XAMPP MySQL Server Has Gone Away


Have you ever encountered the error message "XAMPP MySQL server has gone away" while working with XAMPP? This error usually occurs when the connection between your application and the MySQL server is lost. In this article, we will discuss the possible causes of this error and how to resolve it.

Understanding the Error

When you see the error message "XAMPP MySQL server has gone away," it means that the connection between your application and the MySQL server has been terminated unexpectedly. This can happen due to several reasons, such as:

  1. Timeout: If the MySQL server does not receive any requests from your application for a certain period of time, it may close the connection.

  2. Large Queries: If you are executing a large query that takes too long to process, the MySQL server may close the connection.

  3. Insufficient Resources: If the MySQL server does not have enough resources to handle the incoming requests, it may close the connection.

Resolving the Error

Here are some steps you can take to resolve the "XAMPP MySQL server has gone away" error:

1. Increasing Timeout Settings

You can increase the timeout settings in the MySQL configuration file to prevent the server from closing the connection due to inactivity. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the my.ini file located in the xampp\mysql\bin directory.

  2. Search for the [mysqld] section.

  3. Add or modify the following lines:

    wait_timeout = 28800
    interactive_timeout = 28800

    This will set the timeout value to 8 hours (28800 seconds).

  4. Save the file and restart the MySQL server.

2. Optimizing Queries

If you are executing large queries that are taking too long to process, you can optimize them to improve their performance. Here are a few tips:

  • Use appropriate indexes on the columns used in the WHERE clause.
  • Limit the number of rows returned by using the LIMIT clause.
  • Break down large queries into smaller, manageable chunks.

3. Checking Resource Usage

Make sure that your MySQL server has sufficient resources to handle the incoming requests. Check the following:

  • CPU Usage: If the CPU usage is consistently high, consider upgrading your hardware or optimizing your queries.
  • Memory Usage: Ensure that you have enough memory available for the MySQL server.
  • Disk Space: Make sure that you have enough disk space for storing the database files.

4. Handling Connection Errors

To handle connection errors gracefully in your application, you can implement a retry mechanism. Here is an example in PHP:


$retryLimit = 3;
$retryCount = 0;

while ($retryCount < $retryLimit) {
    // Attempt to establish a connection
    $connection = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'username', 'password', 'database');

    if ($connection) {
        // Connection established successfully
    } else {
        // Connection failed, wait for a few seconds and retry

if ($retryCount === $retryLimit) {
    // Connection failed after multiple attempts, handle the error
    die('Failed to connect to the MySQL server');

// Continue with your application logic


This code snippet attempts to establish a connection to the MySQL server with a retry mechanism. It tries to connect a maximum of three times and waits for three seconds between each attempt.


The "XAMPP MySQL server has gone away" error can be frustrating, but it can be resolved by following the steps mentioned above. By increasing the timeout settings, optimizing queries, checking resource usage, and handling connection errors gracefully, you can ensure a stable and reliable connection between your application and the MySQL server.

Remember to regularly monitor your server's performance and optimize your queries to prevent this error from occurring in the future.

