框架携手工作。使用MetalKit可以简化将Metal内容显示在屏幕上的任务。使用Metal Performance着色器来实现自定义渲染函数或利用现有函数的大型库。

许多高级Apple框架都构建在Metal之上,以利用其性能,包括Core Image、SpriteKit和SceneKit。使用这些高级框架之一可以避免您接触到GPU编程的细节,但是编写定制的Metal代码可以使您获得最高水平的性能。

1. Essentials

1.1 基本任务和概念

基本任务和概念 通过一系列示例代码项目熟悉Metal

1.2 将OpenGL代码迁移到Metal

将OpenGL代码迁移到Metal 用Metal替换应用程序中已弃用的OpenGL代码。

1.3 将您的Metal代码移植到苹果Arm芯片

将您的Metal代码移植到苹果Arm芯片 创建一个版本的Metal应用程序,运行在苹果硅和英特尔的Mac电脑上。

2. GPUs


2.1 获取默认GPU

获取默认GPU 选择要在其上运行Metal代码的系统默认GPU设备。


2.2 macOS中的GPU选择

macOS中的GPU选择 通过考虑GPU能力、功率或性能特征,选择一个或多个GPU来运行您的Metal代码。

2.3 protocol MTLDevice

protocol MTLDevice 图形处理器的Metal接口,用于绘制图形或进行并行计算。

MTLDevice协议定义了到GPU的接口。您可以查询MTLDevice为您的Metal应用程序提供的独特功能,并使用MTLDevice发出所有的Metal命令。不要自己执行这个协议;相反,在iOS或tvOS中,在运行时使用MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice() 从系统请求GPU;在macOS中,使用MTLCopyAllDevicesWithObserver(handler:)获取可用MTLDevice对象的列表。关于选择正确的GPU(s)的完整讨论,请参见获取默认GPU。


2.4 GPU 特征

GPU 特征 查找特定GPU家族的特征信息。

Metal Feature Sets

使用Metal特征设置表 根据Metal软件版本和GPU家族查找功能可用性。 Metal中功能的可用性是由GPU支持的Metal软件版本和家族功能集的组合决定的。Metal功能集表提供了功能的可用性,特定的数值限制,以及对不同GPU家族的像素格式支持。

Apple GPU Families理解GPU家族4 了解A11的特性,包括光栅顺序组、平铺着色器和图像块。



基于Tile延迟渲染 TBDR对IM架构做了一些重要的改变,在所有的原语都提交之后处理场景。屏幕被分割成小块,分别进行处理。所有几何体的交叉块被同时处理,并且遮挡碎片被丢弃在光栅化和碎片着色阶段之前。块被渲染到GPU上的快速本地内存中,只有在渲染完成后才被写到设备内存中。




A11 GPU上的Metal2

在A11中,苹果设计的GPU提供了几个显著增强TBDR的功能。这些特性是通过额外的Metal 2 api提供的,并允许您的应用程序和游戏实现新的性能和功能级别。

这些特性包括imageblock、平铺阴影、光栅顺序组和imageblock样本覆盖率控制。A11 GPU上的Metal 2也提高了碎片丢弃的性能。


在A11上的Metal 2还简化了技术的实现,如地下散射、顺序无关的透明度和基于瓷砖的照明算法。

3. Command Setup


3.1 建立一个命令结构

建立一个命令结构 了解Metal如何在GPU上执行命令。

3.2 准备你的Metal应用程序在后台运行

准备你的Metal应用程序在后台运行 通过暂停未来的GPU使用和确保之前的工作安排,准备你的应用移到后台。

3.3 protocol MTLCommandQueue

MTLCommandQueue 一种为GPU执行组织命令缓冲区的队列。

3.4 protocol MTLCommandBuffer

MTLCommandBuffer 为GPU存储要执行的编码命令的容器。

3.5 protocol MTLCommandEncoder

MTLCommandEncoder 一种将GPU命令写入命令缓冲区的编码器。

3.6 计数器采样

计数器采样 检索关于GPU如何执行你的命令的信息。

4. 并行计算

Process arbitrary calculations in parallel on the GPU.

Processing a Texture in a Compute Function Perform data-parallel computations on texture data.

Creating Threads and Threadgroups Learn how Metal organizes compute-processing workloads.

Calculating Threadgroup and Grid Sizes Calculate the optimum sizes for threadgroups and grids when dispatching compute-processing workloads.

class MTLComputePipelineDescriptor An object used to customize how a new compute pipeline state object is compiled.

protocol MTLComputePipelineState An object that contains a compiled compute pipeline.

class MTLComputePassDescriptor A configuration for a compute pass, used to create a compute command encoder.

protocol MTLComputeCommandEncoder An object used to encode commands in a compute pass.

5. 射线跟踪

Accelerating Ray Tracing Using Metal Implement ray-traced rendering using GPU-based parallel processing

protocol MTLAccelerationStructure A collection of model data, organized to allow for GPU-accelerated intersection of rays with the model.

class MTLAccelerationStructureDescriptor A base class for classes that define the configuration for a new acceleraton structure.

class MTLAccelerationStructureGeometryDescriptor A base class for descriptors that contain geometry data to convert into a ray-tracing acceleration structure.

class MTLAccelerationStructureBoundingBoxGeometryDescriptor A description of a list of bounding boxes to turn into an acceleration structure.

class MTLAccelerationStructureTriangleGeometryDescriptor A description of a list of triangle primitives to turn into an acceleration structure.

class MTLPrimitiveAccelerationStructureDescriptor A description of an acceleration structure that contains geometry primitives.

class MTLInstanceAccelerationStructureDescriptor A description of an acceleration structure built from instances of primitive acceleration structures.

struct MTLAccelerationStructureInstanceDescriptor A description of an instance in an instanced geometry acceleration structure.

protocol MTLIntersectionFunctionTable A table of visible functions that Metal calls to perform ray-tracing intersection tests.

class MTLIntersectionFunctionTableDescriptor A description that describes how to create an intersection function table.

class MTLIntersectionFunctionDescriptor A description of a visible function that performs an intersection test.

protocol MTLAccelerationStructureCommandEncoder A object used to encode commands that build or refit acceleration structures.

6. 渲染

Render graphics by issuing draw calls, and choose a presentation object if you’re drawing to the screen.

Using a Render Pipeline to Render Primitives Render a simple 2D triangle.

Creating and Sampling Textures Load image data into a texture and apply it to a quadrangle.

Calculating Primitive Visibility Using Depth Testing Determine which pixels are visible in a scene by using a depth texture.

Customizing Render Pass Setup Render into an offscreen texture by creating a custom render pass.

Generating Multiple Output Vertex Streams from One Input Stream Render efficiently to multiple layers or viewports.

Render Pipelines Specify how graphics primitives should be rendered.

class MTLRenderPassDescriptor A group of render targets that hold the results of a render pass.

protocol MTLRenderCommandEncoder The object to use for encoding commands for a render pass.

protocol MTLParallelRenderCommandEncoder An object that splits up a single render pass so that it can be simultaneously encoded from multiple threads.

Model I/O Specify precise locations within the textures associated with graphics processing.

7. Presentation

Display Metal textures onscreen.

Drawable Objects Obtain textures to draw into from drawable objects.

8. Shaders

Shader Authoring Write your GPU code in the Metal Shading Language.

Libraries Organize your shaders into libraries.

Functions Retrieve information about rendering and compute functions.

9. Resources

Create objects to hold GPU data.

Setting Resource Storage Modes Set a storage mode that defines the memory location and access permissions of a resource.

Copying Data to a Private Resource Use a blit command encoder to copy buffer or texture data to a private resource.

Synchronizing a Managed Resource Synchronize the contents of a managed resource for the CPU or GPU.

Transferring Data Between Connected GPUs Use high-speed connections between GPUs to transfer data quickly.

Reducing the Memory Footprint of Metal Apps Learn best practices for using memory efficiently in iOS and tvOS.

protocol MTLResource An allocation of memory that is accessible to a GPU.

protocol MTLBlitCommandEncoder An encoder that encodes memory copying, filtering, and fill commands.

class MTLBlitPassDescriptor A configuration for a blit pass, used to create a blit command encoder.

protocol MTLResourceStateCommandEncoder An encoder that encodes commands that modify resource configurations.

class MTLResourceStatePassDescriptor A configuration for a resource state pass, used to create a resource state command encoder.

Buffers Create and manipulate unstructured GPU resources.

Textures Create and manipulate structured GPU resources.

Indirect Command Buffers Recoup encoding time by reusing commands, or create a GPU-driven rendering pipeline by generating commands on the GPU.

Heaps Create a single allocation of memory from which you can suballocate resources.

Synchronization Manage access to resources in your app to avoid data hazards.

10. 对象大小调整和定位

Set the sizes and positions of many Metal objects.

struct MTLOrigin The coordinates for the front upper-left corner of a region.

struct MTLRegion The bounds for a subset of an object’s elements.

struct MTLSize The dimensions of an object.

typealias MTLCoordinate2D A coordinate in the viewport.

func MTLCoordinate2DMake(Float, Float) -> MTLCoordinate2D Returns a new 2D point with the specified coordinates.

11. 填充向量和矩阵

typealias MTLPackedFloat3 A stucture that contains three 32-bit floating-point values with no additional padding.

typealias MTLPackedFloat4x3 A structure that contains the top three rows of a 4x4 matrix of 32-bit floating-point values, in column-major order.

12. Time

typealias MTLTimestamp A timestamp, in Mach absolute time.

13. Tools

Diagnosing Metal Programming Issues Early Identify Metal framework and shader programming errors during development using Xcode’s diagnostic tools.

Developing Metal Apps that Run in Simulator Prototype and test your Metal apps in Simulator.

Supporting Simulator in a Metal App Modify Metal Apps to Run in Simulator.

Frame Capture Debugging Tools Analyze and optimize your app performance at runtime.

Using Metal System Trace in Instruments to Profile Your App Smooth out your frame rate by checking for issues in your app’s CPU and GPU utilization.

Optimizing Performance with the GPU Counters Instrument Examine your app’s use of GPU resources in Instruments, and tune your app as needed.

14. GPU编程技术

Learn a variety of strategies for executing code efficiently on GPUs, and experiment with their companion sample code.

Rendering a Scene with Forward Plus Lighting Using Tile Shaders Implement a forward plus renderer using the latest features on Apple GPUs.

Rendering a Scene with Deferred Lighting Implement a deferred lighting renderer that takes advantage of unique Metal features.

Rendering Reflections with Fewer Render Passes Use layer selection to reduce the number of render passes needed to generate an environment map.

Using Function Specialization to Build Pipeline Variants Create pipelines for different levels of detail from a common shader source.

Rendering Terrain Dynamically with Argument Buffers Use argument buffers to render terrain in real time with a GPU-driven pipeline.

Mixing Metal and OpenGL Rendering in a View Draw with Metal and OpenGL in the same view using an interoperable texture.

Modern Rendering with Metal Use advanced Metal features such as Indirect Command Buffers, Sparse Textures, and Variable Rate Rasterization to implement modern rendering algorithms.

15. Reference

Metal Structures

Metal Enumerations

Metal Type Aliases

16. Related Documentation

Metal Shading Language Guide

Metal Feature Sets

MetalKit Build Metal apps quicker and easier, using far less code. Render graphics in a standard Metal view, load textures from many sources, and work efficiently with models provided by Model I/O.

Metal Performance Shaders Optimize graphics and compute performance with kernels that are fine-tuned for the unique characteristics of each Metal GPU family.

Metal Programming Guide

Metal Best Practices Guide