
In Apache Spark, the INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY statement is used to write the output of a query or a table to a specific directory in a file system. This feature is particularly useful when you want to store the results of a query or table in a specific location for further analysis or to share with others.

In this article, we will explore the INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY statement in detail, understand its syntax and usage, and provide some code examples to demonstrate its functionality.


The syntax of the INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY statement is as follows:

[OPTIONS (key=value)]
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition
  • directory_path is the path of the directory where the output should be written. It can be a local file system or a distributed file system like HDFS.
  • OPTIONS is an optional clause that allows specifying additional options for writing the output.
  • SELECT is the query or table whose results need to be written to the directory.
  • WHERE is an optional clause that allows specifying conditions to filter the data before writing it to the directory.


To illustrate the usage of the INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY statement, let's consider a scenario where we have a table named sales in a Spark session, and we want to write its results to a directory in the HDFS file system.

Here's an example code snippet in Scala:

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

val spark = SparkSession.builder()
  .appName("Spark INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY Example")

val salesDF = spark.table("sales")

  .option("header", "true")

In the above example, we first create a Spark session and then load the sales table into a DataFrame named salesDF. We then use the write method to write the DataFrame to a directory in the HDFS file system.

Here, we specify the writing mode as overwrite to replace any existing data in the directory. We also specify the format as csv and set the option header to true to include the header row in the output file.

Finally, we provide the directory path (hdfs:///user/sales_output) where the output file should be written.


The INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY statement in Apache Spark is a powerful feature that allows you to write the output of a query or table to a specific directory. It's particularly useful when you want to store the results for further analysis or sharing.

In this article, we discussed the syntax and usage of the INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY statement, and provided a code example to demonstrate its functionality.

Remember to replace the directory path and other options according to your specific use case. Happy coding with Spark!