Docker: Error Response from Daemon

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Docker is an open-source platform that allows developers to automate the deployment of applications inside containers. It provides an easy and efficient way to package, distribute, and run applications consistently across different environments. However, like any other software, Docker may encounter errors that can hinder its functionality. One common error that users may come across is the "Error response from daemon: Get

Understanding the Error

The error message "Error response from daemon: Get is a clear indication that Docker is having trouble connecting to the Docker registry. The Docker registry is a central repository where Docker images are stored and distributed. It acts as a catalog of available images that can be downloaded and run on Docker.

When Docker encounters this error, it means that it cannot establish a connection with the registry to pull the required image for running a container. This error can occur due to various reasons, such as network connectivity issues, firewall restrictions, or problems with the Docker daemon configuration.

Troubleshooting the Error

To troubleshoot and resolve the "Error response from daemon: Get error, you can follow these steps:

1. Check Network Connectivity

The first step is to ensure that your system has a stable internet connection. Check if you can access other websites or services without any issues. If there are any network connectivity problems, resolve them before proceeding.

2. Check Docker Configuration

Verify that Docker is properly configured to connect to the Docker registry. Open the Docker daemon configuration file, usually located at /etc/docker/daemon.json, and ensure that it contains the correct registry endpoint. The configuration file should look something like this:

  "registry-mirrors": ["

Make sure that the registry endpoint is set to `" or any other valid registry mirror.

3. Restart Docker Daemon

Restart the Docker daemon to apply any changes made to the configuration file. Run the following command to restart the Docker daemon:

sudo systemctl restart docker

4. Test Docker Connectivity

Check if Docker can connect to the registry by pulling a sample image. Run the following command:

docker pull hello-world

If Docker can successfully pull the hello-world image, it means that the connectivity issue has been resolved. Otherwise, continue with the next step.

5. Check Firewall Settings

Ensure that your firewall allows outbound connections to the Docker registry. If you are using a firewall, open the required ports or add an exception for Docker to establish connections with the registry. The specific steps to configure the firewall depend on the firewall software and operating system you are using.

6. Verify DNS Resolution

Check if your system can resolve the DNS name to the correct IP address. Run the following command:


If the DNS resolution fails or returns incorrect results, you may need to troubleshoot your DNS configuration or contact your network administrator.


The "Error response from daemon: Get error can be frustrating, but by following the troubleshooting steps mentioned above, you can resolve it and get Docker back up and running. Remember to check network connectivity, Docker configuration, restart the Docker daemon, test Docker connectivity, verify firewall settings, and ensure proper DNS resolution.

By understanding and troubleshooting common Docker errors like this, developers can enhance their Docker experience and leverage its full potential for application deployment and management.

Sequence Diagram

The following sequence diagram illustrates the steps involved in troubleshooting the "Error response from daemon: Get error:

    participant User
    participant DockerClient
    participant DockerDaemon
    participant DockerRegistry

    User->>DockerClient: Pull image
    DockerClient->>DockerDaemon: Request image
    DockerDaemon->>DockerRegistry: Get image from registry
    DockerRegistry-->>DockerDaemon: Send image
    DockerDaemon-->>DockerClient: Return image


The following flowchart demonstrates the flow of troubleshooting steps for resolving the "Error response from daemon: Get error:

flowchart TD
    A[Start] --> B{Network Connectivity}
    B --> C{Docker Configuration}
    C --> D{Restart Docker Daemon}
    D --> E{Test Docker Connectivity}
    E --> F{Firewall Settings}
    F --> G{DNS Resolution}
    G --> H[End]
    B -- Yes --> I[Resolve Network Issues]
    C -- Yes --> J[Verify Docker Configuration]
    D -- Yes --> K[Restart Docker Daemon]
    E -- Yes --> L[Docker Connectivity OK]
    F -- Yes --> M[Configure Firewall]
    G -- Yes --> N[Verify DNS Resolution]
    I --> B
    J --> C
    K --> D
    L --> H
    M --> F
    N -->