Zabbix MySQL server has gone away


Monitoring the performance and health of a server is crucial for system administrators and IT teams to ensure the smooth running of their infrastructure. Zabbix is a popular open-source monitoring solution widely used in the industry. However, sometimes Zabbix may encounter issues connecting to the MySQL server, resulting in the error message "MySQL server has gone away". In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this error and provide solutions to resolve it.

Understanding the Error

The error message "MySQL server has gone away" indicates that the connection between Zabbix and the MySQL server has been lost. This can happen due to various reasons, such as network issues, server overload, or configuration problems. When this error occurs, Zabbix is unable to retrieve or store data in the MySQL database, leading to incomplete or inaccurate monitoring information.

Potential Causes

There are several potential causes for the "MySQL server has gone away" error in Zabbix:

  1. Network Issues: If there is a network interruption between the Zabbix server and the MySQL server, the connection can be lost, resulting in the error.
  2. Timeout Settings: If the MySQL server has a low wait_timeout or interactive_timeout value, it may close idle connections.
  3. Server Overload: If the MySQL server is under heavy load or facing resource constraints, it may terminate idle connections.
  4. Large Query Execution: If Zabbix executes a large and complex query that takes too long to complete, the MySQL server may close the connection.
  5. Firewall or Proxy: If there is a firewall or proxy server between Zabbix and the MySQL server, it may interrupt the connection.


To resolve the "MySQL server has gone away" error in Zabbix, you can follow these solutions:

1. Network Checks

Check the network connectivity between the Zabbix server and the MySQL server. Ensure there are no network interruptions or firewall rules blocking the connection. You can use tools like ping or telnet to verify the connectivity.

2. Increase Timeout Values

Increase the timeout values in the MySQL server configuration to allow for longer idle connections. Adjust the wait_timeout and interactive_timeout variables in the MySQL configuration file, usually located at /etc/my.cnf or /etc/mysql/my.cnf.

# Example MySQL configuration
wait_timeout = 600
interactive_timeout = 600

Restart the MySQL server after making the changes.

3. Optimize Queries

Review and optimize the Zabbix queries to reduce their execution time. Ensure that the queries are properly indexed and avoid unnecessary joins or complex operations. Use the MySQL EXPLAIN statement to analyze the query execution plan and identify potential bottlenecks.

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE condition;

4. Increase Server Resources

If the MySQL server is under heavy load or facing resource constraints, consider upgrading the server hardware or optimizing the server configuration. Increase the memory, CPU, or disk capacity to accommodate the workload.

5. Connection Pooling

Implement connection pooling in Zabbix to maintain a pool of established connections to the MySQL server. This can help reduce the overhead of establishing new connections for each query and improve performance. Use libraries like mysql-connector-java or HikariCP for connection pooling in Java-based applications.

// Example Java connection pooling with HikariCP
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig();

HikariDataSource dataSource = new HikariDataSource(config);
Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();
// Use the connection for executing queries

6. Monitor Zabbix and MySQL

Implement monitoring for Zabbix and MySQL to detect and troubleshoot any potential issues. Configure alerts for high CPU usage, network latency, or any abnormal behavior. Use Zabbix's built-in monitoring features or integrate with external monitoring tools.


The "MySQL server has gone away" error in Zabbix can be resolved by identifying and addressing the underlying causes. By ensuring network connectivity, adjusting timeout values, optimizing queries, increasing server resources, implementing connection pooling, and setting up proper monitoring, you can maintain a stable and reliable monitoring system. Regular maintenance and monitoring can help prevent such errors and ensure the smooth operation of your infrastructure.

![Pie Chart](

    title Zabbix MySQL server has gone away Causes
    "Network Issues" : 20
    "Timeout Settings" : 15
    "Server Overload" : 30
    "Large Query Execution" : 10
    "Firewall or Proxy" : 25
    class Zabbix {
    class MySQL {
    class Result {
    Zabbix --> MySQL : Uses