Failed to bind properties under 'spring.datasource.mysql' to javax.sql.DataS


When developing Java applications with Spring framework, we often need to configure a database connection. Spring provides a convenient way to configure the data source using the spring.datasource properties. However, sometimes we may encounter an error message like "Failed to bind properties under 'spring.datasource.mysql' to javax.sql.DataS". In this article, we will explore the possible causes of this error and provide solutions to resolve it.

Understanding the Error

The error message "Failed to bind properties under 'spring.datasource.mysql' to javax.sql.DataS" indicates that Spring failed to bind the properties related to the MySQL data source to the javax.sql.DataSource object. This usually happens when there is a mismatch between the properties defined in the configuration file and the actual configuration.

Possible Causes and Solutions

Cause 1: Incorrect Property Configuration

One possible cause of this error is that the property name or value is incorrect in the configuration file. For example, if we have a property spring.datasource.mysql.url, but mistakenly configure it as spring.datasource.mysqlUrl, Spring will not be able to find the correct property and bind it to the data source.

Solution 1: Correct Property Configuration

To resolve this issue, we need to ensure that the property names and values in the configuration file match the expected ones. Let's take a look at an example configuration file for a MySQL data source:


In this example, we have correctly defined the spring.datasource.url, spring.datasource.username, and spring.datasource.password properties. Make sure your configuration file has the correct property names and values according to your MySQL setup.

Cause 2: Missing Database Driver Dependency

Another possible cause of this error is that the required database driver dependency is missing in the project. The data source configuration requires a specific database driver to connect to the MySQL database. If the driver dependency is not included in the project, Spring will not be able to find the driver class and bind the properties to the data source.

Solution 2: Add Database Driver Dependency

To resolve this issue, we need to add the MySQL database driver dependency to the project. If you are using Maven, you can add the following dependency to your pom.xml file:


Make sure to replace the version number with the latest version of the MySQL connector.

Cause 3: Incorrect Configuration File Location

The third possible cause of this error is that Spring is unable to find the configuration file. By default, Spring looks for the or application.yml file in the classpath. If the configuration file is not located in the expected location or has a different name, Spring will not be able to bind the properties to the data source.

Solution 3: Correct Configuration File Location

To resolve this issue, we need to make sure that the configuration file is located in the correct location. For a Spring Boot application, the configuration file should be placed in the src/main/resources directory. Also, make sure that the file is named or application.yml for Spring to automatically find and load it.


The error "Failed to bind properties under 'spring.datasource.mysql' to javax.sql.DataS" occurs when there is a problem binding the MySQL data source properties in Spring. By understanding the possible causes and applying the corresponding solutions, we can successfully configure the data source and resolve this error. Ensure the property names and values are correctly defined, add the necessary database driver dependency, and place the configuration file in the correct location to enable Spring to bind the properties to the data source successfully.