Failed to bind properties under 'spring.datasource.druid' to javax.sql.DataS

1. Introduction

When working with Spring Boot applications, it is common to encounter configuration issues. One such issue is the "Failed to bind properties under 'spring.datasource.druid' to javax.sql.DataS" error. This error typically occurs when there is a problem with the configuration of the Druid database connection pool.

In this article, we will explore the possible causes of this error and provide a step-by-step guide to resolving it. We will also include code examples to illustrate the solutions.

2. Possible Causes

The "Failed to bind properties under 'spring.datasource.druid' to javax.sql.DataS" error can occur due to various reasons. Some of the common causes include:

  1. Incorrect configuration properties: The properties for configuring the Druid database connection pool might be misspelled or incorrectly formatted.
  2. Missing dependency: The required dependency for using the Druid database connection pool might be missing from the project's build file.
  3. Incorrect version compatibility: The versions of Spring Boot and the Druid database connection pool might not be compatible with each other.

3. Resolving the Issue

To resolve the "Failed to bind properties under 'spring.datasource.druid' to javax.sql.DataS" error, you can follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1: Check Configuration Properties

First, ensure that the configuration properties for the Druid database connection pool are correctly specified. These properties are usually defined in the or application.yml file.

Here is an example of the correct configuration properties for the Druid database connection pool:


Make sure to replace mydatabase, root, and password with the appropriate values for your database.

Step 2: Add Dependency

If the required dependency for the Druid database connection pool is missing, you need to add it to your project's build file. In most cases, this can be done by adding the following dependency to your pom.xml file:


Make sure to replace 1.1.22 with the appropriate version of the Druid database connection pool.

Step 3: Check Version Compatibility

Ensure that the versions of Spring Boot and the Druid database connection pool are compatible with each other. You can check the compatibility by referring to the official documentation of both Spring Boot and Druid.

If there is a version compatibility issue, you might need to upgrade or downgrade one of the dependencies to ensure compatibility.


The "Failed to bind properties under 'spring.datasource.druid' to javax.sql.DataS" error can be resolved by carefully checking the configuration properties, adding the required dependency, and ensuring version compatibility.

In this article, we discussed the possible causes of this error and provided a step-by-step guide to resolving it. We also included code examples to illustrate the solutions.

Remember to double-check your configuration and dependencies to avoid this error in the future.