

DataFrame API

DataFrame & DataSet & RDD 三者区别

SparkSQL 组成

SparkSQL Catalyst Optimizer









spark.version = 2.4.4



SparkSQL 是一个用于处理结构化数据的Spark组件,结构化数据既可以来自外部结构化数据源,也可以通过向已有RDD增加Schema方式得到。

DataFrame API


如下图可以看到实际上Spark的Dataframe API底层也是基于Spark的RDD。

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DataFrame 是一种以RDD为基础的分布式数据集,类似于传统数据库中的二维表格。它也支持各种关系操作优化执行,与RDD不同的是,DataFrame带有Schema元数据,即DataFrame所表示的二维表数据集的每一列都带有名称和类型。由于无法知道RDD数据集内部数据结构类型,Spark作业执行只能在调度阶段层面进行简单通用的优化,而对于DataFrame带有数据集内部的结构,可以根据这些信息进行针对性的优化,最终实现优化运行效率。通俗的说SparkSQL能自动优化任务执行过程。

DataFrame & DataSet & RDD 三者区别

RDD 是一个不可变的分布式对象集合,是 Spark 对数据的核心抽象。每个 RDD 都被分为多个分区,每个分区就是一个数据集片段,这些分区运行在集群中的不同节点上。RDD 提供了一种高度受限的内存共享模型,即 RDD 是只读的,只能基于稳定的物理储存中的数据集来创建 RDD 或对已有的 RDD 进行转换操作来得到新的 RDD。

DataFrame 是用在 Spark SQL 中的一种存放 Row 对象的特殊 RDD,是 Spark SQL中的数据抽象,它是一种结构化的数据集,每一条数据都由几个命名字段组成(类似与传统数据库中的表),DataFrame 能够利用结构信息更加高效的存储数据。同时, SparkSQL 为 DataFrame 提供了非常好用的 API,而且还能注册成表使用 SQL 来操作。DataFrame 可以从外部数据源创建,也可以从查询结果或已有的 RDD 创建。

Dataset 是 Spark1.6 开始提供的 API,是 Spark SQL 最新的数据抽象。它把 RDD 的优势(强类型,可以使用 lambda 表达式函数)和 Spark SQL 的优化执行引擎结合到了一起。Dataset 可以从 JVM 对象创建得到,而且可以像 DataFrame 一样使用 API 或 sql 来操作。

三者的关系:RDD + Schema = DataFrame = Dataset[Row]
注:RDD 是 Spark 的核心,DataFrame/Dataset 是 Spark SQL 的核心,RDD 不支持 SQL 操作。


val df:DataFrame = spark.sql(sqlText)
val rdd = df.rdd.map(...)

import spark.implicits._
val a = rdd.toDF()
// 首先执行spark.sql()将返回一个DataFrame
def sql(sqlText: String): DataFrame = {
	Dataset.ofRows(self, sessionState.sqlParser.parsePlan(sqlText))

// 将DataFrame转换为RDD
lazy val rdd: RDD[T] = {
	val objectType = exprEnc.deserializer.dataType
	rddQueryExecution.toRdd.mapPartitions { rows =>
	  rows.map(_.get(0, objectType).asInstanceOf[T])

// 将RDD转换为DataFrame
def toDF(): DataFrame = new Dataset[Row](sparkSession, queryExecution, RowEncoder(schema))

package object sql {

   * Converts a logical plan into zero or more SparkPlans.  This API is exposed for experimenting
   * with the query planner and is not designed to be stable across spark releases.  Developers
   * writing libraries should instead consider using the stable APIs provided in
   * [[org.apache.spark.sql.sources]]
  type Strategy = SparkStrategy

  type DataFrame = Dataset[Row]

SparkSQL 组成


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SparkSQL Catalyst Optimizer








而Tree的具体操作是通过TreeNode来实现的,LogicalPlans,Expressions和Pysical Operators都可以使用Tree来表示。

Tree具备一些Scala Collection的操作能力和树遍历能力。


每个节点都有一个节点类型和零个或多个子节点。Tree内部定义了一个children: Seq[BaseType]方法,可以返回一系列孩子节点。

abstract class TreeNode[BaseType <: TreeNode[BaseType]] extends Product {
// scalastyle:on
  self: BaseType =>

  val origin: Origin = CurrentOrigin.get

   * Returns a Seq of the children of this node.
   * Children should not change. Immutability required for containsChild optimization
  def children: Seq[BaseType]

  lazy val containsChild: Set[TreeNode[_]] = children.toSet



   * Returns a copy of this node where `rule` has been recursively applied to the tree.
   * When `rule` does not apply to a given node it is left unchanged.
   * Users should not expect a specific directionality. If a specific directionality is needed,
   * transformDown or transformUp should be used.
   * @param rule the function use to transform this nodes children
  def transform(rule: PartialFunction[BaseType, BaseType]): BaseType = {

   * Returns a copy of this node where `rule` has been recursively applied to it and all of its
   * children (pre-order). When `rule` does not apply to a given node it is left unchanged.
   * @param rule the function used to transform this nodes children
  def transformDown(rule: PartialFunction[BaseType, BaseType]): BaseType = {
    val afterRule = CurrentOrigin.withOrigin(origin) {
      rule.applyOrElse(this, identity[BaseType])

    // Check if unchanged and then possibly return old copy to avoid gc churn.
    if (this fastEquals afterRule) {
    } else {

   * Returns a copy of this node where `rule` has been recursively applied first to all of its
   * children and then itself (post-order). When `rule` does not apply to a given node, it is left
   * unchanged.
   * @param rule the function use to transform this nodes children
  def transformUp(rule: PartialFunction[BaseType, BaseType]): BaseType = {
    val afterRuleOnChildren = mapChildren(_.transformUp(rule))
    if (this fastEquals afterRuleOnChildren) {
      CurrentOrigin.withOrigin(origin) {
        rule.applyOrElse(this, identity[BaseType])
    } else {
      CurrentOrigin.withOrigin(origin) {
        rule.applyOrElse(afterRuleOnChildren, identity[BaseType])


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可以看到TreeNode下有两个重要的子类集成体系,分别是:QueryPlan  & Expression


abstract class QueryPlan[PlanType <: QueryPlan[PlanType]] extends TreeNode[PlanType] {
  self: PlanType =>

   * The active config object within the current scope.
   * See [[SQLConf.get]] for more information.
  def conf: SQLConf = SQLConf.get

  def output: Seq[Attribute]

   * Returns the set of attributes that are output by this node.
  def outputSet: AttributeSet = AttributeSet(output)

   * All Attributes that appear in expressions from this operator.  Note that this set does not
   * include attributes that are implicitly referenced by being passed through to the output tuple.
  def references: AttributeSet = AttributeSet(expressions.flatMap(_.references))

   * The set of all attributes that are input to this operator by its children.
  def inputSet: AttributeSet =

   * The set of all attributes that are produced by this node.
  def producedAttributes: AttributeSet = AttributeSet.empty

   * Attributes that are referenced by expressions but not provided by this node's children.
   * Subclasses should override this method if they produce attributes internally as it is used by
   * assertions designed to prevent the construction of invalid plans.
  def missingInput: AttributeSet = references -- inputSet -- producedAttributes

   * Runs [[transformExpressionsDown]] with `rule` on all expressions present
   * in this query operator.
   * Users should not expect a specific directionality. If a specific directionality is needed,
   * transformExpressionsDown or transformExpressionsUp should be used.
   * @param rule the rule to be applied to every expression in this operator.
  def transformExpressions(rule: PartialFunction[Expression, Expression]): this.type = {

   * Runs [[transformDown]] with `rule` on all expressions present in this query operator.
   * @param rule the rule to be applied to every expression in this operator.
  def transformExpressionsDown(rule: PartialFunction[Expression, Expression]): this.type = {

   * Runs [[transformUp]] with `rule` on all expressions present in this query operator.
   * @param rule the rule to be applied to every expression in this operator.
   * @return
  def transformExpressionsUp(rule: PartialFunction[Expression, Expression]): this.type = {

   * Apply a map function to each expression present in this query operator, and return a new
   * query operator based on the mapped expressions.
  def mapExpressions(f: Expression => Expression): this.type = {
    var changed = false

    @inline def transformExpression(e: Expression): Expression = {
      val newE = CurrentOrigin.withOrigin(e.origin) {
      if (newE.fastEquals(e)) {
      } else {
        changed = true

    def recursiveTransform(arg: Any): AnyRef = arg match {
      case e: Expression => transformExpression(e)
      case Some(value) => Some(recursiveTransform(value))
      case m: Map[_, _] => m
      case d: DataType => d // Avoid unpacking Structs
      case stream: Stream[_] => stream.map(recursiveTransform).force
      case seq: Traversable[_] => seq.map(recursiveTransform)
      case other: AnyRef => other
      case null => null

    val newArgs = mapProductIterator(recursiveTransform)

    if (changed) makeCopy(newArgs).asInstanceOf[this.type] else this

   * Returns the result of running [[transformExpressions]] on this node
   * and all its children.
  def transformAllExpressions(rule: PartialFunction[Expression, Expression]): this.type = {
    transform {
      case q: QueryPlan[_] => q.transformExpressions(rule).asInstanceOf[PlanType]

  /** Returns all of the expressions present in this query plan operator. */
  final def expressions: Seq[Expression] = {
    // Recursively find all expressions from a traversable.
    def seqToExpressions(seq: Traversable[Any]): Traversable[Expression] = seq.flatMap {
      case e: Expression => e :: Nil
      case s: Traversable[_] => seqToExpressions(s)
      case other => Nil

    productIterator.flatMap {
      case e: Expression => e :: Nil
      case s: Some[_] => seqToExpressions(s.toSeq)
      case seq: Traversable[_] => seqToExpressions(seq)
      case other => Nil

  ......  // 其它代码省略

QueryPlan下也有两个重要子类,分别是LogicalPlan(逻辑执行计划) & SparkPlan(物理执行计划)

LogicalPlan内部提供了resolve(nameParts: Seq[String],resolver: Resolver): Option[NamedExpression]方法,用于分析生成对应的NamedExpression。

abstract class LogicalPlan
  extends QueryPlan[LogicalPlan]
  with AnalysisHelper
  with LogicalPlanStats
  with QueryPlanConstraints
  with Logging {

   * Optionally resolves the given strings to a [[NamedExpression]] based on the output of this
   * LogicalPlan. The attribute is expressed as string in the following form:
   * `[scope].AttributeName.[nested].[fields]...`.
  def resolve(
      nameParts: Seq[String],
      resolver: Resolver): Option[NamedExpression] =
    outputAttributes.resolve(nameParts, resolver)





abstract class SparkPlan extends QueryPlan[SparkPlan] with Logging with Serializable {

   * A handle to the SQL Context that was used to create this plan. Since many operators need
   * access to the sqlContext for RDD operations or configuration this field is automatically
   * populated by the query planning infrastructure.
  @transient final val sqlContext = SparkSession.getActiveSession.map(_.sqlContext).orNull


 * An expression in Catalyst.
 * If an expression wants to be exposed in the function registry (so users can call it with
 * "name(arguments...)", the concrete implementation must be a case class whose constructor
 * arguments are all Expressions types. See [[Substring]] for an example.
 * There are a few important traits:
 * - [[Nondeterministic]]: an expression that is not deterministic.
 * - [[Unevaluable]]: an expression that is not supposed to be evaluated.
 * - [[CodegenFallback]]: an expression that does not have code gen implemented and falls back to
 *                        interpreted mode.
 * - [[LeafExpression]]: an expression that has no child.
 * - [[UnaryExpression]]: an expression that has one child.
 * - [[BinaryExpression]]: an expression that has two children.
 * - [[TernaryExpression]]: an expression that has three children.
 * - [[BinaryOperator]]: a special case of [[BinaryExpression]] that requires two children to have
 *                       the same output data type.
abstract class Expression extends TreeNode[Expression] {




abstract class Rule[TreeType <: TreeNode[_]] extends Logging {

  /** Name for this rule, automatically inferred based on class name. */
  val ruleName: String = {
    val className = getClass.getName
    if (className endsWith "$") className.dropRight(1) else className

  def apply(plan: TreeType): TreeType




abstract class RuleExecutor[TreeType <: TreeNode[_]] extends Logging {

   * An execution strategy for rules that indicates the maximum number of executions. If the
   * execution reaches fix point (i.e. converge) before maxIterations, it will stop.
  abstract class Strategy { def maxIterations: Int }

  /** A strategy that only runs once. */
  case object Once extends Strategy { val maxIterations = 1 }

  /** A strategy that runs until fix point or maxIterations times, whichever comes first. */
  case class FixedPoint(maxIterations: Int) extends Strategy

  /** A batch of rules. */
  protected case class Batch(name: String, strategy: Strategy, rules: Rule[TreeType]*)

  /** Defines a sequence of rule batches, to be overridden by the implementation. */
  protected def batches: Seq[Batch]

   * Defines a check function that checks for structural integrity of the plan after the execution
   * of each rule. For example, we can check whether a plan is still resolved after each rule in
   * `Optimizer`, so we can catch rules that return invalid plans. The check function returns
   * `false` if the given plan doesn't pass the structural integrity check.
  protected def isPlanIntegral(plan: TreeType): Boolean = true

   * Executes the batches of rules defined by the subclass. The batches are executed serially
   * using the defined execution strategy. Within each batch, rules are also executed serially.
  def execute(plan: TreeType): TreeType = {
    var curPlan = plan
    val queryExecutionMetrics = RuleExecutor.queryExecutionMeter

    batches.foreach { batch =>
      val batchStartPlan = curPlan
      var iteration = 1
      var lastPlan = curPlan
      var continue = true

      // Run until fix point (or the max number of iterations as specified in the strategy.
      while (continue) {
        curPlan = batch.rules.foldLeft(curPlan) {
          case (plan, rule) =>
            val startTime = System.nanoTime()
            val result = rule(plan)
            val runTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime

            if (!result.fastEquals(plan)) {
              queryExecutionMetrics.incTimeEffectiveExecutionBy(rule.ruleName, runTime)
                  |=== Applying Rule ${rule.ruleName} ===
                  |${sideBySide(plan.treeString, result.treeString).mkString("\n")}
            queryExecutionMetrics.incExecutionTimeBy(rule.ruleName, runTime)

            // Run the structural integrity checker against the plan after each rule.
            if (!isPlanIntegral(result)) {
              val message = s"After applying rule ${rule.ruleName} in batch ${batch.name}, " +
                "the structural integrity of the plan is broken."
              throw new TreeNodeException(result, message, null)

        iteration += 1
        if (iteration > batch.strategy.maxIterations) {
          // Only log if this is a rule that is supposed to run more than once.
          if (iteration != 2) {
            val message = s"Max iterations (${iteration - 1}) reached for batch ${batch.name}"
            if (Utils.isTesting) {
              throw new TreeNodeException(curPlan, message, null)
            } else {
          continue = false

        if (curPlan.fastEquals(lastPlan)) {
            s"Fixed point reached for batch ${batch.name} after ${iteration - 1} iterations.")
          continue = false
        lastPlan = curPlan

      if (!batchStartPlan.fastEquals(curPlan)) {
            |=== Result of Batch ${batch.name} ===
            |${sideBySide(batchStartPlan.treeString, curPlan.treeString).mkString("\n")}
      } else {
        logTrace(s"Batch ${batch.name} has no effect.")


在RuleExecutor类继承体系中,也有两个重要的实现子类,分别是Analyzer & Optimizer。



每个Batch又由不同的Rules构成,每个Rule又有自己相对应的处理函数。注意,不同Rule的使用次数不同(Once FixedPoint)。


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1、将SQL语句通过词法和语法解析生成未绑定的逻辑执行计划(Unresolved LogicalPlan),包含Unresolved Relation、Unresolved Function和Unresolved Attribute,然后在后续步骤中使用不同的Rule应用到该逻辑计划上

2、Analyzer使用Analysis Rules,配合元数据(如SessionCatalog 或是 Hive Metastore等)完善未绑定的逻辑计划的属性而转换成绑定的逻辑计划。具体流程是县实例化一个Simple Analyzer,然后遍历预定义好的Batch,通过父类Rule Executor的执行方法运行Batch里的Rules,每个Rule会对未绑定的逻辑计划进行处理,有些可以通过一次解析处理,有些需要多次迭代,迭代直到达到FixedPoint次数或前后两次的树结构没变化才停止操作。

3、Optimizer使用Optimization Rules,将绑定的逻辑计划进行合并、列裁剪和过滤器下推等优化工作后生成优化的逻辑计划。

4、Planner使用Planning Strategies,对优化的逻辑计划进行转换(Transform)生成可以执行的物理计划。根据过去的性能统计数据,选择最佳的物理执行计划CostModel,最后生成可以执行的物理执行计划树,得到SparkPlan。




Spark SQL:Relational Data Processing in Spark