Docker Registry: Understanding Error Response


Docker is an open-source platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of applications using containerization. Docker Registry is a service provided by Docker that allows users to store and distribute Docker images. However, sometimes users might encounter an error response from the Docker daemon, particularly when pulling images from the Docker Hub registry. In this article, we will explore the error message "Error response from daemon: Head ` and provide insights into its possible causes and solutions.

Understanding the Error Message

The error message "Error response from daemon: Head ` indicates that the Docker daemon encountered an issue while trying to retrieve information about the "no" image from the Docker Hub registry.

When you execute a docker pull command, Docker communicates with the Docker Hub registry to download the image. The Head operation is used to request metadata about the image before actually pulling it. In this case, the Docker daemon is unable to retrieve the metadata, resulting in the error response.

Possible Causes

  1. Image Does Not Exist: The most common reason for this error is that the specified image does not exist in the Docker Hub registry. In the error message, "no" represents the name of the image that the Docker daemon could not find. Ensure that you have provided the correct image name.

  2. Authentication Issue: Docker Hub imposes rate limits on anonymous image pulls. If you have reached the rate limit or if the image requires authentication, you may encounter this error. Consider logging in to Docker Hub using the docker login command before pulling the image.

  3. Network Connectivity: This error can also occur due to network connectivity issues. If the Docker daemon cannot establish a connection with the Docker Hub registry, it will result in an error. Check your internet connection and ensure that there are no firewall or proxy restrictions preventing the Docker daemon from accessing the registry.


  1. Verify Image Name: Double-check the image name that you are trying to pull. Ensure that it exists in the Docker Hub registry and that you have spelled it correctly. For example, if you were trying to pull the "nginx" image, the correct command would be docker pull nginx.

  2. Authenticate with Docker Hub: If you are encountering rate limits or authentication issues, consider logging in to Docker Hub using the docker login command. This will authenticate your Docker client and provide access to the private images you have permission to pull.

    $ docker login
  3. Check Network Connectivity: Verify that your internet connection is working properly and that there are no firewall or proxy restrictions preventing the Docker daemon from accessing the Docker Hub registry. You can test the connectivity using the ping command.

    $ ping
    If you are behind a proxy, you might need to configure Docker to use the proxy. Follow the Docker documentation to set the proxy configuration correctly.

State Diagram

The following state diagram illustrates the flow of events leading to the "Error response from daemon: Head ` error:

    [*] --> PullImage
    PullImage --> VerifyImageName
    VerifyImageName --> Authenticate
    Authenticate --> PullImageSuccess
    Authenticate --> Error
    PullImageSuccess --> DownloadLayers
    DownloadLayers --> ImageReady
    DownloadLayers --> Error
    ImageReady --> Complete
    Error --> Complete

Journey Diagram

The journey diagram below describes the steps taken by the Docker daemon while pulling an image, including the potential error response:

    title Docker Image Pull
    section Request
    DockerDaemon->DockerHub: PullImage
    DockerHub-->DockerDaemon: VerifyImageName
    DockerDaemon-->DockerHub: Authenticate
    section Response
    DockerHub-->DockerDaemon: PullImageSuccess
    DockerHub-->DockerDaemon: DownloadLayers
    DockerDaemon-->DockerHub: ImageReady
    DockerHub-->DockerDaemon: Error
    DockerDaemon-->DockerHub: Error
    section Completion
    DockerDaemon->User: Complete


The "Error response from daemon: Head ` error message indicates an issue encountered by the Docker daemon while trying to retrieve metadata about an image from the Docker Hub registry. This error can occur due to image name mismatches, authentication issues, or network connectivity problems. By verifying the image name, authenticating with Docker Hub, and ensuring proper network connectivity, you can resolve this error and successfully pull Docker images.

Remember to double-check the image name, authenticate with Docker Hub if necessary, and ensure a stable internet connection. With these steps in mind, you will be able to troubleshoot and resolve the error response from the Docker daemon effectively.