Spark Insert Overwrite


Apache Spark is an open-source distributed computing system that provides an interface for programming entire clusters with implicit data parallelism and fault tolerance. It offers high-level APIs in Java, Scala, Python, and R, and supports a wide range of data processing tasks.

One of the fundamental operations in Spark is to store data in various storage systems like Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Apache Hive, Apache HBase, etc. Spark provides different methods to write data to these storage systems, and one such method is "insert overwrite".

In this article, we will explore the concept of "insert overwrite" in Spark and understand how it can be used to overwrite existing data in a storage system.

Insert Overwrite

The "insert overwrite" operation in Spark allows us to replace or overwrite the existing data in a storage system with new data. It is commonly used when we want to update or refresh the data in a table or file. This operation is useful in scenarios where we want to replace the entire contents of a table or file rather than appending or modifying specific records.

To perform an "insert overwrite" operation, we need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a DataFrame or Dataset with the new data that we want to overwrite.
  2. Specify the target table or file where we want to overwrite the data.
  3. Execute the "insert overwrite" operation.

Let's understand these steps with an example.


Let's assume that we have a table called "employees" in Apache Hive, and we want to update the data in this table using Spark. We can achieve this using the "insert overwrite" operation.

First, we need to create a DataFrame with the new data that we want to overwrite. For example, let's say we have a DataFrame called "newEmployees" with the updated employee records.

val newEmployees ="new_employees_table")

Next, we need to specify the target table where we want to overwrite the data. In this case, our target table is "employees".

val targetTable = "employees"

Finally, we can execute the "insert overwrite" operation to update the data in the target table.


In this example, the existing data in the "employees" table will be replaced with the new data from the "newEmployees" DataFrame.


Here is a flowchart representation of the "insert overwrite" operation using mermaid syntax:

flowchart TD
    A[Create DataFrame with new data] --> B[Specify target table]
    B --> C[Execute insert overwrite operation]


In this article, we learned about the "insert overwrite" operation in Apache Spark. We saw how it can be used to update or refresh the data in a storage system by replacing the existing data with new data. We also went through an example that demonstrated the usage of "insert overwrite" to update a table in Apache Hive.

Spark provides various methods to write data to storage systems, and "insert overwrite" is one of them. Understanding this operation is essential for Spark developers and data engineers who need to update or replace data in storage systems efficiently.