Kubernetes Gateway API

Kubernetes Gateway API is an exciting new feature that allows you to manage and expose your services in a more flexible and scalable way. In this article, we will explore what the Gateway API is, how it works, and provide code examples to help you understand its capabilities.

What is Kubernetes Gateway API?

Kubernetes Gateway API is a set of APIs that enable the creation and management of gateway resources in a Kubernetes cluster. It provides a declarative approach to define and configure gateways, which act as an entry point for traffic into your cluster.

A gateway represents an abstraction of a logical network endpoint that routes traffic to one or more backend services. It helps to encapsulate the complexity of routing and load balancing by providing a single entry point for external traffic.

How does it work?

The Gateway API leverages the power of Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) to extend the Kubernetes API and introduce new resources specific to gateway management.

To create a gateway, you need to define a Gateway resource with the necessary configuration. This includes specifying the listeners, routes, and backend services.

Let's take a look at the following code example to understand how a simple Gateway resource is defined using YAML:

apiVersion: networking.x-k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: Gateway
  name: my-gateway
    - protocol: HTTP
      port: 80
        - match:
            path: /api
              host: backend-service
                number: 8080

In this example, we define a Gateway named "my-gateway" that listens on port 80 for HTTP traffic. It has a single route that matches requests to the "/api" path and forwards them to the backend service named "backend-service" on port 8080.

Once you have defined the Gateway resource, you can apply it to your Kubernetes cluster using the kubectl apply command.

Benefits of Kubernetes Gateway API

The Gateway API brings several benefits to managing and exposing services in a Kubernetes cluster:

  1. Simplified configuration: The declarative nature of Gateway resources makes it easy to define and manage complex routing configurations without the need for extensive configuration files or manual intervention.

  2. Scalability: Gateways can be dynamically scaled up or down to handle changes in traffic volume. This allows you to efficiently manage your resources and ensure that your services are always available.

  3. Flexibility: The Gateway API provides a flexible and extensible architecture that allows you to integrate with different load balancing and traffic management solutions. This enables you to choose the best approach for your specific use case.


In this article, we have explored the Kubernetes Gateway API and its capabilities. We have seen how to define a Gateway resource using YAML and discussed the benefits it brings to managing and exposing services in a Kubernetes cluster.

The Gateway API simplifies the configuration and management of gateways, providing a scalable and flexible solution for handling traffic in your cluster. By leveraging Kubernetes CRDs, it extends the Kubernetes API and unlocks new possibilities for managing your services.

With the Gateway API, you can take control of your service traffic and ensure a seamless experience for your users. So why not give it a try and see how it can enhance your Kubernetes deployments?

Code Example

package main

import (

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, Kubernetes Gateway API!")

func main() {
	http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

Sequence Diagram

  participant User
  participant Gateway
  participant BackendService

  User->>Gateway: HTTP Request
  Gateway->>BackendService: Forward Request
  BackendService->>Gateway: Response
  Gateway->>User: Forward Response

Journey Diagram

  title Kubernetes Gateway API Journey

  section Define Gateway
    Gateway: Define Gateway resource using YAML

  section Apply Gateway
    Gateway: Apply Gateway resource to cluster

  section Process Request
    Gateway: Receive HTTP request
    Gateway: Match request to route
    Gateway: Forward request to backend service

  section Process Response
    BackendService: Process request and generate response
    Gateway: Receive response from backend service
    Gateway: Forward response to user

Note: The code example provided above is a simple HTTP server written in Go. It demonstrates how to handle incoming requests and send responses. In a real-world scenario, you would have a more complex backend service handling the requests.