HBase Major Compaction

HBase is a distributed, scalable, and highly available NoSQL database built on top of Apache Hadoop. It is designed to handle large amounts of data and provide real-time access to it. One of the key features of HBase is its ability to perform compactions, which helps in maintaining data integrity and improving performance.

What is Major Compaction?

Major compaction is a process in HBase that merges smaller data files into larger ones. It is performed to reclaim disk space, improve read and write performance, and reduce the number of files that need to be scanned during queries. Major compaction is an expensive operation as it requires substantial I/O and CPU resources, but it is crucial for maintaining the efficiency of an HBase cluster.

During the normal operation of HBase, data is stored in a series of HFiles. These HFiles are organized into regions, which are the units of distribution and load balancing in HBase. Over time, as data is inserted, updated, and deleted, these HFiles can become fragmented, leading to increased storage overhead and decreased query performance. Major compaction addresses this issue by merging these smaller HFiles into larger ones, reducing the number of files and improving data locality.

How Major Compaction Works?

When a major compaction is triggered, HBase identifies the regions that have sufficient data fragmentation to benefit from compaction. The compaction process is then performed in a distributed manner across the HBase cluster.

The major compaction process involves the following steps:

  1. Selection: HBase identifies the regions that need compaction based on their fragmentation level. These regions are then marked for compaction.

    // Java code example for selecting regions for major compaction
    Admin admin = connection.getAdmin();
    TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf("my_table");
    admin.majorCompactRegion(tableName, Bytes.toBytes("region_name"));
  2. Merge: The regions selected for compaction are merged into a bigger region. The data from smaller HFiles is combined, and the resulting data is written to a new HFile.

    // Java code example for merging regions during major compaction
    HBaseAdmin admin = new HBaseAdmin(configuration);
    admin.mergeRegions(encodedRegionName1, encodedRegionName2, false);
  3. Cleanup: After the compaction process is complete, the smaller HFiles are deleted, and the new HFile is added to the HBase filesystem.

    // Java code example for cleaning up after major compaction
    HBaseAdmin admin = new HBaseAdmin(configuration);

Benefits of Major Compaction

Major compaction provides several benefits to an HBase cluster:

  1. Improved Performance: Major compaction reduces the number of files that need to be scanned during queries, leading to improved read performance. It also optimizes write performance by reducing the number of small files that are being written.

  2. Reduced Storage Overhead: By merging smaller HFiles into larger ones, major compaction helps in reclaiming disk space and reducing storage overhead.

  3. Data Locality: Major compaction improves data locality by co-locating related data in the same HFile. This reduces the need for cross-region scanning during queries and improves query performance.


Major compaction is an essential process in HBase to maintain data integrity, improve performance, and reclaim disk space. Although it is an expensive operation, it provides several benefits like improved read/write performance, reduced storage overhead, and improved data locality.

By performing major compaction on a regular basis, HBase users can ensure the efficient operation of their clusters and maintain the performance and scalability of their applications.

    title Major Compaction Journey
    section Selection
    section Merge
    section Cleanup
    Customer ||--o{ Order : places
    Customer {
        int id
        string name
    Order {
        int id
        string product

Remember, major compaction is just one of the maintenance tasks performed in HBase. It is important to understand the impact of major compaction on your specific use case and tune your HBase cluster accordingly. Regular monitoring and fine-tuning of major compaction parameters can help optimize the performance of your HBase cluster.

HBase provides various configuration options to control major compaction, such as the compaction algorithm, thresholds, and scheduling. It is recommended to consult the HBase documentation and experiment with different settings to achieve the best performance for your workload.

In conclusion, major compaction plays a vital role in maintaining the efficiency of an HBase cluster. It helps in reclaiming disk space, improving read and write performance, and reducing storage overhead. Understanding how major compaction works and configuring it appropriately can greatly enhance the performance and scalability of your HBase applications.