DSN Code 5.7.1 in Exchange Online - Office 365


If you are using Exchange Online in Office 365, you may come across a Delivery Status Notification (DSN) code 5.7.1. This code indicates a failure in message delivery due to mailbox size restrictions. In this article, we will explore what this code means, how to troubleshoot it, and provide code examples to help you manage mailbox size in Exchange Online.

Understanding DSN Code 5.7.1

DSN code 5.7.1 is a non-delivery report (NDR) error code that specifically refers to mailbox size limits. When a sender tries to deliver a message to a recipient with an over-quota mailbox, Exchange Online generates this error code to inform the sender about the failure.

Troubleshooting DSN Code 5.7.1

To resolve DSN code 5.7.1 errors, you can take the following steps:

  1. Check the mailbox size: Use the Exchange Online PowerShell module to check the size of the recipient's mailbox. Run the following code to retrieve the mailbox size information:
Get-Mailbox -Identity <RecipientEmail> | Select-Object -ExpandProperty TotalItemSize
  1. Increase mailbox size limit: If the mailbox is nearing its size limit, you can increase it using the following code:
Set-Mailbox -Identity <RecipientEmail> -ProhibitSendQuota <NewSize> -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota <NewSize> -IssueWarningQuota <NewSize>

Replace <RecipientEmail> with the actual email address of the recipient and <NewSize> with the desired new mailbox size limit.

  1. Archive or delete emails: If the mailbox is already at its size limit, the user needs to either archive old emails to a different location or delete unnecessary emails to free up space. You can use the following code to search for large emails and then delete them:
Search-Mailbox -Identity <RecipientEmail> -SearchQuery "Size:>=10MB" -DeleteContent

This code searches for emails larger than 10 MB and deletes them from the mailbox. Adjust the size value as per your requirements.

Managing Mailbox Size in Exchange Online

To proactively manage mailbox sizes in Exchange Online, you can use the following techniques:

  1. Set mailbox size limits: Use the following code to set mailbox size limits for all users in the organization:
Get-Mailbox | Set-Mailbox -ProhibitSendQuota <Size> -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota <Size> -IssueWarningQuota <Size>

Replace <Size> with the desired mailbox size limit.

  1. Implement mailbox retention policies: Use retention policies to automatically delete or archive emails after a certain period. You can create a retention policy using the following code:
New-RetentionPolicy -Name "MailboxRetention" -RetentionPolicyTagLinks <TagLink> -RetentionAction <Action> -RetentionEnabled $true

Replace <TagLink> with the retention policy tag links, <Action> with the desired retention action, such as MoveToArchive, DeleteAndAllowRecovery, etc.

  1. Educate users about mailbox management: Encourage users to regularly clean up their mailboxes, delete unnecessary emails, and archive important ones. Provide guidelines on efficient email management practices.

Class Diagram

Below is a class diagram showing the relationship between the different components involved in managing mailbox size in Exchange Online:

    class ExchangeOnline {
    class User {
    ExchangeOnline -- User


DSN code 5.7.1 in Exchange Online - Office 365 indicates mailbox size restrictions. By understanding this code and following the troubleshooting steps and management techniques provided in this article, you can effectively manage mailbox sizes, resolve delivery failures, and ensure smooth communication within your organization. Remember to regularly monitor mailbox sizes and educate users about mailbox management best practices to avoid encountering this error in the future.

Remember to replace <RecipientEmail>, <NewSize>, <Size>, <TagLink>, and <Action> with appropriate values specific to your environment when using the code examples.

[Note: The above code examples and class diagram are for illustrative purposes only and may need to be modified to fit your specific requirements.]